다음을 통해 공유

DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime, DateTimeKind) 메서드


지정된 DateTime과 틱 수가 같지만 지정된 DateTime 값이 나타내듯이 현지 시간 또는 UTC(협정 세계시)로 지정되거나 둘 중 어느 것으로도 지정되지 않은 새 DateTimeKind 개체를 만듭니다.

 static DateTime SpecifyKind(DateTime value, DateTimeKind kind);
public static DateTime SpecifyKind (DateTime value, DateTimeKind kind);
static member SpecifyKind : DateTime * DateTimeKind -> DateTime
Public Shared Function SpecifyKind (value As DateTime, kind As DateTimeKind) As DateTime

매개 변수


날짜와 시간입니다.


새 개체가 현지 시간 또는 UTC(협정 세계시)를 나타내는지 아니면 둘 다 나타내지 않는지를 나타내는 열거형 값 중 하나입니다.



value 매개 변수로 표시되는 개체와 틱 수가 같고 DateTimeKind 매개 변수로 지정된 kind 값이 있는 새 개체입니다.


다음 예제에서는 메서드를 SpecifyKind 사용 하 여 속성 및 Kind ToUniversalTime 변환 메서드에 ToLocalTime 영향을 주는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

// This code example demonstrates the DateTime Kind, Now, and
// UtcNow properties, and the SpecifyKind(), ToLocalTime(),
// and ToUniversalTime() methods.

open System

// Display the value and Kind property of a DateTime structure, the
// DateTime structure converted to local time, and the DateTime
// structure converted to universal time.

let datePatt = @"M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"

let display title (inputDt: DateTime) =
    // Display the original DateTime.

    let dispDt = inputDt
    let dtString = dispDt.ToString datePatt
    printfn $"%s{title} {dtString}, Kind = {dispDt.Kind}"

    // Convert inputDt to local time and display the result.
    // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc, the conversion is performed.
    // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Local, the conversion is not performed.
    // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified, the conversion is
    // performed as if inputDt was universal time.

    let dispDt = inputDt.ToLocalTime()
    let dtString = dispDt.ToString datePatt
    printfn $"  ToLocalTime:     {dtString}, Kind = {dispDt.Kind}"

    // Convert inputDt to universal time and display the result.
    // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc, the conversion is not performed.
    // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Local, the conversion is performed.
    // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified, the conversion is
    // performed as if inputDt was local time.

    let dispDt = inputDt.ToUniversalTime()
    let dtString = dispDt.ToString datePatt
    printfn $"  ToUniversalTime: {dtString}, Kind = {dispDt.Kind}\n" 

    // Display the value and Kind property for DateTime.Now and DateTime.UtcNow.

let displayNow title (inputDt: DateTime) =
    let dtString = inputDt.ToString datePatt
    printfn $"%s{title} {dtString}, Kind = {inputDt.Kind}"

let main _ =

    // Get the date and time for the current moment, adjusted
    // to the local time zone.

    let saveNow = DateTime.Now

    // Get the date and time for the current moment expressed
    // as coordinated universal time (UTC).

    let saveUtcNow = DateTime.UtcNow

    // Display the value and Kind property of the current moment
    // expressed as UTC and local time.

    displayNow "UtcNow: .........." saveUtcNow
    displayNow "Now: ............." saveNow
    printfn ""

    // Change the Kind property of the current moment to
    // DateTimeKind.Utc and display the result.

    let myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Utc)
    display "Utc: ............." myDt

    // Change the Kind property of the current moment to
    // DateTimeKind.Local and display the result.

    let myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Local)
    display "Local: ..........." myDt

    // Change the Kind property of the current moment to
    // DateTimeKind.Unspecified and display the result.

    let myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Unspecified)
    display "Unspecified: ....." myDt


// This code example produces the following results:
// UtcNow: .......... 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
// Now: ............. 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
// Utc: ............. 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
//   ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 07:34:42 AM, Kind = Local
//   ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
// Local: ........... 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
//   ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
//   ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
// Unspecified: ..... 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Unspecified
//   ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 07:34:42 AM, Kind = Local
//   ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
// This code example demonstrates the DateTime Kind, Now, and
// UtcNow properties, and the SpecifyKind(), ToLocalTime(),
// and ToUniversalTime() methods.

using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
        // Get the date and time for the current moment, adjusted
        // to the local time zone.

        DateTime saveNow = DateTime.Now;

        // Get the date and time for the current moment expressed
        // as coordinated universal time (UTC).

        DateTime saveUtcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
        DateTime myDt;

        // Display the value and Kind property of the current moment
        // expressed as UTC and local time.

        DisplayNow("UtcNow: ..........", saveUtcNow);
        DisplayNow("Now: .............", saveNow);

        // Change the Kind property of the current moment to
        // DateTimeKind.Utc and display the result.

        myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Utc);
        Display("Utc: .............", myDt);

        // Change the Kind property of the current moment to
        // DateTimeKind.Local and display the result.

        myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Local);
        Display("Local: ...........", myDt);

        // Change the Kind property of the current moment to
        // DateTimeKind.Unspecified and display the result.

        myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
        Display("Unspecified: .....", myDt);

    // Display the value and Kind property of a DateTime structure, the
    // DateTime structure converted to local time, and the DateTime
    // structure converted to universal time.

    public static string datePatt = @"M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt";
    public static void Display(string title, DateTime inputDt)
        DateTime dispDt = inputDt;
        string dtString;

        // Display the original DateTime.

        dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt);
        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}, Kind = {2}",
                          title, dtString, dispDt.Kind);

