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Use the REST API to create and manage IoT Central applications

You can use the control plane REST API to create and manage IoT Central applications. You can also use the REST API to:

  • Add a managed identity to your application.
  • Manage dashboards in your application

To use this API, you need a bearer token for the management.azure.com resource. To get a bearer token, you can use the Azure CLI:

Azure CLI
az account get-access-token --resource https://management.azure.com

To learn how to manage IoT Central application by using the IoT Central UI, see Create an IoT Central application.

List your applications

To get a list of the IoT Central applications in a subscription:

GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.IoTCentral/iotApps?api-version=2021-06-01

To get a list of the IoT Central applications in a resource group:

GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.IoTCentral/iotApps?api-version=2021-06-01

You can retrieve the details of an individual application:

GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.IoTCentral/iotApps/{applicationName}?api-version=2021-06-01

Create an IoT Central application

To create an IoT Central application with a system assigned managed identity:

PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<your subscription id>/resourceGroups/<your resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.IoTCentral/iotApps/<your application name>?api-version=2021-06-01

The following payload shows the configuration for the new application, including the managed identity:

  "location": "eastus",
  "sku": {
    "name": "ST2"
  "properties": {
    "displayName": "Contoso IoT Central App",
    "subdomain": "my-iot-central-app",
    "template": "iotc-pnp-preview@1.0.0"
  "identity": {
    "type": "SystemAssigned"

Modify an IoT Central application

You can modify an existing IoT Central application. The following example shows how to change the display name and enable the system assigned managed identity:

PATCH https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<your subscription id>/resourceGroups/<your resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.IoTCentral/iotApps/<your application name>?api-version=2021-06-01

Use the following payload to change the display name and enable the system assigned managed identity:

  "properties": {
    "displayName": "Contoso IoT Central App"
  "identity": {
    "type": "SystemAssigned"


You can only add a managed identity to an IoT Central application that was created in a region. All new applications are created in a region.

Delete an IoT Central application

To delete an IoT Central application, use:

DELETE https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<your subscription id>/resourceGroups/<your resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.IoTCentral/iotApps/<your application name>?api-version=2021-06-01


You can create dashboards that are associated with a specific organization. An organization dashboard is only visible to users who have access to the organization the dashboard is associated with. Only users in a role that has organization dashboard permissions can create, edit, and delete organization dashboards.

All users can create personal dashboards, visible only to themselves. Users can switch between organization and personal dashboards.


Creating personal dashboards using API is currently not supported.

To learn how to manage dashboards by using the IoT Central UI, see How to manage dashboards.

Dashboards REST API

The IoT Central REST API lets you:

  • Add a dashboard to your application
  • Update a dashboard in your application
  • Get a list of the dashboard in the application
  • Get a dashboard by ID
  • Delete a dashboard in your application

Add a dashboard

Use the following request to create a dashboard.

PUT https://{your app subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/dashboards/{dashboardId}?api-version=2022-10-31-preview

dashboardId - A unique DTMI identifier for the dashboard.

The request body has some required fields:

  • @displayName: Display name of the dashboard.
  • @favorite: Is the dashboard in the favorites list?
  • group: Device group ID.
  • Tile : Configuration specifying a tile object, including the layout, display name, and configuration.

Tile has some required fields:

Name Description
displayName Display name of the tile
height Height of the tile
width Width of the tile
x Horizontal position of the tile
y Vertical position of the tile

The dimensions and location of a tile both use integer units. The smallest possible tile has a height and width of one.

You can configure a tile object to display multiple types of data. This article includes examples of tiles that show line charts, markdown, and last known value. To learn more about the different tile types you can add to a dashboard, see Tile types.

Line chart tile

Plot one or more aggregate telemetry values for one or more devices over a time period. For example, you can display a line chart to plot the average temperature and pressure of one or more devices during the past hour.

The line chart tile has the following configuration:

Name Description
capabilities Specifies the aggregate value of the telemetry to display.
devices The list of devices to display.
format The format configuration of the chart such as the axes to use.
group The ID of the device group to display.
queryRange The time range and resolution to display.
type lineChart

Markdown tile

Clickable tiles that display a heading and description text formatted in Markdown. The URL can be a relative link to another page in the application or an absolute link to an external site. The markdown tile has the following configuration:

Name Description
description The markdown string to render inside the tile.
href The link to visit when the tile is selected.
image A base64 encoded image to display.
type markdown

Last known value tile

Display the latest telemetry values for one or more devices. For example, you can use this tile to display the most recent temperature, pressure, and humidity values for one or more devices.

