Бөлісу құралы:

AssemblyCompanyAttribute Класс


Определяет настраиваемый атрибут имени организации для манифеста сборки.

public ref class AssemblyCompanyAttribute sealed : Attribute
[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly, Inherited=false)]
public sealed class AssemblyCompanyAttribute : Attribute
[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple=false)]
public sealed class AssemblyCompanyAttribute : Attribute
[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly, Inherited=false)]
public sealed class AssemblyCompanyAttribute : Attribute
[<System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly, Inherited=false)>]
type AssemblyCompanyAttribute = class
    inherit Attribute
[<System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple=false)>]
type AssemblyCompanyAttribute = class
    inherit Attribute
[<System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly, Inherited=false)>]
type AssemblyCompanyAttribute = class
    inherit Attribute
Public NotInheritable Class AssemblyCompanyAttribute
Inherits Attribute


В следующем примере показано, как применить атрибуты, включая AssemblyCompanyAttribute атрибут , к динамической сборке. В примере сборка сохраняется на диск, а значение атрибута можно просмотреть с помощью диалогового окна Свойства файла Windows .

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;

// Create the callee transient dynamic assembly.
static Type^ CreateAssembly( AppDomain^ myDomain )
   AssemblyName^ myAssemblyName = gcnew AssemblyName;
   myAssemblyName->Name = "MyEmittedAssembly";
   AssemblyBuilder^ myAssembly = myDomain->DefineDynamicAssembly( myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::Save );
   // Set Company Attribute to the assembly.
   Type^ companyAttribute = AssemblyCompanyAttribute::typeid;
   array<Type^>^types1 = {String::typeid};
   ConstructorInfo^ myConstructorInfo1 = companyAttribute->GetConstructor( types1 );
   array<Object^>^obj1 = {"Microsoft Corporation"};
   CustomAttributeBuilder^ attributeBuilder1 = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder( myConstructorInfo1,obj1 );
   myAssembly->SetCustomAttribute( attributeBuilder1 );
   // Set Copyright Attribute to the assembly.
   Type^ copyrightAttribute = AssemblyCopyrightAttribute::typeid;
   array<Type^>^types2 = {String::typeid};
   ConstructorInfo^ myConstructorInfo2 = copyrightAttribute->GetConstructor( types2 );
   array<Object^>^obj2 = {"@Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1990-2001"};
   CustomAttributeBuilder^ attributeBuilder2 = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder( myConstructorInfo2,obj2 );
   myAssembly->SetCustomAttribute( attributeBuilder2 );
   ModuleBuilder^ myModule = myAssembly->DefineDynamicModule( "EmittedModule", "EmittedModule.mod" );
   // Define a public class named S"HelloWorld" in the assembly.
   TypeBuilder^ helloWorldClass = myModule->DefineType( "HelloWorld", TypeAttributes::Public );
   // Define the Display method.
   MethodBuilder^ myMethod = helloWorldClass->DefineMethod( "Display", MethodAttributes::Public, String::typeid, nullptr );
   // Generate IL for GetGreeting.
   ILGenerator^ methodIL = myMethod->GetILGenerator();
   methodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldstr, "Display method get called." );
   methodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );
   // Returns the type HelloWorld.
   return (helloWorldClass->CreateType());

int main()
   AssemblyName^ assemName = gcnew AssemblyName();
   assemName->Name = "EmittedAssembly";

   // Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
   // specifying that the assembly is to be saved.
   AssemblyBuilder^ myAssembly = 

   // To apply an attribute to a dynamic assembly, first get the 
   // attribute type. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute sets the 
   // File Version field on the Version tab of the Windows file
   // properties dialog.
   Type^ attributeType = AssemblyFileVersionAttribute::typeid;

   // To identify the constructor, use an array of types representing
   // the constructor's parameter types. This ctor takes a string.
   array<Type^>^ ctorParameters = { String::typeid };

   // Get the constructor for the attribute.
   ConstructorInfo^ ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);

   // Pass the constructor and an array of arguments (in this case,
   // an array containing a single string) to the 
   // CustomAttributeBuilder constructor.
   array<Object^>^ ctorArgs = { "2.0.3033.0" };
   CustomAttributeBuilder^ attribute = 
      gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);

   // Finally, apply the attribute to the assembly.

