MethodBase.IsHideBySig 속성


동일한 시그니처가 있는 동일한 종류의 멤버만을 파생 클래스에서 숨길 수 있는지 여부를 나타내는 값을 가져옵니다.

 property bool IsHideBySig { bool get(); };
public bool IsHideBySig { get; }
member this.IsHideBySig : bool
Public ReadOnly Property IsHideBySig As Boolean

속성 값


멤버를 시그니처로 숨길 수 있으면 true이고 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.



다음 코드 예제에는 오버로드된 메서드가 있는 기본 클래스와 오버로드 중 하나를 숨기는 파생 클래스가 포함되어 있습니다. 코드 예제의 Visual Basic 버전에서 속성은 IsHideBySig 파생 클래스의 멤버에 대해 반환 false 합니다. 코드 샘플의 C# 버전에서 속성은 파생 클래스의 멤버에 대해 반환 true 됩니다.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

// The base class Parent contains an overloaded method PrintCall.
public ref class Parent
    virtual void PrintCall()
        Console::WriteLine("Parent's PrintCall()");
    virtual void PrintCall(int x)
        Console::WriteLine("Parent's PrintCall({0})", x);

// The derived class Child hides one overload of the inherited 
// method PrintCall.
public ref class Child : public Parent
    void PrintCall(int i) new
        Console::WriteLine("Child's PrintCall({0})", i);

int main()
    Child^ childInstance = gcnew Child();

    // In C#, the method in the derived class hides by name and by
    // signature, so the overload in the derived class hides only one
    // of the overloads in the base class.
    Console::WriteLine("------ List the overloads of PrintCall in the " +
        "derived class Child ------");
    Type^ t = childInstance->GetType();
    for each(MethodInfo^ minfo in t->GetMethods())
        if (minfo->Name == "PrintCall")
            Console::WriteLine("Overload of PrintCall: {0}" +
                " IsHideBySig = {1}, DeclaringType = {2}", 
                minfo, minfo->IsHideBySig, minfo->DeclaringType);

    // The method PrintCall in the derived class hides one overload of the 
    // method in Parent.  Contrast this with Visual Basic, which hides by
    // name instead of by name and signature.  In Visual Basic, the
    // parameterless overload of PrintCall would be unavailable from Child.
        "------ Call the overloads of PrintCall available in Child ------");

    // If Child is cast to the base type Parent, both overloads of the 
    // shadowed method can be called.
        "------ Call the shadowed overloads of PrintCall ------");
    Parent^ parentInstance = childInstance;

/* This code example produces the following output:

------ List the overloads of PrintCall in the derived class Child ------
Overload of PrintCall: Void PrintCall(Int32) IsHideBySig = True, DeclaringType = Child
Overload of PrintCall: Void PrintCall() IsHideBySig = True, DeclaringType = Parent
Overload of PrintCall: Void PrintCall(Int32) IsHideBySig = True, DeclaringType = Parent
------ Call the overloads of PrintCall available in Child ------
Parent's PrintCall()
Child's PrintCall(42)
------ Call the shadowed overloads of PrintCall ------
Parent's PrintCall()
Parent's PrintCall(42)

using System;
using System.Reflection;

// The base class B contains an overloaded method M.
public class B
    public virtual void M()
        Console.WriteLine("B's M()");
    public virtual void M(int x)
        Console.WriteLine("B's M({0})", x);

// The derived class D hides one overload of the inherited 
// method M.
public class D:
    new public void M(int i)
        Console.WriteLine("D's M({0})", i);

public class Test
    public static void Main()
        D dinst = new D();
        // In C#, the method in the derived class hides by name and by
        // signature, so the overload in the derived class hides only one
        // of the overloads in the base class.
        Console.WriteLine("------ List the overloads of M in the derived class D ------");
        Type t = dinst.GetType();
        foreach( MethodInfo minfo in t.GetMethods() )
            if (minfo.Name=="M") {Console.WriteLine("Overload of M: {0}  IsHideBySig = {1}, DeclaringType = {2}", minfo, minfo.IsHideBySig, minfo.DeclaringType);}

        // The method M in the derived class hides one overload of the 
        // method in B.  Contrast this with Visual Basic, which hides by
        // name instead of by name and signature.  In Visual Basic, the
        // parameterless overload of M would be unavailable from D.
        Console.WriteLine("------ Call the overloads of M available in D ------");
        // If D is cast to the base type B, both overloads of the 
        // shadowed method can be called.
        Console.WriteLine("------ Call the shadowed overloads of M ------");
        B binst = dinst;
    } //Main
} //Test

