다음을 통해 공유

DockPanel.Dock 연결된 속성


부모 DockPanel 내에서 자식 요소의 위치를 나타내는 값을 가져오거나 설정합니다.

see GetDock, and SetDock
see GetDock, and SetDock
see GetDock, and SetDock


다음 예제에서는 XAML(Extensible Application Markup Language)을 사용하여 연결된 속성을 설정하는 Dock 방법을 보여 줍니다.

// Create the application's main window
mainWindow = gcnew Window();
mainWindow->Title = "DockPanel Sample";

// Create the DockPanel
DockPanel^ myDockPanel = gcnew DockPanel();
myDockPanel->LastChildFill = true;

// Define the child content
Border^ myBorder1 = gcnew Border();
myBorder1->Height = 25;
myBorder1->Background = Brushes::SkyBlue;
myBorder1->BorderBrush = Brushes::Black;
myBorder1->BorderThickness = Thickness(1);
DockPanel::SetDock(myBorder1, Dock::Top);
TextBlock^ myTextBlock1 = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock1->Foreground = Brushes::Black;
myTextBlock1->Text = "Dock = Top";
myBorder1->Child = myTextBlock1;

Border^ myBorder2 = gcnew Border();
myBorder2->Height = 25;
myBorder2->Background = Brushes::SkyBlue;
myBorder2->BorderBrush = Brushes::Black;
myBorder2->BorderThickness = Thickness(1);
DockPanel::SetDock(myBorder2, Dock::Top);
TextBlock^ myTextBlock2 = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock2->Foreground = Brushes::Black;
myTextBlock2->Text = "Dock = Top";
myBorder2->Child = myTextBlock2;

Border^ myBorder3 = gcnew Border();
myBorder3->Height = 25;
myBorder3->Background = Brushes::LemonChiffon;
myBorder3->BorderBrush = Brushes::Black;
myBorder3->BorderThickness = Thickness(1);
DockPanel::SetDock(myBorder3, Dock::Bottom);
TextBlock^ myTextBlock3 = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock3->Foreground = Brushes::Black;
myTextBlock3->Text = "Dock = Bottom";
myBorder3->Child = myTextBlock3;

Border^ myBorder4 = gcnew Border();
myBorder4->Width = 200;
myBorder4->Background = Brushes::PaleGreen;
myBorder4->BorderBrush = Brushes::Black;
myBorder4->BorderThickness = Thickness(1);
DockPanel::SetDock(myBorder4, Dock::Left);
TextBlock^ myTextBlock4 = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock4->Foreground = Brushes::Black;
myTextBlock4->Text = "Dock = Left";
myBorder4->Child = myTextBlock4;

Border^ myBorder5 = gcnew Border();
myBorder5->Background = Brushes::White;
myBorder5->BorderBrush = Brushes::Black;
myBorder5->BorderThickness = Thickness(1);
TextBlock^ myTextBlock5 = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock5->Foreground = Brushes::Black;
myTextBlock5->Text = "This content will Fill the remaining space";
myBorder5->Child = myTextBlock5;

// Add child elements to the DockPanel Children collection

// Add the parent Canvas as the Content of the Window Object
mainWindow->Content = myDockPanel;

// Create the application's main window
mainWindow = new Window ();
mainWindow.Title = "DockPanel Sample";

// Create the DockPanel
DockPanel myDockPanel = new DockPanel();
myDockPanel.LastChildFill = true;

// Define the child content
Border myBorder1 = new Border();
myBorder1.Height = 25;
myBorder1.Background = Brushes.SkyBlue;
myBorder1.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
myBorder1.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder1, Dock.Top);
TextBlock myTextBlock1 = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock1.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
myTextBlock1.Text = "Dock = Top";
myBorder1.Child = myTextBlock1;

Border myBorder2 = new Border();
myBorder2.Height = 25;
myBorder2.Background = Brushes.SkyBlue;
myBorder2.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
myBorder2.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder2, Dock.Top);
TextBlock myTextBlock2 = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock2.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
myTextBlock2.Text = "Dock = Top";
myBorder2.Child = myTextBlock2;

Border myBorder3 = new Border();
myBorder3.Height = 25;
myBorder3.Background = Brushes.LemonChiffon;
myBorder3.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
myBorder3.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder3, Dock.Bottom);
TextBlock myTextBlock3 = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock3.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
myTextBlock3.Text = "Dock = Bottom";
myBorder3.Child = myTextBlock3;

