
Media Selection

On this page of the Internet Explorer 7 Customization Wizard, you must specify which type of media you will use to distribute your custom package. You can select more than one media type, if needed.



CD-ROM (with autorun program)

Select this option if you want to distribute your custom package using a CD-ROM. This option groups your custom package into a set of folders and provides support for autorun, which will appear when your users insert the CD-ROM into their computers. The package for this media type will be created in a folder named <systemdrive>:\builds\<buildnumber>\CD.


Select this option if you want to build your package on a local area network, or if you plan to move your package to one. The package for this media type will be created in a folder named <systemdrive>:\builds\<buildnumber>\FLAT.

Configuration-only package

Select this option to customize an existing installation of Internet Explorer 7. This option creates a file, Setup.exe, in a folder named <systemdrive>:\builds\<buildnumber>\BrndOnly. You can distribute this file on any media format or server. When this file is run, it customizes Internet Explorer features, including Internet sign-up for Internet service providers (ISPs), without installing Internet Explorer. You cannot include custom components or Connection Manager profiles in a configuration-only package, because the size of the package would be greater than the capacity of a floppy disk.


The Internet sign-up option is not available for the Windows Vista operating system.

If you are using a configuration-only package and some of your users have Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 or earlier, do not use the Internet Connection Wizard server-based sign-up mode on the Sign-up Method page. Instead, create a separate package using server-based sign-up in kiosk mode for these users. For more information, see Internet Sign-up Using Kiosk Mode.

Additional references