Бөлісу құралы:

GC.ReRegisterForFinalize(Object) Метод


Требует, чтобы система вызвала метод завершения для указанного объекта, для которого ранее был вызван метод SuppressFinalize(Object).

 static void ReRegisterForFinalize(System::Object ^ obj);
public static void ReRegisterForFinalize (object obj);
static member ReRegisterForFinalize : obj -> unit
Public Shared Sub ReRegisterForFinalize (obj As Object)



Объект, для которого должен быть вызван метод завершения.


obj имеет значение null.


В следующем примере показано, как использовать ReRegisterForFinalize метод для завершения объекта во второй раз после сборки мусора.

using namespace System;
ref class MyFinalizeObject
   static MyFinalizeObject^ currentInstance = nullptr;

   bool hasFinalized;

      hasFinalized = false;

      if ( hasFinalized == false )
         Console::WriteLine( "First finalization" );
         // Put this object back into a root by creating
         // a reference to it.
         MyFinalizeObject::currentInstance = this;
         // Indicate that this instance has finalized once.
         hasFinalized = true;
         // Place a reference to this object back in the
         // finalization queue.
         GC::ReRegisterForFinalize( this );
         Console::WriteLine( "Second finalization" );


int main()
   // Create a MyFinalizeObject.
   MyFinalizeObject^ mfo = gcnew MyFinalizeObject;
   // Release the reference to mfo.
   mfo = nullptr;
   // Force a garbage collection.
   // At this point mfo will have gone through the first Finalize.
   // There should now be a reference to mfo in the static
   // MyFinalizeObject::currentInstance field.  Setting this value
   // to 0 and forcing another garbage collection will now
   // cause the object to Finalize permanently.
   MyFinalizeObject::currentInstance = nullptr;
using System;

namespace ReRegisterForFinalizeExample
    class MyMainClass
        static void Main()
            // Create a MyFinalizeObject.
            MyFinalizeObject mfo = new MyFinalizeObject();

            // Release the reference to mfo.
            mfo = null;

            // Force a garbage collection.

            // At this point mfo will have gone through the first Finalize.
            // There should now be a reference to mfo in the static
            // MyFinalizeObject.currentInstance field.  Setting this value
            // to null and forcing another garbage collection will now
            // cause the object to Finalize permanently.
            MyFinalizeObject.currentInstance = null;

    class MyFinalizeObject
        public static MyFinalizeObject currentInstance = null;
        private bool hasFinalized = false;

            if(hasFinalized == false)
                Console.WriteLine("First finalization");

                // Put this object back into a root by creating
                // a reference to it.
                MyFinalizeObject.currentInstance = this;

                // Indicate that this instance has finalized once.
                hasFinalized = true;

                // Place a reference to this object back in the
                // finalization queue.
                Console.WriteLine("Second finalization");
open System

type MyFinalizeObject() =
    let mutable hasFinalized = false
    static member val CurrentInstance = null with get, set

    override this.Finalize() =
        if hasFinalized then
            printfn "First finalization"

            // Put this object back into a root by creating a reference to it.
            MyFinalizeObject.CurrentInstance <- this

            // Indicate that this instance has finalized once.
            hasFinalized <- true

            // Place a reference to this object back in the finalization queue.
            GC.ReRegisterForFinalize this
            printfn "Second finalization"

// Create a MyFinalizeObject.
let mutable mfo = MyFinalizeObject()

// Release the reference to mfo.
mfo <- null

// Force a garbage collection.

// At this point mfo will have gone through the first Finalize.
// There should now be a reference to mfo in the static
// MyFinalizeObject.CurrentInstance property. Setting this value
// to null and forcing another garbage collection will now
// cause the object to Finalize permanently.
MyFinalizeObject.CurrentInstance <- null
Namespace ReRegisterForFinalizeExample
    Class MyMainClass
        Shared Sub Main()
            'Create a MyFinalizeObject.
            Dim mfo As New MyFinalizeObject()

            'Release the reference to mfo.
            mfo = Nothing

            'Force a garbage collection.

            'At this point mfo will have gone through the first Finalize.
            'There should now be a reference to mfo in the static
            'MyFinalizeObject.currentInstance field.  Setting this value
            'to null and forcing another garbage collection will now
            'cause the object to Finalize permanently.
            MyFinalizeObject.currentInstance = Nothing
        End Sub
    End Class

    Class MyFinalizeObject
        Public Shared currentInstance As MyFinalizeObject = Nothing
        Private hasFinalized As Boolean = False

        Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
            If hasFinalized = False Then
                Console.WriteLine("First finalization")

                'Put this object back into a root by creating
                'a reference to it.
                MyFinalizeObject.currentInstance = Me

                'Indicate that this instance has finalized once.
                hasFinalized = True

                'Place a reference to this object back in the
                'finalization queue.
                Console.WriteLine("Second finalization")
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


Метод ReRegisterForFinalize добавляет параметр в obj список объектов, которые запрашивают завершение до освобождения объекта сборщиком мусора. Параметр obj должен быть вызывающим для этого метода.

ReRegisterForFinalize Вызов метода не гарантирует, что сборщик мусора вызовет метод завершения объекта.

По умолчанию все объекты, реализующие методы завершения, добавляются в список объектов, требующих завершения. однако объект может быть уже завершен или отключил завершение путем вызова SuppressFinalize метода .

Метод завершения может использовать этот метод для восстановления себя или объекта, на который он ссылается.

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