Border myBorder4 = new Border();
myBorder4.Width = 200;
myBorder4.Background = Brushes.PaleGreen;
myBorder4.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
myBorder4.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder4, Dock.Left);
TextBlock myTextBlock4 = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock4.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
myTextBlock4.Text = "Dock = Left";
myBorder4.Child = myTextBlock4;

Border myBorder5 = new Border();
myBorder5.Background = Brushes.White;
myBorder5.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
myBorder5.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
TextBlock myTextBlock5 = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock5.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
myTextBlock5.Text = "This content will Fill the remaining space";
myBorder5.Child = myTextBlock5;

// Add child elements to the DockPanel Children collection
// Add the parent Canvas as the Content of the Window Object
mainWindow.Content = myDockPanel;
mainWindow.Show ();
WindowTitle = "DockPanel Sample"
'Create a DockPanel as the root Panel
Dim myDockPanel As New DockPanel()
myDockPanel.LastChildFill = True

' Define the child content
Dim myBorder1 As New Border()
myBorder1.Height = 25
myBorder1.Background = Brushes.SkyBlue
myBorder1.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black
myBorder1.BorderThickness = New Thickness(1)
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder1, Dock.Top)
Dim myTextBlock1 As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock1.Foreground = Brushes.Black
myTextBlock1.Text = "Dock = Top"
myBorder1.Child = myTextBlock1

Dim myBorder2 As New Border()
myBorder2.Height = 25
myBorder2.Background = Brushes.SkyBlue
myBorder2.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black
myBorder2.BorderThickness = New Thickness(1)
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder2, Dock.Top)
Dim myTextBlock2 As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock2.Foreground = Brushes.Black
myTextBlock2.Text = "Dock = Top"
myBorder2.Child = myTextBlock2

Dim myBorder3 As New Border()
myBorder3.Height = 25
myBorder3.Background = Brushes.LemonChiffon
myBorder3.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black
myBorder3.BorderThickness = New Thickness(1)
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder3, Dock.Bottom)
Dim myTextBlock3 As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock3.Foreground = Brushes.Black
myTextBlock3.Text = "Dock = Bottom"
myBorder3.Child = myTextBlock3

Dim myBorder4 As New Border()
myBorder4.Width = 200
myBorder4.Background = Brushes.PaleGreen
myBorder4.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black
myBorder4.BorderThickness = New Thickness(1)
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder4, Dock.Left)
Dim myTextBlock4 As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock4.Foreground = Brushes.Black
myTextBlock4.Text = "Dock = Left"
myBorder4.Child = myTextBlock4

Dim myBorder5 As New Border()
myBorder5.Background = Brushes.White
myBorder5.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black
myBorder5.BorderThickness = New Thickness(1)
Dim myTextBlock5 As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock5.Foreground = Brushes.Black
myTextBlock5.Text = "This content will Fill the remaining space"
myBorder5.Child = myTextBlock5

' Add child elements to the DockPanel Children collection
Me.Content = myDockPanel
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" WindowTitle="DockPanel Sample">
  <DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
    <Border Height="25" Background="SkyBlue" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Top"</TextBlock>
    <Border Height="25" Background="SkyBlue" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Top"</TextBlock>
    <Border Height="25" Background="LemonChiffon" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Bottom"</TextBlock>
    <Border Width="200" Background="PaleGreen" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Left">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Left"</TextBlock>
    <Border Background="White" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">This content will "Fill" the remaining space</TextBlock>


설정 하는 경우는 LastChildFill 속성을 true는 기본 설정에서의 마지막 자식 요소는 DockPanel 항상 마지막 자식 요소에 설정 하는 다른 도킹 값에 관계 없이 나머지 공간을 채웁니다. 설정 해야 합니다는 자식 요소를 다른 방향으로 LastChildFill 속성을 false 마지막 자식 요소를 도킹 방향 명시적으로 지정 해야 합니다.


자식 요소의 위치를 DockPanel 화면에 의해 결정 됩니다 합니다 Dock 해당 자식 요소의 속성 아래에서 해당 자식 요소의 상대 순서가 DockPanel. 따라서 동일한 Dock 속성 값을 사용 하 여 자식 요소의 집합을 배치할 수 다르게에서 이러한 자식 순서에 따라 화면에는 DockPanel합니다. 자식 순서 때문에 위치 하는 효과 DockPanel 남아 있는 공간에 따라 각 요소의 위치를 설정 하는 순서 대로 자식 요소를 반복 합니다.

종속성 속성 정보

식별자 필드 DockProperty
메타 데이터 속성 설정 true 없음

적용 대상

추가 정보