Бөлісу құралы:

StatusBarPanelStyle Перечисление


Определяет, будет ли выполнена отрисовка объекта StatusBarPanel элемента управления StatusBar пользователем или системой.

public enum class StatusBarPanelStyle
public enum StatusBarPanelStyle
type StatusBarPanelStyle = 
Public Enum StatusBarPanelStyle


OwnerDraw 2

Элемент управления StatusBarPanel отображается владельцем.

Text 1

Объект StatusBarPanel выводит текст стандартным шрифтом.


В следующем примере кода показано, как использовать Style свойство, StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler делегат, StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs класс, перечисление StatusBarPanelStyleStatusBarDrawItemEventArgs.Panel и свойство . Чтобы запустить пример, вставьте следующий код в форму. InitializeStatusBarPanels Вызовите метод в конструкторе формы или Load методе обработки событий.

StatusBar^ StatusBar1;
void InitializeStatusBarPanels()
   StatusBar1 = gcnew StatusBar;
   // Create two StatusBarPanel objects.
   StatusBarPanel^ panel1 = gcnew StatusBarPanel;
   StatusBarPanel^ panel2 = gcnew StatusBarPanel;
   // Set the style of the panels.  
   // panel1 will be owner-drawn.
   panel1->Style = StatusBarPanelStyle::OwnerDraw;
   // The panel2 object will be drawn by the operating system.
   panel2->Style = StatusBarPanelStyle::Text;
   // Set the text of both panels to the same date string.
   panel1->Text = System::DateTime::Today.ToShortDateString();
   panel2->Text = System::DateTime::Today.ToShortDateString();
   // Add both panels to the StatusBar.
   StatusBar1->Panels->Add( panel1 );
   StatusBar1->Panels->Add( panel2 );
   // Make panels visible by setting the ShowPanels 
   // property to True.
   StatusBar1->ShowPanels = true;
   // Associate the event-handling method with the DrawItem event 
   // for the owner-drawn panel.
   StatusBar1->DrawItem += gcnew StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler( this, &Form1::DrawCustomStatusBarPanel );
   this->Controls->Add( StatusBar1 );

// Draw the panel.
void DrawCustomStatusBarPanel( Object^ sender, StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs^ e )
   // Draw a blue background in the owner-drawn panel.
   e->Graphics->FillRectangle( Brushes::AliceBlue, e->Bounds );
   // Create a StringFormat object to align text in the panel.
   StringFormat^ textFormat = gcnew StringFormat;
   // Center the text in the middle of the line.
   textFormat->LineAlignment = StringAlignment::Center;
   // Align the text to the left.
   textFormat->Alignment = StringAlignment::Far;
   // Draw the panel's text in dark blue using the Panel 
   // and Bounds properties of the StatusBarEventArgs object 
   // and the StringFormat object.
   e->Graphics->DrawString( e->Panel->Text, StatusBar1->Font, Brushes::DarkBlue, RectangleF(e->Bounds.X,e->Bounds.Y,e->Bounds.Width,e->Bounds.Height), textFormat );
private StatusBar StatusBar1;

private void InitializeStatusBarPanels()
    StatusBar1 = new StatusBar();

    // Create two StatusBarPanel objects.
    StatusBarPanel panel1 = new StatusBarPanel();
    StatusBarPanel panel2 = new StatusBarPanel();

    // Set the style of the panels.  
    // panel1 will be owner-drawn.
    panel1.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.OwnerDraw;

    // The panel2 object will be drawn by the operating system.
    panel2.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.Text;

    // Set the text of both panels to the same date string.
    panel1.Text = System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
    panel2.Text = System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();

    // Add both panels to the StatusBar.

    // Make panels visible by setting the ShowPanels 
    // property to True.
    StatusBar1.ShowPanels = true;

    // Associate the event-handling method with the DrawItem event 
    // for the owner-drawn panel.
    StatusBar1.DrawItem += 
        new StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler(DrawCustomStatusBarPanel);

// Draw the panel.
private void DrawCustomStatusBarPanel(object sender, 
    StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs e)

    // Draw a blue background in the owner-drawn panel.
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, e.Bounds);

    // Create a StringFormat object to align text in the panel.
    StringFormat textFormat = new StringFormat();

    // Center the text in the middle of the line.
    textFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

    // Align the text to the left.
    textFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;

    // Draw the panel's text in dark blue using the Panel 
    // and Bounds properties of the StatusBarEventArgs object 
    // and the StringFormat object.
    e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Panel.Text, StatusBar1.Font, 
        Brushes.DarkBlue, new RectangleF(e.Bounds.X, 
        e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height), textFormat);
Private StatusBar1 As StatusBar

Private Sub InitializeStatusBarPanels()
    StatusBar1 = New StatusBar

    ' Create two StatusBarPanel objects.
    Dim panel1 As New StatusBarPanel
    Dim panel2 As New StatusBarPanel

    ' Set the style of the panels.  
    ' panel1 will be owner-drawn.
    panel1.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.OwnerDraw

    ' The panel2 object will be drawn by the operating system.
    panel2.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.Text

    ' Set the text of both panels to the same date string.
    panel1.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()
    panel2.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()

    ' Add both panels to the StatusBar.

    ' Make panels visible by setting the ShowPanels 
    ' property to True.
    StatusBar1.ShowPanels = True

    ' Use the AddHandler syntax to handle the DrawItem event
    ' for the owner-drawn panel.
    AddHandler StatusBar1.DrawItem, _
        New StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler( _
        AddressOf DrawCustomStatusBarPanel)
End Sub

' Draw the panel.
Private Sub DrawCustomStatusBarPanel(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs)

    ' Draw a blue background in the owner-drawn panel.
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, e.Bounds)

    ' Create a StringFormat object to align text in the panel.
    Dim textFormat As New StringFormat

    ' Center the text in the middle of the line.
    textFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center

    ' Align the text to the left.
    textFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far

    ' Draw the panel's text in dark blue using the Panel 
    ' and Bounds properties of the StatusBarEventArgs object 
    ' and the StringFormat object.
    e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Panel.Text, StatusBar1.Font, _
          Brushes.DarkBlue, New RectangleF(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, _
          e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height), textFormat)

End Sub


Используйте члены этого перечисления, чтобы задать значение Style свойства StatusBarPanel класса . Свойство Style определяет способ StatusBarPanel отображения объекта . StatusBarPanel Объекты могут отображать простой текст или быть нарисованы владельцем. Объекты, нарисованные StatusBarPanel владельцем, поддерживают отображение изображений или шрифт, отличный от остальных StatusBarPanel объектов в StatusBar элементе управления, в то время как системные StatusBarPanel объекты используются для отображения только текста (или текста и значка, если значок указан в Icon свойстве StatusBarPanel). Чтобы выполнить операции рисования владельца в нарисованном StatusBarPanelвладельцем , используйте DrawItem событие StatusBar элемента управления .

Применяется к

См. также раздел