다음을 통해 공유

TimeZoneInfo.GetUtcOffset 메서드


이 표준 시간대의 시간과 특정 날짜 및 시간에 대한 UTC(협정 세계시) 사이의 오프셋 또는 차이를 계산합니다.



이 표준 시간대의 시간과 특정 날짜 및 시간에 대한 UTC(협정 세계시) 사이의 오프셋 또는 차이를 계산합니다.


이 표준 시간대의 시간과 특정 날짜 및 시간에 대한 UTC(협정 세계시) 사이의 오프셋 또는 차이를 계산합니다.


이 표준 시간대의 시간과 특정 날짜 및 시간에 대한 UTC(협정 세계시) 사이의 오프셋 또는 차이를 계산합니다.

 TimeSpan GetUtcOffset(DateTime dateTime);
public TimeSpan GetUtcOffset (DateTime dateTime);
member this.GetUtcOffset : DateTime -> TimeSpan
Public Function GetUtcOffset (dateTime As DateTime) As TimeSpan

매개 변수


오프셋을 확인할 대상 날짜 및 시간입니다.



두 표준 시간대 사이의 시간 차이를 나타내는 개체입니다.


다음 예제에서는 서로 다른 표준 시간대 및 다른 속성 값이 있는 날짜 값으로 메서드를 사용하는 GetUtcOffset(DateTime) 방법을 Kind 보여 줍니다.

using System;

namespace TimeZoneInfoCode
   public class TimeOffsets
      public static void Main()
         TimeOffsets timeoff = new TimeOffsets();
         TimeZoneInfo cst = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time");
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2006, 6, 12, 11, 0, 0), TimeZoneInfo.Local);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2007, 11, 4, 1, 0, 0), TimeZoneInfo.Local);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2006, 12, 10, 15, 0, 0), TimeZoneInfo.Local);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2007, 3, 11, 2, 30, 0), TimeZoneInfo.Local);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2006, 6, 12, 11, 0, 0), TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2007, 11, 4, 1, 0, 0), TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2006, 12, 10, 3, 0, 0), TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2007, 3, 11, 2, 30, 0), TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2006, 6, 12, 11, 0, 0), cst);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2007, 11, 4, 1, 0, 0), cst);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2006, 12, 10, 15, 0, 0), cst);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2007, 3, 11, 2, 30, 0, 0), cst);
         timeoff.ShowOffset(new DateTime(2007, 11, 14, 00, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Local), cst);
      private void ShowOffset(DateTime time, TimeZoneInfo timeZone)
         DateTime convertedTime = time;  
         TimeSpan offset;
         if (time.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local && ! timeZone.Equals(TimeZoneInfo.Local)) 
            convertedTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(time, TimeZoneInfo.Local, timeZone);
         else if (time.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc && ! timeZone.Equals(TimeZoneInfo.Utc)) 
            convertedTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(time, TimeZoneInfo.Utc, timeZone);         
         offset = timeZone.GetUtcOffset(time);
         if (time == convertedTime)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} ", time, 
                              timeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(time) ? timeZone.DaylightName : timeZone.StandardName);
            Console.WriteLine("   It differs from UTC by {0} hours, {1} minutes.", 
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} ", time, 
                              time.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? "UTC" :  TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id);       
            Console.WriteLine("   converts to {0} {1}.", 
            Console.WriteLine("   It differs from UTC by {0} hours, {1} minutes.", 
                              offset.Hours, offset.Minutes);  
// The example produces the following output:
//       6/12/2006 11:00:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -7 hours, 0 minutes.
//       11/4/2007 1:00:00 AM Pacific Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
//       12/10/2006 3:00:00 PM Pacific Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
//       3/11/2007 2:30:00 AM Pacific Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
//       2/2/2007 8:35:46 PM UTC 
//          converts to 2/2/2007 12:35:46 PM Pacific Standard Time.
//          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
//       6/12/2006 11:00:00 AM UTC 
//          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
//       11/4/2007 1:00:00 AM UTC 
//          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
//       12/10/2006 3:00:00 AM UTC 
//          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
//       3/11/2007 2:30:00 AM UTC 
//          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
//       2/2/2007 12:35:46 PM Pacific Standard Time 
//          converts to 2/2/2007 8:35:46 PM UTC.
//          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
//       6/12/2006 11:00:00 AM Central Daylight Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -5 hours, 0 minutes.
//       11/4/2007 1:00:00 AM Central Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
//       12/10/2006 3:00:00 PM Central Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
//       3/11/2007 2:30:00 AM Central Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
//       11/14/2007 12:00:00 AM Pacific Standard Time 
//          converts to 11/14/2007 2:00:00 AM Central Standard Time.
//          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
open System

let showOffset (time: DateTime) (timeZone: TimeZoneInfo) =
    let convertedTime = 
        match time.Kind with
        | DateTimeKind.Local when not (timeZone.Equals TimeZoneInfo.Local) ->
            TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(time, TimeZoneInfo.Local, timeZone)
        | DateTimeKind.Utc when not (timeZone.Equals TimeZoneInfo.Utc) -> 
            TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(time, TimeZoneInfo.Utc, timeZone)         
        | _ -> time

