
To specify telephony servers on a client computer

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Type tcmsetup /c server1 server2 ... 


  • To open command prompt, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt

  • You must run the tcmsetup command to specify servers for TAPI clients, as described in this procedure, in order for TAPI to function correctly. For more information about tcmsetup, see Related Topics.

  • The client must be in the same domain as the server or in a fully trusted domain when you run tcmsetup.

  • You must be logged on to the client as an administrator in order to run the tcmsetup command. If you are logged on to a computer in the Users or Power Users group, you can use the runas command to run tcmsetup as an administrator, for example:

    runas /user:mydomain\myname "tcmsetup /c servername"

    For additional information about the runas command, see Related Topics.

  • In the tcmsetup command line, server1 server2 ... represent the names of one or more TAPI servers. The command replaces any previous list, so make sure to list every telephony server you want to make available to the client.

  • You may have to restart the telephony service for this change to take effect. For information about stopping services, see Related Topics.

  • Before client users can dial out using the phone lines on the TAPI server, the TAPI server administrator must assign the users to the phone lines.