Бөлісу құралы:

Timer.Interval Свойство


Возвращает или задает интервал в миллисекундах, по истечении которого возникает событие Elapsed.

 property double Interval { double get(); void set(double value); };
public double Interval { get; set; }
public double Interval { get; set; }
public double Interval { get; set; }
member this.Interval : double with get, set
member this.Interval : double with get, set
member this.Interval : double with get, set
Public Property Interval As Double

Значение свойства

Время между событиями Elapsed в миллисекундах. Значение должно быть больше нуля и меньше или равно Int32.MaxValue. Значение по умолчанию — 100 миллисекунд.



Интервал меньше или равен нулю.


Интервал больше , чем Int32.MaxValue, и таймер в настоящее время включен. (Если таймер в данный момент выключен, исключение не генерируется до его включения.)


В следующем примере создается Timer экземпляр объекта , который вызывает событие Timer.Elapsed каждые две секунды (2000 миллисекунд), настраивает обработчик событий для события и запускает таймер. Обработчик событий отображает значение ElapsedEventArgs.SignalTime свойства при каждом его вызове.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Timers;

public ref class Example
    static System::Timers::Timer^ aTimer;

    static void Demo()
        // Create a timer and set a two second interval.
        aTimer = gcnew System::Timers::Timer();
        aTimer->Interval = 2000;

        // Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer. 
        aTimer->Elapsed += gcnew System::Timers::ElapsedEventHandler(Example::OnTimedEvent);

        // Have the timer fire repeated events (true is the default)
        aTimer->AutoReset = true;

        // Start the timer
        aTimer->Enabled = true;

        Console::WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit the program at any time... ");

    static void OnTimedEvent(Object^ source, System::Timers::ElapsedEventArgs^ e)
        Console::WriteLine("The Elapsed event was raised at {0}", e->SignalTime);

int main()
// The example displays output like the following: 
//       Press the Enter key to exit the program at any time... 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:48:58 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:00 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:02 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:04 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:06 PM
using System;
using System.Timers;

public class Example
    private static Timer aTimer;

    public static void Main()
        // Create a timer and set a two second interval.
        aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
        aTimer.Interval = 2000;

        // Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer. 
        aTimer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent;

        // Have the timer fire repeated events (true is the default)
        aTimer.AutoReset = true;

        // Start the timer
        aTimer.Enabled = true;

        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit the program at any time... ");

    private static void OnTimedEvent(Object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("The Elapsed event was raised at {0}", e.SignalTime);
// The example displays output like the following: 
//       Press the Enter key to exit the program at any time... 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:48:58 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:00 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:02 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:04 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:06 PM
open System.Timers

let onTimedEvent source (e: ElapsedEventArgs) =
    printfn $"The Elapsed event was raised at {e.SignalTime}"

// Create a timer and set a two second interval.
let aTimer = new Timer()
aTimer.Interval <- 2000

// Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer. 
aTimer.Elapsed.AddHandler onTimedEvent

// Have the timer fire repeated events (true is the default)
aTimer.AutoReset <- true

// Start the timer
aTimer.Enabled <- true

printfn "Press the Enter key to exit the program at any time... "
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

// The example displays output like the following: 
//       Press the Enter key to exit the program at any time... 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:48:58 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:00 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:02 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:04 PM 
//       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:06 PM
Imports System.Timers

Public Module Example
    Private aTimer As Timer

    Public Sub Main()
        ' Create a timer and set a two second interval.
        aTimer = New System.Timers.Timer()
        aTimer.Interval = 2000

        ' Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer.  
        AddHandler aTimer.Elapsed, AddressOf OnTimedEvent

        ' Have the timer fire repeated events (true is the default)
        aTimer.AutoReset = True

        ' Start the timer
        aTimer.Enabled = True

        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit the program at any time... ")
    End Sub

    Private Sub OnTimedEvent(source As Object, e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs)
        Console.WriteLine("The Elapsed event was raised at {0}", e.SignalTime)
    End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output like the following: 
'       Press the Enter key to exit the program at any time... 
'       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:48:58 PM 
'       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:00 PM 
'       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:02 PM 
'       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:04 PM 
'       The Elapsed event was raised at 5/20/2015 8:49:06 PM


Свойство используется для Interval определения частоты Elapsed запуска события. Timer Так как класс зависит от системных часов, он имеет то же разрешение, что и системные часы. Это означает, что Elapsed событие срабатывает через интервал, определенный разрешением системных часов, если Interval свойство меньше разрешения системных часов. В следующем примере свойству Interval присваивается значение 5 миллисекундам. При запуске в системе Windows, системные часы которой имеют разрешение примерно 15 миллисекундах, событие срабатывает примерно каждые 15 миллисекундах, а не каждые 5 миллисекундах.


