This article shows how to apply tags to Unity Catalog securable objects.
Tags are attributes that include keys and optional values that you can use to organize and categorize securable objects in Unity Catalog. Using tags also simplifies the search and discovery of tables and views using the workspace search functionality.
Tag data may be replicated globally. Do not use tag names or values that could compromise the security of your resources. For example, do not use tag names that contain personal or sensitive information.
Supported securable objects
Securable object tagging is currently supported on catalogs, schemas, tables, table columns, volumes, views, registered models, and model versions. For more information about securable objects, see Securable objects in Unity Catalog.
To add tags to Unity Catalog securable objects, you must own the object or have all of the following privileges:
APPLY TAG on the object
USE SCHEMA on the object’s parent schema
USE CATALOG on the object’s parent catalog
The following is a list of tag constraints:
You can assign a maximum of 50 tags to a single securable object.
The maximum length of a tag key is 255 characters.
The maximum length of a tag value is 1000 characters.
The following characters are not allowed in tag keys:
. , - = / :
Tag search using the workspace search UI is supported only for tables, views, and table columns.
Tag search requires exact term matching.
Add and update tags using Catalog Explorer
To add and update securable object tags using Catalog Explorer:
Click Catalog in the sidebar.
Select a securable object.
On the object Overview page, add or update a tag:
If there are no tags, click the Add tags button.
If there are tags, click the Add/Edit tags icon.
You can use the Add/Edit tags dialog to add and delete multiple tags.
Tag keys are required. Tag values are optional.
To add or delete table column tags, click the Add tag icon.
Add and update tags using SQL commands
This feature is available in Databricks Runtime versions 13.3 and above.
You can use the ALTER <object> SQL command to tag catalogs, schemas, tables (including views, materialized views, streaming tables), volumes, and table columns. For example, you can use the SET TAGS and UNSET TAGS clauses with ALTER TABLE to manage tags on a table. See DDL statements for a list of available Data Definition Language (DDL) commands and their syntax.
For registered models, you must use Catalog Explorer or the MLflow ClientAPI. See Use tags on models.
Use tags to search for tables
You can use the Azure Databricks workspace search bar to search for tables, views, and table columns using tag keys and tag values. You can use both table tags and table column tags. You cannot use tags to search for other tagged objects, like catalogs, schemas, or volumes.
Only tables and views that you have permission to see appear in search results. This means that you must have at least the BROWSE privilege on the object (or on the object’s parent catalog and schema) to return the object in search results.
Retrieve tag information from information schema tables
Each catalog created in Unity Catalog includes an INFORMATION_SCHEMA. This schema includes tables that describe the objects known to the schema’s catalog. You must have the appropriate privileges to view the schema information.
You can query the following to retrieve tag information:
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