The last known value (LKV) tile has the following configuration:

Name Description
capabilities Specifies the telemetry to display.
devices The list of devices to display.
format The format configuration of the LKV tile such as text size of word wrapping.
group The ID of the device group to display.
showTrend Show the difference between the last known value and the previous value.
type lkv

The following example shows a request body that adds a new dashboard with line chart, markdown, and last known value tiles. The LKV and line chart tiles are 2x2 tiles. The markdown tile is a 1x1 tile. The tiles are arranged on the top row of the dashboard:

    "displayName": "My Dashboard ",
    "tiles": [
            "displayName": "LKV Temperature",
            "configuration": {
                "type": "lkv",
                "capabilities": [
                        "capability": "temperature",
                        "aggregateFunction": "avg"
                "group": "0fb6cf08-f03c-4987-93f6-72103e9f6100",
                "devices": [
                "format": {
                    "abbreviateValue": false,
                    "wordWrap": false,
                    "textSize": 14
            "x": 0,
            "y": 0,
            "width": 2,
            "height": 2
            "displayName": "Documentation",
            "configuration": {
                "type": "markdown",
                "description": "Comprehensive help articles and links to more support.",
                "href": "https://aka.ms/iotcentral-pnp-docs",
                "image": "4d6c6373-0220-4191-be2e-d58ca2a289e1"
            "x": 2,
            "y": 0,
            "width": 1,
            "height": 1
            "displayName": "Average temperature",
            "configuration": {
                "type": "lineChart",
                "capabilities": [
                        "capability": "temperature",
                        "aggregateFunction": "avg"
                "devices": [
                "group": "0fb6cf08-f03c-4987-93f6-72103e9f6100",
                "format": {
                    "xAxisEnabled": true,
                    "yAxisEnabled": true,
                    "legendEnabled": true
                "queryRange": {
                    "type": "time",
                    "duration": "PT30M",
                    "resolution": "PT1M"
            "x": 3,
            "y": 0,
            "width": 2,
            "height": 2
    "favorite": false

The response to this request looks like the following example:

    "id": "dtmi:kkfvwa2xi:p7pyt5x38",
    "displayName": "My Dashboard",
    "personal": false,
    "tiles": [
            "displayName": "lineChart",
            "configuration": {
                "type": "lineChart",
                "capabilities": [
                        "capability": "temperature",
                        "aggregateFunction": "avg"
                "devices": [
                "group": "da48c8fe-bac7-42bc-81c0-d8158551f066",
                "format": {
                    "xAxisEnabled": true,
                    "yAxisEnabled": true,
                    "legendEnabled": true
                "queryRange": {
                    "type": "time",
                    "duration": "PT30M",
                    "resolution": "PT1M"
            "x": 5,
            "y": 0,
            "width": 2,
            "height": 2
    "favorite": false

Add a file upload storage account configuration

Use the following request to create a file upload blob storage account configuration in your IoT Central application:

PUT https://{your-app-subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/fileUploads?api-version=2022-07-31

The request body has the following fields:

  • account: The storage account name where to upload the file to.
  • connectionString: The connection string to connect to the storage account.
  • container: The name of the container inside the storage account. The following example uses the name fileuploads.
  • etag: ETag to prevent conflict with multiple uploads
  • sasTtl: ISO 8601 duration standard, The amount of time the device’s request to upload a file is valid before it expires.
  "account": "yourAccountName",
  "connectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yourAccountName;AccountKey=*****;BlobEndpoint=https://yourAccountName.blob.core.windows.net/",
  "container": "fileuploads",
  "sasTtl": "PT1H"

The response to this request looks like the following example:

  "account": "yourAccountName",
  "connectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yourAccountName;AccountKey=*****;BlobEndpoint=https://yourAccountName.blob.core.windows.net/",
  "container": "fileuploads",
  "sasTtl": "PT1H",
  "state": "pending",
  "etag": "\"7502ac89-0000-0300-0000-627eaf100000\""


Get the file upload storage account configuration

Use the following request to retrieve details of a file upload blob storage account configuration in your IoT Central application:

GET https://{your-app-subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/fileUploads?api-version=2022-07-31

The response to this request looks like the following example:

  "account": "yourAccountName",
  "connectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yourAccountName;AccountKey=*****;BlobEndpoint=https://yourAccountName.blob.core.windows.net/",
  "container": "yourContainerName",
  "state": "succeeded",
  "etag": "\"7502ac89-0000-0300-0000-627eaf100000\""


Update the file upload storage account configuration

Use the following request to update a file upload blob storage account connection string in your IoT Central application:

PATCH https://{your-app-subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/fileUploads?api-version=2022-07-31
  "connectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yourAccountName;AccountKey=*****;BlobEndpoint=https://yourAccountName.blob.core.windows.net/"

The response to this request looks like the following example:


  "account": "yourAccountName",
  "connectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yourAccountName;AccountKey=*****;BlobEndpoint=https://yourAccountName.blob.core.windows.net/",
  "container": "yourContainerName",
  "sasTtl": "PT1H",
  "state": "succeeded",
  "etag": "\"7502ac89-0000-0300-0000-627eaf100000\""

Remove the file upload storage account configuration

Use the following request to delete a storage account configuration:

DELETE https://{your-app-subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/fileUploads?api-version=2022-07-31

Get a dashboard

Use the following request to retrieve the details of a dashboard by using a dashboard ID.

