
Бөлісу құралы:

Underline Constructors


Initializes a new instance of the Underline class.



Initializes a new, empty instance of the Underline class.


Initializes a new instance of the Underline class, taking a specified Inline object as the initial contents of the new Underline.

Underline(Inline, TextPointer)

Initializes a new instance of the Underline class, taking a specified Inline object as the initial contents of the new Underline, and a TextPointer specifying an insertion position for the new Inline element.

Underline(TextPointer, TextPointer)

Initializes a new instance of the Underline class, taking two TextPointer objects that indicate the beginning and end of a selection of content to be contained by the new Underline.


Initializes a new, empty instance of the Underline class.

public Underline ();
Public Sub New ()

Applies to


Initializes a new instance of the Underline class, taking a specified Inline object as the initial contents of the new Underline.

 Underline(System::Windows::Documents::Inline ^ childInline);
public Underline (System.Windows.Documents.Inline childInline);
new System.Windows.Documents.Underline : System.Windows.Documents.Inline -> System.Windows.Documents.Underline
Public Sub New (childInline As Inline)



An Inline object specifying the initial contents of the new Underline.


The following example demonstrates usage of this constructor.

// A child Inline element for the new Underline element.
Run runx = new Run("Text to make underlined.");

// After this line executes, the new element "underx"
// contains the specified Inline element, "runx".
Underline underx = new Underline(runx);
' A child Inline element for the new Underline element.
Dim runx1 As New Run("Text to make underlined.")

' After this line executes, the new element "underx"
' contains the specified Inline element, "runx".
Dim underx1 As New Underline(runx1)

Applies to

Underline(Inline, TextPointer)

Initializes a new instance of the Underline class, taking a specified Inline object as the initial contents of the new Underline, and a TextPointer specifying an insertion position for the new Inline element.

 Underline(System::Windows::Documents::Inline ^ childInline, System::Windows::Documents::TextPointer ^ insertionPosition);
public Underline (System.Windows.Documents.Inline childInline, System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer insertionPosition);
new System.Windows.Documents.Underline : System.Windows.Documents.Inline * System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer -> System.Windows.Documents.Underline
Public Sub New (childInline As Inline, insertionPosition As TextPointer)



An Inline object specifying the initial contents of the new Underline. This parameter may be null, in which case no Inline is inserted.


A TextPointer specifying an insertion position at which to insert the Underline element after it is created, or null for no automatic insertion.


The following example demonstrates usage of this constructor.

// A child Inline element for the new Underline element.
Run runx = new Run("Text to make underlined.");

// An empty paragraph will serve as the container for the new Underline element.
Paragraph parx = new Paragraph();

// After this line executes, the new element "underx"
// contains the specified Inline element, "runx".  Also, "underx" is
// inserted at the point indicated by the insertionPosition parameter, 
// which in this case indicates the content start position in the Paragraph 
// element "parx".
Underline underx = new Underline(runx, parx.ContentStart);
' A child Inline element for the new Underline element.
Dim runx2 As New Run("Text to make underlined.")

' An empty paragraph will serve as the container for the new Underline element.
Dim parx2 As New Paragraph()

' After this line executes, the new element "underx"
' contains the specified Inline element, "runx".  Also, "underx" is
' inserted at the point indicated by the insertionPosition parameter, 
' which in this case indicates the content start position in the Paragraph 
' element "parx".
Dim underx2 As New Underline(runx2, parx2.ContentStart)

Applies to

Underline(TextPointer, TextPointer)

Initializes a new instance of the Underline class, taking two TextPointer objects that indicate the beginning and end of a selection of content to be contained by the new Underline.

 Underline(System::Windows::Documents::TextPointer ^ start, System::Windows::Documents::TextPointer ^ end);
public Underline (System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer start, System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer end);
new System.Windows.Documents.Underline : System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer * System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer -> System.Windows.Documents.Underline
Public Sub New (start As TextPointer, end As TextPointer)



A TextPointer indicating the beginning of a selection of content to be contained by the new Underline.


A TextPointer indicating the end of a selection of content to be contained by the new Underline.


Raised when start or end is null.

Raised when start and end do not resolve to a range of content suitable for enclosure by a Underline element, for example, if start and end indicate positions in different paragraphs.


The following example demonstrates usage of this constructor.

// Create a paragraph and three text runs to serve as example content.  
Paragraph parx = new Paragraph();
Run run1 = new Run("Text run 1.");
Run run2 = new Run("Text run 2, make underlined.");
Run run3 = new Run("Text run 3.");

// Add the three text runs to the paragraph, separated by linebreaks.
parx.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());
parx.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());

// After this line executes, the selection of content
// indicated by the "start" and "end" parameters will be
// enclosed by the new Underline.  In this case, the new Underline
// will enclose the second text run, "run2".
Underline underx = new Underline(run2.ContentStart, run2.ContentEnd);
' Create a paragraph and three text runs to serve as example content.  
Dim parx As New Paragraph()
Dim run1 As New Run("Text run 1.")
Dim run2 As New Run("Text run 2, make underlined.")
Dim run3 As New Run("Text run 3.")

' Add the three text runs to the paragraph, separated by linebreaks.
parx.Inlines.Add(New LineBreak())
parx.Inlines.Add(New LineBreak())

' After this line executes, the selection of content
' indicated by the "start" and "end" parameters will be
' enclosed by the new Underline.  In this case, the new Underline
' will enclose the second text run, "run2".
Dim underx As New Underline(run2.ContentStart, run2.ContentEnd)


This constructor is intended to initialize a new Underline element such that it encloses a selection of pre-existing content.

Applies to