   // The pattern described above is used to create and apply
   // several more attributes. As it happens, all these attributes
   // have a constructor that takes a string, so the same ctorArgs
   // variable works for all of them.

   // The AssemblyTitleAttribute sets the Description field on
   // the General tab and the Version tab of the Windows file 
   // properties dialog.
   attributeType = AssemblyTitleAttribute::typeid;
   ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
   ctorArgs = gcnew array<Object^> { "The Application Title" };
   attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);

   // The AssemblyCopyrightAttribute sets the Copyright field on
   // the Version tab.
   attributeType = AssemblyCopyrightAttribute::typeid;
   ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
   ctorArgs = gcnew array<Object^> { "� My Example Company 1991-2005" };
   attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);

   // The AssemblyDescriptionAttribute sets the Comment item.
   attributeType = AssemblyDescriptionAttribute::typeid;
   ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
   attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, 
      gcnew array<Object^> { "This is a comment." });

   // The AssemblyCompanyAttribute sets the Company item.
   attributeType = AssemblyCompanyAttribute::typeid;
   ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
   attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, 
      gcnew array<Object^> { "My Example Company" });

   // The AssemblyProductAttribute sets the Product Name item.
   attributeType = AssemblyProductAttribute::typeid;
   ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
   attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, 
      gcnew array<Object^> { "My Product Name" });

   // Define the assembly's only module. For a single-file assembly,
   // the module name is the assembly name.
   ModuleBuilder^ myModule = 
         assemName->Name + ".exe");

   // No types or methods are created for this example.

   // Define the unmanaged version information resource, which
   // contains the attribute informaion applied earlier, and save
   // the assembly. Use the Windows Explorer to examine the properties
   // of the .exe file.
   myAssembly->Save(assemName->Name + ".exe");
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

class Example
   public static void Main()
      AssemblyName assemName = new AssemblyName();
      assemName.Name = "EmittedAssembly";

      // Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
      // specifying that the assembly is to be saved.
      AssemblyBuilder myAssembly =

      // To apply an attribute to a dynamic assembly, first get the
      // attribute type. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute sets the
      // File Version field on the Version tab of the Windows file
      // properties dialog.
      Type attributeType = typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute);

      // To identify the constructor, use an array of types representing
      // the constructor's parameter types. This ctor takes a string.
      Type[] ctorParameters = { typeof(string) };

      // Get the constructor for the attribute.
      ConstructorInfo ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);

      // Pass the constructor and an array of arguments (in this case,
      // an array containing a single string) to the
      // CustomAttributeBuilder constructor.
      object[] ctorArgs = { "2.0.3033.0" };
      CustomAttributeBuilder attribute =
         new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);

      // Finally, apply the attribute to the assembly.

      // The pattern described above is used to create and apply
      // several more attributes. As it happens, all these attributes
      // have a constructor that takes a string, so the same ctorArgs
      // variable works for all of them.

      // The AssemblyTitleAttribute sets the Description field on
      // the General tab and the Version tab of the Windows file
      // properties dialog.
      attributeType = typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute);
      ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
      ctorArgs = new object[] { "The Application Title" };
      attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);

      // The AssemblyCopyrightAttribute sets the Copyright field on
      // the Version tab.
      attributeType = typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute);
      ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
      ctorArgs = new object[] { "© My Example Company 1991-2005" };
      attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);

      // The AssemblyDescriptionAttribute sets the Comment item.
      attributeType = typeof(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute);
      ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
      attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
         new object[] { "This is a comment." });

      // The AssemblyCompanyAttribute sets the Company item.
      attributeType = typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute);
      ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
      attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
         new object[] { "My Example Company" });

      // The AssemblyProductAttribute sets the Product Name item.
      attributeType = typeof(AssemblyProductAttribute);
      ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
      attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
         new object[] { "My Product Name" });

      // Define the assembly's only module. For a single-file assembly,
      // the module name is the assembly name.
      ModuleBuilder myModule =
            assemName.Name + ".exe");

      // No types or methods are created for this example.

