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Puts the scripting engine into the given state. This method can be called from non-base threads without resulting in a non-base callout to host objects or to the IActiveScriptSite interface.

Microsoft® Windows® Script Interfaces
 Language Reference

  HRESULT SetScriptState(
    SCRIPTSTATE ss  // identifier of new state


  • Returns one of the following values:
    Return Value Meaning S_OK Success. E_FAIL The scripting engine does not support the transition back to the initialized state. The host must discard this scripting engine and create, initialize, and load a new scripting engine to achieve the same effect. E_UNEXPECTED The call was not expected (for example, the scripting engine has not yet been loaded or initialized) and therefore failed. OLESCRIPT_S_PENDING The method was queued successfully, but the state has not changed yet. When the state changes, the site will be called back through the IActiveScriptSite::OnStateChange method. S_FALSE The method succeeded, but the script was already in the given state.
  • ss
    [in] Sets the scripting engine to the given state. Can be one of the values defined in the SCRIPTSTATE enumeration.

For more information about scripting engine states, see Script Engine States.

See also IActiveScript::Clone, IActiveScript::GetScriptDispatch, IActiveScript::InterruptScriptThread, IActiveScriptParse::ParseScriptText, IActiveScriptSite::GetItemInfo