Системные часы, которые используются, являются теми же, что и GetTickCount, на которые не влияют изменения, внесенные в timeBeginPeriod и timeEndPeriod.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Timers;

public class Example
   private static Timer aTimer;
   private static List<String> eventlog;
   private static int nEventsFired = 0;
   private static DateTime previousTime;
   public static void Main()
        eventlog = new List<String>();
        StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(@".\Interval.txt");
        // Create a timer with a five millisecond interval.
        aTimer = new Timer(5);
        aTimer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent;
        // Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer. 
        aTimer.AutoReset = true;
        sr.WriteLine("The timer should fire every {0} milliseconds.", 
        aTimer.Enabled = true;

        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit the program... ");
        foreach (var item in eventlog)
        Console.WriteLine("Terminating the application...");

    private static void OnTimedEvent(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
        eventlog.Add(String.Format("Elapsed event at {0:HH':'mm':'ss.ffffff} ({1})", 
                                   nEventsFired++ == 0 ? 
                                      0.0 : (e.SignalTime - previousTime).TotalMilliseconds));
        previousTime = e.SignalTime;
        if (nEventsFired == 20) {
           Console.WriteLine("No more events will fire...");
           aTimer.Enabled = false;
// The example writes output like the following to a file:
//       The timer should fire every 5 milliseconds.
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.370344 (0)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.385345 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.400347 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.415348 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.430350 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.445351 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.465353 (20.002)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.480355 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.495356 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.510358 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.525359 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.540361 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.555362 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.570364 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.585365 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.605367 (20.002)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.620369 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.635370 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.650372 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.665373 (15.0015)
open System
open System.IO
open System.Timers

let aTimer = new Timer 5
let eventlog = ResizeArray()
let mutable nEventsFired = 0
let mutable previousTime = DateTime()
let onTimedEvent source (e: ElapsedEventArgs) =
    String.Format("Elapsed event at {0:HH':'mm':'ss.ffffff} ({1})", e.SignalTime, if nEventsFired = 0 then 0. else (e.SignalTime - previousTime).TotalMilliseconds)
    |> eventlog.Add
    nEventsFired <- nEventsFired + 1

    previousTime <- e.SignalTime

    if nEventsFired = 20 then
        printfn "No more events will fire..."
        aTimer.Enabled <- false

let main _ =
    use sr = new StreamWriter(@".\Interval.txt")
    // Create a timer with a five millisecond interval.
    aTimer.Elapsed.AddHandler onTimedEvent
    // Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer. 
    aTimer.AutoReset <- true
    sr.WriteLine $"The timer should fire every {aTimer.Interval} milliseconds."
    aTimer.Enabled <- true

    printfn "Press the Enter key to exit the program... "
    stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore
    for item in eventlog do
        sr.WriteLine item
    printfn "Terminating the application..."

// The example writes output like the following to a file:
//       The timer should fire every 5 milliseconds.
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.370344 (0)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.385345 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.400347 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.415348 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.430350 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.445351 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.465353 (20.002)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.480355 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.495356 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.510358 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.525359 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.540361 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.555362 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.570364 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.585365 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.605367 (20.002)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.620369 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.635370 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.650372 (15.0015)
//       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.665373 (15.0015)
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Timers

Module Example
   Private WithEvents aTimer As Timer
   Private eventlog As List(Of String)
   Private nEventsFired As Integer = 0
   Private previousTime As Date

   Public Sub Main()
        eventlog = New List(Of String)()
        Dim sr As New StreamWriter(".\Interval.txt")
        ' Create a timer with a five millisecond interval.
        aTimer = New Timer(5)
        aTimer.AutoReset = True
        sr.WriteLine("The timer should fire every {0} milliseconds.", 
        aTimer.Enabled = True

        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit the program... ")
        For Each item In eventlog
        Console.WriteLine("Terminating the application...")
   End Sub

    Private Sub OnTimedEvent(source As Object, e As ElapsedEventArgs) _
                             Handles aTimer.Elapsed
        eventlog.Add(String.Format("Elapsed event at {0:HH':'mm':'ss.ffffff} ({1})", 
                                   If(nEventsFired = 0, 
                                      0.0, (e.SignalTime - previousTime).TotalMilliseconds)))
        nEventsFired += 1
        previousTime = e.SignalTime
        if nEventsFired = 20 Then
           Console.WriteLine("No more events will fire...")
           aTimer.Enabled = False
        End If
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       The timer should fire every 5 milliseconds.
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.370344 (0)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.385345 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.400347 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.415348 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.430350 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.445351 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.465353 (20.002)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.480355 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.495356 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.510358 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.525359 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.540361 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.555362 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.570364 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.585365 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.605367 (20.002)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.620369 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.635370 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.650372 (15.0015)
'       Elapsed event at 08:42:49.665373 (15.0015)

Если приложению требуется большее разрешение, чем у Timer класса или системных часов, используйте мультимедийные таймеры с высоким разрешением; см. статью Практическое руководство. Использование таймера High-Resolution.

Если интервал задан после Timer запуска , счетчик сбрасывается. Например, если задать интервал в 5 секунд, а затем задать Enabled для свойства trueзначение , счетчик начинается с момента Enabled установки. Если сбросить интервал до 10 секунд, если счетчик равен 3 секундам, Elapsed событие возникает в первый раз через 13 секунд после Enabled того, как для параметра задано значение true.

Если Enabled задано значение true , а AutoReset имеет значение false, TimerElapsed вызывает событие только один раз, при первом истечении интервала. Enabled затем имеет значение false.


Если Enabled для AutoReset обоих свойств задано значение false, а таймер был включен ранее, задание Interval свойства приведет Elapsed к тому, что событие будет вызвано один раз, как если бы свойству Enabled было присвоено значение true. Чтобы задать интервал без вызова события, можно временно задать свойству Enabledtrueзначение , задать Interval для свойства нужный интервал времени, а затем немедленно задать Enabled для свойства значение false.

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