/* This code example produces the following output:

------ List the overloads of M in the derived class D ------
Overload of M: Void M(Int32)  IsHideBySig = True, DeclaringType = B
Overload of M: Void M()  IsHideBySig = True, DeclaringType = B
Overload of M: Void M(Int32)  IsHideBySig = True, DeclaringType = D
------ Call the overloads of M available in D ------
B's M()
D's M(42)
------ Call the shadowed overloads of M ------
B's M()
B's M(42)
Imports System.Reflection

' The base class B contains an overloaded method M.
Public Class B
    Public Overridable Sub M()
        Console.WriteLine("B's M()")
    End Sub
    Public Overridable Sub M(ByVal x As Integer)
        Console.WriteLine("B's M({0})", x)
    End Sub
End Class

' The derived class D hides the inherited method M.
Public Class D
    Inherits B
    Shadows Public Sub M(ByVal i As Integer)
        Console.WriteLine("D's M({0})", i)
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Test
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim dinst As New D()
        ' In Visual Basic, the method in the derived class hides by
        ' name, rather than by signature.  Thus, although a list of all the 
        ' overloads of M shows three overloads, only one can be called from
        ' class D.  
        Console.WriteLine("------ List the overloads of M in the derived class D ------")
        Dim t As Type = dinst.GetType()
        For Each minfo As MethodInfo In t.GetMethods()
            If minfo.Name = "M" Then Console.WriteLine( _
                "Overload of M: {0}  IsHideBySig = {1}, DeclaringType = {2}", _
                minfo, minfo.IsHideBySig, minfo.DeclaringType)

        ' The method M in the derived class hides the method in B.
        Console.WriteLine("------ Call the overloads of M available in D ------")
        ' The following line causes a compile error, because both overloads
        ' in the base class are hidden.  Contrast this with C#, where only 
        ' one of the overloads of B would be hidden.
        ' If D is cast to the base type B, both overloads of the 
        ' shadowed method can be called.
        Console.WriteLine("------ Call the shadowed overloads of M ------")
        Dim binst As B = dinst
    End Sub
End Class

' This code example produces the following output:
' ------ List the overloads of M in the derived class D ------
' Overload of M: Void M(Int32)  IsHideBySig = False, DeclaringType = B
' Overload of M: Void M()  IsHideBySig = False, DeclaringType = B
' Overload of M: Void M(Int32)  IsHideBySig = False, DeclaringType = D
' ------ Call the overloads of M available in D ------
' D's M(42)
' ------ Call the shadowed overloads of M ------
' B's M()
' B's M(42)


파생 클래스의 멤버가 C# new 한정자 또는 Visual Basic Shadows 한정자를 사용하여 선언되면 기본 클래스에서 동일한 이름의 멤버를 숨길 수 있습니다. C#은 서명별로 기본 클래스 멤버를 숨깁니다. 즉, 기본 클래스 멤버에 여러 오버로드가 있는 경우 숨겨진 유일한 것은 동일한 서명이 있는 멤버뿐입니다. 반면 Visual Basic 모든 기본 클래스 오버로드를 숨깁니다. IsHideBySig 따라서 Visual Basic Shadows 한정자를 사용하여 선언된 멤버와 true C# new 한정자를 사용하여 선언된 멤버를 반환 false 합니다.


이 속성은 메서드 NewSlot 에 특성이 있는지 여부를 결정 하지 않습니다. 한정자 또는 Shadows 한정자를 사용하여 new 선언된 메서드에는 NewSlot 특성이 있지만 선언된 메서드(즉, C# 메서드만)로 선언된 new 메서드에만 속성이 IsHideBySig 설정true됩니다. 메서드 NewSlot 에 특성이 있는지 확인하려면 C# 또는 If (myMethodInfo.Attributes And MethodAttributes.VtableLayoutMask) = MethodAttributes.NewSlot Visual Basic 다음과 if ((myMethodInfo.Attributes & MethodAttributes.VtableLayoutMask) == MethodAttributes.NewSlot) 유사한 코드를 사용합니다. 그러나 모든 메서드가 특성을 사용하여 new 선언되거나 Shadows 특성이 있지만 NewSlot 특성이 있는 모든 메서드가 NewSlot 선언된 new Shadows것은 아닙니다.

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