      // Define the unmanaged version information resource, which
      // contains the attribute informaion applied earlier, and save
      // the assembly. Use the Windows Explorer to examine the properties
      // of the .exe file.
      myAssembly.Save(assemName.Name + ".exe");
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit

Module Example

   Sub Main()

      Dim assemName As New AssemblyName()
      assemName.Name = "EmittedAssembly"

      ' Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
      ' specifying that the assembly is to be saved.
      Dim myAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = _
         AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(assemName, _

      ' To apply an attribute to a dynamic assembly, first get the 
      ' attribute type. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute sets the 
      ' File Version field on the Version tab of the Windows file
      ' properties dialog.
      Dim attributeType As Type = GetType(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)

      ' To identify the constructor, use an array of types representing
      ' the constructor's parameter types. This ctor takes a string.
      Dim ctorParameters() As Type = { GetType(String) }

      ' Get the constructor for the attribute.
      Dim ctor As ConstructorInfo = _

      ' Pass the constructor and an array of arguments (in this case,
      ' an array containing a single string) to the 
      ' CustomAttributeBuilder constructor.
      Dim ctorArgs() As Object = { "2.0.3033.0" }
      Dim attribute As New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs)

      ' Finally, apply the attribute to the assembly.

      ' The pattern described above is used to create and apply
      ' several more attributes. As it happens, all these attributes
      ' have a constructor that takes a string, so the same ctorArgs
      ' variable works for all of them.

      ' The AssemblyTitleAttribute sets the Description field on
      ' the General tab and the Version tab of the Windows file 
      ' properties dialog.
      attributeType = GetType(AssemblyTitleAttribute)
      ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
      ctorArgs = New Object() { "The Application Title" }
      attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs)

      ' The AssemblyCopyrightAttribute sets the Copyright field on
      ' the Version tab.
      attributeType = GetType(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)
      ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
      ctorArgs = New Object() { "© My Example Company 1991-2005" }
      attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs)

      ' The AssemblyDescriptionAttribute sets the Comment item.
      attributeType = GetType(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)
      ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
      attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, _
         New Object() { "This is a comment." })

      ' The AssemblyCompanyAttribute sets the Company item.
      attributeType = GetType(AssemblyCompanyAttribute)
      ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
      attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, _
         New Object() { "My Example Company" })

      ' The AssemblyProductAttribute sets the Product Name item.
      attributeType = GetType(AssemblyProductAttribute)
      ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
      attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, _
         New Object() { "My Product Name" })

      ' Define the assembly's only module. For a single-file assembly,
      ' the module name is the assembly name.
      Dim myModule As ModuleBuilder = _
         myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(assemName.Name, _
            assemName.Name & ".exe")

      ' No types or methods are created for this example.

      ' Define the unmanaged version information resource, which
      ' contains the attribute informaion applied earlier, and save
      ' the assembly. Use the Windows Explorer to examine the properties
      ' of the .exe file.
      myAssembly.Save(assemName.Name & ".exe")

   End Sub 
End Module



Инициализирует новый экземпляр класса AssemblyCompanyAttribute.



Возвращает сведения об имени компании.


В случае реализации в производном классе возвращает уникальный идентификатор для этого атрибута Attribute.

(Унаследовано от Attribute)



Возвращает значение, показывающее, равен ли экземпляр указанному объекту.

(Унаследовано от Attribute)

Возвращает хэш-код данного экземпляра.

(Унаследовано от Attribute)

Возвращает объект Type для текущего экземпляра.

(Унаследовано от Object)

При переопределении в производном классе указывает, является ли значение этого экземпляра значением по умолчанию для производного класса.

(Унаследовано от Attribute)

При переопределении в производном классе возвращает значение, указывающее, является ли этот экземпляр равным заданному объекту.

(Унаследовано от Attribute)

Создает неполную копию текущего объекта Object.

(Унаследовано от Object)

Возвращает строку, представляющую текущий объект.

(Унаследовано от Object)

Явные реализации интерфейса

_Attribute.GetIDsOfNames(Guid, IntPtr, UInt32, UInt32, IntPtr)

Сопоставляет набор имен соответствующему набору идентификаторов диспетчеризации.

(Унаследовано от Attribute)
_Attribute.GetTypeInfo(UInt32, UInt32, IntPtr)

Возвращает сведения о типе объекта, которые можно использовать для получения сведений о типе интерфейса.

(Унаследовано от Attribute)

Возвращает количество предоставляемых объектом интерфейсов для доступа к сведениям о типе (0 или 1).

(Унаследовано от Attribute)
_Attribute.Invoke(UInt32, Guid, UInt32, Int16, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr)

Предоставляет доступ к открытым свойствам и методам объекта.

(Унаследовано от Attribute)

Применяется к

См. также раздел