        // Convert inputDt to local time and display the result.
        // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc, the conversion is performed.
        // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Local, the conversion is not performed.
        // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified, the conversion is
        // performed as if inputDt was universal time.

        dispDt = inputDt.ToLocalTime();
        dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt);
        Console.WriteLine("  ToLocalTime:     {0}, Kind = {1}",
                          dtString, dispDt.Kind);

        // Convert inputDt to universal time and display the result.
        // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc, the conversion is not performed.
        // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Local, the conversion is performed.
        // If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified, the conversion is
        // performed as if inputDt was local time.

        dispDt = inputDt.ToUniversalTime();
        dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt);
        Console.WriteLine("  ToUniversalTime: {0}, Kind = {1}",
                          dtString, dispDt.Kind);

    // Display the value and Kind property for DateTime.Now and DateTime.UtcNow.

    public static void DisplayNow(string title, DateTime inputDt)
        string dtString = inputDt.ToString(datePatt);
        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}, Kind = {2}",
                          title, dtString, inputDt.Kind);

This code example produces the following results:

UtcNow: .......... 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
Now: ............. 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local

Utc: ............. 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 07:34:42 AM, Kind = Local
  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc

Local: ........... 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc

Unspecified: ..... 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Unspecified
  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 07:34:42 AM, Kind = Local
  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc


' This code example demonstrates the DateTime Kind, Now, and
' UtcNow properties, and the SpecifyKind(), ToLocalTime(), 
' and ToUniversalTime() methods.
Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        ' Get the date and time for the current moment, adjusted 
        ' to the local time zone.
        Dim saveNow As DateTime = DateTime.Now
        ' Get the date and time for the current moment expressed 
        ' as coordinated universal time (UTC).
        Dim saveUtcNow As DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow
        Dim myDt As DateTime
        ' Display the value and Kind property of the current moment 
        ' expressed as UTC and local time.
        DisplayNow("UtcNow: ..........", saveUtcNow)
        DisplayNow("Now: .............", saveNow)
        ' Change the Kind property of the current moment to 
        ' DateTimeKind.Utc and display the result.
        myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Utc)
        Display("Utc: .............", myDt)
        ' Change the Kind property of the current moment to 
        ' DateTimeKind.Local and display the result.
        myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Local)
        Display("Local: ...........", myDt)
        ' Change the Kind property of the current moment to 
        ' DateTimeKind.Unspecified and display the result.
        myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Unspecified)
        Display("Unspecified: .....", myDt)
    End Sub
    ' Display the value and Kind property of a DateTime structure, the 
    ' DateTime structure converted to local time, and the DateTime 
    ' structure converted to universal time. 

    Public Shared datePatt As String = "M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
    Public Shared Sub Display(ByVal title As String, ByVal inputDt As DateTime) 
        Dim dispDt As DateTime = inputDt
        Dim dtString As String
        ' Display the original DateTime.
        dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}, Kind = {2}", title, dtString, dispDt.Kind)
        ' Convert inputDt to local time and display the result. 
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc, the conversion is performed.
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Local, the conversion is not performed.
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified, the conversion is 
        ' performed as if inputDt was universal time.
        dispDt = inputDt.ToLocalTime()
        dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt)
        Console.WriteLine("  ToLocalTime:     {0}, Kind = {1}", dtString, dispDt.Kind)
        ' Convert inputDt to universal time and display the result. 
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc, the conversion is not performed.
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Local, the conversion is performed.
        ' If inputDt.Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified, the conversion is 
        ' performed as if inputDt was local time.
        dispDt = inputDt.ToUniversalTime()
        dtString = dispDt.ToString(datePatt)
        Console.WriteLine("  ToUniversalTime: {0}, Kind = {1}", dtString, dispDt.Kind)
    End Sub
    ' Display the value and Kind property for DateTime.Now and DateTime.UtcNow.

    Public Shared Sub DisplayNow(ByVal title As String, ByVal inputDt As DateTime) 
        Dim dtString As String = inputDt.ToString(datePatt)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}, Kind = {2}", title, dtString, inputDt.Kind)
    End Sub
End Class

'This code example produces the following results:
'UtcNow: .......... 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
'Now: ............. 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
'Utc: ............. 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
'  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 07:34:42 AM, Kind = Local
'  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
'Local: ........... 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
'  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Local
'  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc
'Unspecified: ..... 5/6/2005 02:34:42 PM, Kind = Unspecified
'  ToLocalTime:     5/6/2005 07:34:42 AM, Kind = Local
'  ToUniversalTime: 5/6/2005 09:34:42 PM, Kind = Utc


개체는 DateTime 시간 값이 현지 시간, UTC(협정 세계시) 또는 둘 다에 기반하는지 여부를 나타내는 Kind 필드와 100나노초 틱으로 측정된 시간 값을 포함하는 틱 필드로 구성됩니다. 메서드는 SpecifyKind 지정된 kind 매개 변수와 원래 시간 값을 사용하여 새 DateTime 개체를 만듭니다.


반환된 DateTime 값은 매개 변수와 SpecifyKind 동일한 시간 인스턴스를 value 나타내지 않으며 표준 시간대 변환 방법이 아닙니다. 대신 매개 변수에 지정된 value 시간을 변경하지 않고 속성을 kind.로 설정합니다Kind. 표준 시간대 변환에 대한 자세한 내용은 표준 시간대 간 시간 변환을 참조하세요.

SpecifyKind 메서드는 지정되지 않은 Kind 필드가 있는 개체를 수신 DateTime 하는 상호 운용성 시나리오에서 유용하지만, 눈금 필드가 현지 시간 또는 UTC를 나타내는 것을 독립적으로 확인할 수 있습니다.

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