    let offset = timeZone.GetUtcOffset time
    if time = convertedTime then
        printfn $"{time} {if timeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime time then timeZone.DaylightName else timeZone.StandardName} "
        printfn $"   It differs from UTC by {offset.Hours} hours, {offset.Minutes} minutes."
        printfn $"""{time} {if time.Kind = DateTimeKind.Utc then "UTC" else TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id} """       
        printfn $"   converts to {convertedTime} {timeZone.Id}." 
        printfn $"   It differs from UTC by {offset.Hours} hours, {offset.Minutes} minutes."  
    printfn ""                                             

let cst = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById "Central Standard Time"

showOffset (DateTime(2006, 6, 12, 11, 0, 0)) TimeZoneInfo.Local
showOffset (DateTime(2007, 11, 4, 1, 0, 0)) TimeZoneInfo.Local
showOffset (DateTime(2006, 12, 10, 15, 0, 0)) TimeZoneInfo.Local
showOffset (DateTime(2007, 3, 11, 2, 30, 0)) TimeZoneInfo.Local
showOffset DateTime.UtcNow TimeZoneInfo.Local
showOffset (DateTime(2006, 6, 12, 11, 0, 0)) TimeZoneInfo.Utc
showOffset (DateTime(2007, 11, 4, 1, 0, 0)) TimeZoneInfo.Utc
showOffset (DateTime(2006, 12, 10, 3, 0, 0)) TimeZoneInfo.Utc
showOffset (DateTime(2007, 3, 11, 2, 30, 0)) TimeZoneInfo.Utc
showOffset DateTime.Now TimeZoneInfo.Utc
showOffset (DateTime(2006, 6, 12, 11, 0, 0)) cst
showOffset (DateTime(2007, 11, 4, 1, 0, 0)) cst
showOffset (DateTime(2006, 12, 10, 15, 0, 0)) cst
showOffset (DateTime(2007, 3, 11, 2, 30, 0, 0)) cst
showOffset (DateTime(2007, 11, 14, 00, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Local)) cst

// The example produces the following output:
//       6/12/2006 11:00:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -7 hours, 0 minutes.
//       11/4/2007 1:00:00 AM Pacific Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
//       12/10/2006 3:00:00 PM Pacific Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
//       3/11/2007 2:30:00 AM Pacific Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
//       2/2/2007 8:35:46 PM UTC 
//          converts to 2/2/2007 12:35:46 PM Pacific Standard Time.
//          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
//       6/12/2006 11:00:00 AM UTC 
//          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
//       11/4/2007 1:00:00 AM UTC 
//          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
//       12/10/2006 3:00:00 AM UTC 
//          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
//       3/11/2007 2:30:00 AM UTC 
//          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
//       2/2/2007 12:35:46 PM Pacific Standard Time 
//          converts to 2/2/2007 8:35:46 PM UTC.
//          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
//       6/12/2006 11:00:00 AM Central Daylight Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -5 hours, 0 minutes.
//       11/4/2007 1:00:00 AM Central Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
//       12/10/2006 3:00:00 PM Central Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
//       3/11/2007 2:30:00 AM Central Standard Time 
//          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
//       11/14/2007 12:00:00 AM Pacific Standard Time 
//          converts to 11/14/2007 2:00:00 AM Central Standard Time.
//          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
Option Strict On

<Assembly: CLSCompliant(True)>
Module TimeOffsets
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim cst As TimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time")

