WordPress/WooCommerce: SEOPress Plugin
These steps apply to WordPress sites and to WooCommerce sites on WordPress.
SEOPress is a WordPress SEO plugin to optimize your SEO, boost your traffic, improve social sharing, build custom HTML and XML Sitemaps, create optimized breadcrumbs, add schemas/Google Structured data types, and much more.
Sing in to your WordPress dashboard. On the navigation bar, select Plugins, and then select Add New.
Search for "SEOPress" and select Activate.
You would need a Clarity Project ID to activate Clarity on SEOPress. If you don't have a project on Clarity, check here to start creating one.
Locate your Clarity Project ID and copy it by following the below instructions:
- From the Clarity dashboard, go to Settings.
- Select Overview from the left panel.
- Copy the Project ID (for example, 55u86t0118).
In the SEOPress settings page, go to Analytics and select Clarity. Enter the Clarity project ID in the box shown below.
Select Save changes.
Your WordPress site is now configured to track user behavior on your site.
For more answers, refer to Setup FAQ.