GET https://{your app subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/dashboards/{dashboardId}?api-version=2022-10-31-preview

The response to this request looks like the following example:

    "id": "dtmi:kkfvwa2xi:p7pyt5x38",
    "displayName": "My Dashboard",
    "personal": false,
    "tiles": [
            "displayName": "lineChart",
            "configuration": {
                "type": "lineChart",
                "capabilities": [
                        "capability": "AvailableMemory",
                        "aggregateFunction": "avg"
                "devices": [
                "group": "da48c8fe-bac7-42bc-81c0-d8158551f066",
                "format": {
                    "xAxisEnabled": true,
                    "yAxisEnabled": true,
                    "legendEnabled": true
                "queryRange": {
                    "type": "time",
                    "duration": "PT30M",
                    "resolution": "PT1M"
            "x": 5,
            "y": 0,
            "width": 2,
            "height": 2
    "favorite": false

Update a dashboard

PATCH https://{your app subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/dashboards/{dashboardId}?api-version=2022-10-31-preview

The following example shows a request body that updates the display name of a dashboard and adds the dashboard to the list of favorites:


    "displayName": "New Dashboard Name",
    "favorite": true

The response to this request looks like the following example:

    "id": "dtmi:kkfvwa2xi:p7pyt5x38",
    "displayName": "New Dashboard Name",
    "personal": false,
    "tiles": [
            "displayName": "lineChart",
            "configuration": {
                "type": "lineChart",
                "capabilities": [
                        "capability": "AvailableMemory",
                        "aggregateFunction": "avg"
                "devices": [
                "group": "da48c8fe-bac7-42bc-81c0-d8158551f066",
                "format": {
                    "xAxisEnabled": true,
                    "yAxisEnabled": true,
                    "legendEnabled": true
                "queryRange": {
                    "type": "time",
                    "duration": "PT30M",
                    "resolution": "PT1M"
            "x": 5,
            "y": 0,
            "width": 5,
            "height": 5
    "favorite": true

Delete a dashboard

Use the following request to delete a dashboard by using the dashboard ID:

DELETE https://{your app subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/dashboards/{dashboardId}?api-version=2022-10-31-preview

List dashboards

Use the following request to retrieve a list of dashboards from your application:

GET https://{your app subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/dashboards?api-version=2022-10-31-preview

The response to this request looks like the following example:

    "value": [
            "id": "dtmi:kkfvwa2xi:p7pyt5x3o",
            "displayName": "Dashboard",
            "personal": false,
            "tiles": [
                    "displayName": "Device templates",
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "markdown",
                        "description": "Get started by adding your first device.",
                        "href": "/device-templates/new/devicetemplates",
                        "image": "f5ba1b00-1d24-4781-869b-6f954df48736"
                    "x": 1,
                    "y": 0,
                    "width": 1,
                    "height": 1
                    "displayName": "Quick start demo",
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "markdown",
                        "description": "Learn how to use Azure IoT Central in minutes.",
                        "href": "https://aka.ms/iotcentral-pnp-video",
                        "image": "9eb01d71-491a-44e5-8fac-7af3bc9f9acd"
                    "x": 2,
                    "y": 0,
                    "width": 1,
                    "height": 1
                    "displayName": "Tutorials",
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "markdown",
                        "description": "Step-by-step articles teach you how to create apps and devices.",
                        "href": "https://aka.ms/iotcentral-pnp-tutorials",
                        "image": "7d9fc12c-d46e-41c6-885f-0a67c619366e"
                    "x": 3,
                    "y": 0,
                    "width": 1,
                    "height": 1
                    "displayName": "Documentation",
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "markdown",
                        "description": "Comprehensive help articles and links to more support.",
                        "href": "https://aka.ms/iotcentral-pnp-docs",
                        "image": "4d6c6373-0220-4191-be2e-d58ca2a289e1"
                    "x": 4,
                    "y": 0,
                    "width": 1,
                    "height": 1
                    "displayName": "IoT Central Image",
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "image",
                        "format": {
                            "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
                            "fitImage": true,
                            "showTitle": false,
                            "textColor": "#FFFFFF",
                            "textSize": 0,
                            "textSizeUnit": "px"
                        "image": ""
                    "x": 0,
                    "y": 0,
                    "width": 1,
                    "height": 1
                    "displayName": "Contoso Image",
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "image",
                        "format": {
                            "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
                            "fitImage": true,
                            "showTitle": false,
                            "textColor": "#FFFFFF",
                            "textSize": 0,
                            "textSizeUnit": "px"
                        "image": "c9ac5af4-f38e-4cd3-886a-e0cb107f391c"
                    "x": 0,
                    "y": 1,
                    "width": 5,
                    "height": 3
                    "displayName": "Available Memory",
                    "configuration": {
                        "type": "lineChart",
                        "capabilities": [
                                "capability": "AvailableMemory",
                                "aggregateFunction": "avg"
                        "devices": [
                        "group": "da48c8fe-bac7-42bc-81c0-d8158551f066",
                        "format": {
                            "xAxisEnabled": true,
                            "yAxisEnabled": true,
                            "legendEnabled": true
                        "queryRange": {
                            "type": "time",
                            "duration": "PT30M",
                            "resolution": "PT1M"
                    "x": 5,
                    "y": 0,
                    "width": 2,
                    "height": 2
            "favorite": false