      ShowOffset(#6/12/2006 11:00AM#, TimeZoneInfo.Local)
      ShowOffset(#11/4/2007 1:00AM#, TimeZoneInfo.Local)
      ShowOffset(#12/10/2006 3:00PM#, TimeZoneInfo.Local)
      ShowOffset(#3/11/2007 2:30:00AM#, TimeZoneInfo.Local)
      ShowOffset(Date.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.Local)
      ShowOffset(#6/12/2006 11:00AM#, TimeZoneInfo.Utc)
      ShowOffset(#11/4/2007 1:00AM#, TimeZoneInfo.Utc)
      ShowOffset(#12/10/2006 3:00PM#, TimeZoneInfo.Utc)
      ShowOffset(#3/11/2007 2:30:00AM#, TimeZoneInfo.Utc)
      ShowOffset(Date.Now, TimeZoneInfo.Utc)
      ShowOffset(#6/12/2006 11:00AM#, cst)
      ShowOffset(#11/4/2007 1:00AM#, cst)
      ShowOffset(#12/10/2006 3:00PM#, cst)
      ShowOffset(#3/11/2007 2:30:00AM#, cst)
      ShowOffset(New Date(2007, 11, 14, 00, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Local), cst)
   End Sub
   Private Sub ShowOffset(time As Date, timeZone As TimeZoneInfo)
      Dim convertedTime As Date = time  
      Dim offset As TimeSpan
      If time.Kind = DateTimeKind.Local And Not timeZone.Equals(TimeZoneInfo.Local) Then
         convertedTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(time, TimeZoneInfo.Local, timeZone)
      ElseIf time.Kind = DateTimeKind.Utc And Not timeZone.Equals(TimeZoneInfo.Utc) Then
         convertedTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(time, TimeZoneInfo.Utc, timeZone)         
      End If
      offset = timeZone.GetUtcOffset(time)
      If time = convertedTime Then
         Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} ", time, _
                           IIf(timeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(time), timeZone.DaylightName, timeZone.StandardName))
         Console.WriteLine("   It differs from UTC by {0} hours, {1} minutes.", _
                            offset.Hours, _
         Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} ", time, _
                           IIf(time.Kind = DateTimeKind.Utc, "UTC", TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id))       
         Console.WriteLine("   converts to {0} {1}.", _
                           convertedTime, _
         Console.WriteLine("   It differs from UTC by {0} hours, {1} minutes.", _
                           offset.Hours, offset.Minutes)  
       End If
   End Sub
End Module
' The example produces the following output:
'       6/12/2006 11:00:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time 
'          It differs from UTC by -7 hours, 0 minutes.
'       11/4/2007 1:00:00 AM Pacific Standard Time 
'          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
'       12/10/2006 3:00:00 PM Pacific Standard Time 
'          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
'       3/11/2007 2:30:00 AM Pacific Standard Time 
'          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
'       2/2/2007 8:35:46 PM UTC 
'          converts to 2/2/2007 12:35:46 PM Pacific Standard Time.
'          It differs from UTC by -8 hours, 0 minutes.
'       6/12/2006 11:00:00 AM UTC 
'          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
'       11/4/2007 1:00:00 AM UTC 
'          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
'       12/10/2006 3:00:00 AM UTC 
'          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
'       3/11/2007 2:30:00 AM UTC 
'          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
'       2/2/2007 12:35:46 PM Pacific Standard Time 
'          converts to 2/2/2007 8:35:46 PM UTC.
'          It differs from UTC by 0 hours, 0 minutes.
'       6/12/2006 11:00:00 AM Central Daylight Time 
'          It differs from UTC by -5 hours, 0 minutes.
'       11/4/2007 1:00:00 AM Central Standard Time 
'          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
'       12/10/2006 3:00:00 PM Central Standard Time 
'          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
'       3/11/2007 2:30:00 AM Central Standard Time 
'          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.
'       11/14/2007 12:00:00 AM Pacific Standard Time 
'          converts to 11/14/2007 2:00:00 AM Central Standard Time.
'          It differs from UTC by -6 hours, 0 minutes.


반환 된 시간 범위는 현재 표준 시간대 조정 규칙 애플리케이션으로 인 한 모든 차이 포함합니다. UTC(협정 세계시)와 표준 시간대 표준시 간의 차이를 반환하는 속성과 다르 BaseUtcOffset 므로 조정 규칙을 고려하지 않습니다.

dateTime 매개 변수의 Kind 속성이 표준 시간대 개체에 해당하지 않는 경우 이 메서드는 결과를 반환하기 전에 필요한 변환을 수행합니다. 예를 들어 이 문제는 속성이 Kind DateTimeKind.Local 표준 시간대 개체가 현지 표준 시간대가 아닌 경우에 발생할 수 있습니다. 모호하거나 변환된 시간이 모호한 경우 dateTime 이 메서드는 모호한 시간을 표준 시간으로 해석합니다. 잘못된 경우 dateTime 이 메서드는 UTC와 표준 시간대의 표준 시간 간의 차이를 반영하는 개체를 반환 TimeSpan 합니다.

TimeZoneInfo.GetUtcOffset(DateTime) 메서드는 클래스의 메서드와 GetUtcOffset 연산에서 TimeZone 비슷합니다.

추가 정보

적용 대상


이 표준 시간대의 시간과 특정 날짜 및 시간에 대한 UTC(협정 세계시) 사이의 오프셋 또는 차이를 계산합니다.

 TimeSpan GetUtcOffset(DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset);
public TimeSpan GetUtcOffset (DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset);
member this.GetUtcOffset : DateTimeOffset -> TimeSpan
Public Function GetUtcOffset (dateTimeOffset As DateTimeOffset) As TimeSpan

매개 변수


오프셋을 확인할 대상 날짜 및 시간입니다.



UTC(협정 세계시)와 현재 표준 시간대 사이의 시간 차이를 나타내는 개체입니다.


반환 된 시간 범위는 현재 표준 시간대 조정 규칙 애플리케이션으로 인 한 모든 차이 포함합니다. UTC(협정 세계시)와 표준 시간대 표준시 간의 차이를 반환하는 속성과 다르 BaseUtcOffset 므로 조정 규칙을 고려하지 않습니다.

적용 대상