ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue>.TryRemove 메서드



TryRemove(TKey, TValue)

ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue>에서 지정된 키가 있는 값을 제거하고 반환하려고 시도합니다.


사전에서 키와 값을 제거합니다.

TryRemove(TKey, TValue)


ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue>에서 지정된 키가 있는 값을 제거하고 반환하려고 시도합니다.

 bool TryRemove(TKey key, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] TValue % value);
public bool TryRemove (TKey key, out TValue value);
member this.TryRemove : 'Key * 'Value -> bool
Public Function TryRemove (key As TKey, ByRef value As TValue) As Boolean

매개 변수


제거하고 반환할 요소의 키입니다.


이 메서드가 반환될 때 는 에서 제거된 개체를 ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue>포함하거나, 없는 경우 key 형식의 기본값을 TValue 포함합니다.


개체가 성공적으로 제거되면 true이고, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.


key이(가) null인 경우


다음 예제에서는 메서드를 호출 ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue>.TryRemove 하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

class CD_TryXYZ
        // Demonstrates:
        //      ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.TryAdd()
        //      ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.TryUpdate()
        //      ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.TryRemove()
        static void Main()
            int numFailures = 0; // for bookkeeping

            // Construct an empty dictionary
            ConcurrentDictionary<int, String> cd = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, string>();

            // This should work
            if (!cd.TryAdd(1, "one"))
                Console.WriteLine("CD.TryAdd() failed when it should have succeeded");

            // This shouldn't work -- key 1 is already in use
            if (cd.TryAdd(1, "uno"))
                Console.WriteLine("CD.TryAdd() succeeded when it should have failed");

            // Now change the value for key 1 from "one" to "uno" -- should work
            if (!cd.TryUpdate(1, "uno", "one"))
                Console.WriteLine("CD.TryUpdate() failed when it should have succeeded");

            // Try to change the value for key 1 from "eine" to "one"
            //    -- this shouldn't work, because the current value isn't "eine"
            if (cd.TryUpdate(1, "one", "eine"))
                Console.WriteLine("CD.TryUpdate() succeeded when it should have failed");

            // Remove key/value for key 1.  Should work.
            string value1;
            if (!cd.TryRemove(1, out value1))
                Console.WriteLine("CD.TryRemove() failed when it should have succeeded");

            // Remove key/value for key 1.  Shouldn't work, because I already removed it
            string value2;
            if (cd.TryRemove(1, out value2))
                Console.WriteLine("CD.TryRemove() succeeded when it should have failed");

            // If nothing went wrong, say so
            if (numFailures == 0) Console.WriteLine("  OK!");
// Demonstrates:
//      ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.TryAdd()
//      ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.TryUpdate()
//      ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.TryRemove()

let mutable numFailures = 0 // for bookkeeping

// Construct an empty dictionary
let cd = ConcurrentDictionary<int, string>()

// This should work
if cd.TryAdd(1, "one") |> not then
    printfn "CD.TryAdd() failed when it should have succeeded"
    numFailures <- numFailures + 1

// This shouldn't work -- key 1 is already in use
if cd.TryAdd(1, "uno") then
    printfn "CD.TryAdd() succeeded when it should have failed"
    numFailures <- numFailures + 1

// Now change the value for key 1 from "one" to "uno" -- should work
if cd.TryUpdate(1, "uno", "one") |> not then
    printfn "CD.TryUpdate() failed when it should have succeeded"
    numFailures <- numFailures + 1

// Try to change the value for key 1 from "eine" to "one"
//    -- this shouldn't work, because the current value isn't "eine"
if cd.TryUpdate(1, "one", "eine") then
    printfn "CD.TryUpdate() succeeded when it should have failed"
    numFailures <- numFailures + 1

// Remove key/value for key 1.  Should work.
let mutable value1 = ""

if cd.TryRemove(1, &value1) |> not then
    printfn "CD.TryRemove() failed when it should have succeeded"
    numFailures <- numFailures + 1

// Remove key/value for key 1.  Shouldn't work, because I already removed it
let mutable value2 = ""

if cd.TryRemove(1, &value2) then
    printfn "CD.TryRemove() succeeded when it should have failed"
    numFailures <- numFailures + 1

// If nothing went wrong, say so
if numFailures = 0 then
    printfn "  OK!"
'Imports System.Collections.Concurrent

Class CD_TryXYZ

    ' Demonstrates:
    ' ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.TryAdd()
    ' ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.TryUpdate()
    ' ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.TryRemove()
    Shared Sub Main()
        Dim numFailures As Integer = 0
        ' for bookkeeping
        ' Construct an empty dictionary
        Dim cd As ConcurrentDictionary(Of Integer, [String]) = New ConcurrentDictionary(Of Integer, String)()

        ' This should work
        If Not cd.TryAdd(1, "one") Then
            Console.WriteLine("CD.TryAdd() failed when it should have succeeded")
            numFailures += 1
        End If

        ' This shouldn't work -- key 1 is already in use
        If cd.TryAdd(1, "uno") Then
            Console.WriteLine("CD.TryAdd() succeeded when it should have failed")
            numFailures += 1
        End If

        ' Now change the value for key 1 from "one" to "uno" -- should work
        If Not cd.TryUpdate(1, "uno", "one") Then
            Console.WriteLine("CD.TryUpdate() failed when it should have succeeded")
            numFailures += 1
        End If

        ' Try to change the value for key 1 from "eine" to "one" 
        ' -- this shouldn't work, because the current value isn't "eine"
        If cd.TryUpdate(1, "one", "eine") Then
            Console.WriteLine("CD.TryUpdate() succeeded when it should have failed")
            numFailures += 1
        End If

        ' Remove key/value for key 1. Should work.
        Dim value1 As String = ""
        If Not cd.TryRemove(1, value1) Then
            Console.WriteLine("CD.TryRemove() failed when it should have succeeded")
            numFailures += 1
        End If

        ' Remove key/value for key 1. Shouldn't work, because I already removed it
        Dim value2 As String = ""
        If cd.TryRemove(1, value2) Then
            Console.WriteLine("CD.TryRemove() succeeded when it should have failed")
            numFailures += 1
        End If

        ' If nothing went wrong, say so
        If numFailures = 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine(" OK!")
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

추가 정보

적용 대상



사전에서 키와 값을 제거합니다.

 bool TryRemove(System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> item);
public bool TryRemove (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> item);
member this.TryRemove : System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<'Key, 'Value> -> bool
Public Function TryRemove (item As KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)) As Boolean

매개 변수


제거할 키와 값을 나타내는 KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>입니다.


item으로 표시된 키와 값을 찾아서 제거한 경우 true이고, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.


itemKey 속성이 null입니다.


지정된 키와 값은 모두 제거할 사전의 항목과 일치해야 합니다.

키는 사전의 비교자를 사용하여 비교됩니다(또는 생성될 때 사전에 비교자가 제공되지 않은 경우 의 기본 비교자 TKey ). 값은 에 대한 기본 비교자를 사용하여 비교됩니다 TValue.

적용 대상