다음을 통해 공유

TableLayoutSettings 클래스


테이블 레이아웃과 관련된 특징을 수집합니다.

public ref class TableLayoutSettings sealed : System::Windows::Forms::LayoutSettings, System::Runtime::Serialization::ISerializable
public sealed class TableLayoutSettings : System.Windows.Forms.LayoutSettings, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
type TableLayoutSettings = class
    inherit LayoutSettings
    interface ISerializable
Public NotInheritable Class TableLayoutSettings
Inherits LayoutSettings
Implements ISerializable


다음 예제에서는 초기화 하는 방법을 보여 줍니다는 TableLayoutSettings 개체를 TableLayoutPanel 제어 합니다. 전체 코드 목록은 참조 하세요 방법: 사용자 지정 ToolStripRenderer 구현합니다.

   // The following class implements a sliding-tile puzzle.
   // The GridStrip control is a custom ToolStrip that arranges
   // its ToolStripButton controls in a grid layout. There is 
   // one empty cell, into which the user can slide an adjacent
   // tile with a drag-and-drop operation. Tiles that are eligible 
   // for moving are highlighted.
   public class GridStrip : ToolStrip
       // The button that is the drag source.
       private ToolStripButton dragButton = null;

       // Settings for the ToolStrip control's TableLayoutPanel.
       // This provides access to the cell position of each
       // ToolStripButton.
       private TableLayoutSettings tableSettings = null;

       // The empty cell. ToolStripButton controls that are
       // adjacent to this button can be moved to this button's
       // cell position.
       private ToolStripButton emptyCellButton = null;

       // The dimensions of each tile. A tile is represented
       // by a ToolStripButton controls.
       private Size tileSize = new Size(128, 128);

       // The number of rows in the GridStrip control.
       private readonly int rows = 5;

       // The number of columns in the GridStrip control.
       private readonly int columns = 5;

       // The one-time initialzation behavior is enforced
       // with this field. For more information, see the 
       // OnPaint method.
       private bool firstTime = false;

       // This is a required by the Windows Forms designer.
       private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components;

       // The default constructor.  
       public GridStrip()


       // This property exposes the empty cell to the 
       // GridStripRenderer class.
       internal ToolStripButton EmptyCell
               return this.emptyCellButton;

       // This utility method initializes the TableLayoutPanel 
       // which contains the ToolStripButton controls.
       private void InitializeTableLayoutSettings()
           // Specify the numbers of rows and columns in the GridStrip control.
           this.tableSettings = base.LayoutSettings as TableLayoutSettings;
           this.tableSettings.ColumnCount = this.rows;
           this.tableSettings.RowCount = this.columns;

           // Create a dummy bitmap with the dimensions of each tile.
           // The GridStrip control sizes itself based on these dimensions.
           Bitmap b = new Bitmap(tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height);

           // Populate the GridStrip control with ToolStripButton controls.
           for (int i = 0; i < this.tableSettings.ColumnCount; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < this.tableSettings.RowCount; j++)
                   // Create a new ToolStripButton control.
                   ToolStripButton btn = new ToolStripButton();
                   btn.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image;
                   btn.Image = b;
                   btn.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                   btn.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.None;
                   btn.Margin = Padding.Empty;
                   btn.Padding = Padding.Empty;

                   // Add the new ToolStripButton control to the GridStrip.

                   // Set the cell position of the ToolStripButton control.
                   TableLayoutPanelCellPosition cellPos = new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(i, j);
                   this.tableSettings.SetCellPosition(btn, cellPos);

                   // If this is the ToolStripButton control at cell (0,0),
                   // assign it as the empty cell button.
                   if( i == 0 && j == 0 )
                       btn.Text = "Empty Cell";
                       btn.Image = b;
                       this.emptyCellButton = btn;

       // This method defines the Paint event behavior.
       // The GridStripRenderer requires that the GridStrip
       // be fully layed out when it is renders, so this
       // initialization code cannot be placed in the
       // GridStrip constructor. By the time the Paint
       // event is raised, the control layout has been 
       // completed, so the GridStripRenderer can paint
       // correctly. This one-time initialization is
       // implemented with the firstTime field.
       protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

           if (!this.firstTime)
               this.Renderer = new GridStripRenderer();

               // Comment this line to see the unscrambled image.
               this.firstTime = true;

       // This utility method changes the ToolStripButton control 
       // positions in the TableLayoutPanel. This scrambles the 
       // buttons to initialize the puzzle.
       private void ScrambleButtons()
           int i = 0;
           int lastElement = this.Items.Count - 1;

           while ( (i != lastElement ) &&
                   (lastElement - i > 1) )
               TableLayoutPanelCellPosition pos1 = 

               TableLayoutPanelCellPosition pos2 = 



       // This method defines the MouseDown event behavior. 
       // If the user has clicked on a valid drag source, 
       // the drag operation starts.
       protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs mea)

           ToolStripButton btn = this.GetItemAt(mea.Location) as ToolStripButton;

           if (btn != null)
               if (this.IsValidDragSource(btn))
                   this.dragButton = btn;

       // This method defines the MouseMove event behavior. 
       protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs mea)

           // Is a drag operation pending?
           if (this.dragButton != null)
               // A drag operation is pending. Call DoDragDrop to 
               // determine the disposition of the operation.
               DragDropEffects dropEffect = this.DoDragDrop(
                   new DataObject(this.dragButton), 

       // This method defines the DragOver event behavior. 
       protected override void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs dea)

           // Get the ToolStripButton control 
           // at the given mouse position.
           Point p = new Point(dea.X, dea.Y);
           ToolStripButton item = this.GetItemAt(
               this.PointToClient(p)) as ToolStripButton;

           // If the ToolStripButton control is the empty cell,
           // indicate that the move operation is valid.
           if( item == this.emptyCellButton )
               // Set the drag operation to indicate a valid move.
               dea.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;

       // This method defines the DragDrop event behavior. 
       protected override void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs dea)

           // Did a valid move operation occur?
           if (dea.Effect == DragDropEffects.Move)
               // The move operation is valid. Adjust the state
               // of the GridStrip control's TableLayoutPanel,
               // by swapping the positions of the source button
               // and the empty cell button.

               // Get the cell of the control to move.
               TableLayoutPanelCellPosition sourcePos = 

               // Get the cell of the emptyCellButton.
               TableLayoutPanelCellPosition dropPos = 

               // Move the control to the empty cell.
               tableSettings.SetCellPosition(this.dragButton, dropPos);

               // Set the position of the empty cell to 
               // that of the previously occupied cell.
               tableSettings.SetCellPosition(this.emptyCellButton, sourcePos);

               // Reset the drag operation.
               this.dragButton = null;

       // This method defines the DragLeave event behavior. 
       // If the mouse leaves the client area of the GridStrip
       // control, the drag operation is canceled.
       protected override void OnDragLeave(EventArgs e)

           // Reset the drag operation.
           this.dragButton = null;

       // This method defines the ueryContinueDrag event behavior. 
       // If the mouse leaves the client area of the GridStrip
       // control, the drag operation is canceled.
       protected override void OnQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs qcdevent)

           // Get the current mouse position, in screen coordinates.
           Point mousePos = this.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);

           // If the mouse position is outside the GridStrip control's
           // client area, cancel the drag operation. Be sure to
           // transform the mouse's screen coordinates to client coordinates. 
           if (!this.ClientRectangle.Contains(mousePos))
               qcdevent.Action = DragAction.Cancel;

       // This utility method determines if a button
       // is positioned relative to the empty cell 
       // such that it can be dragged into the empty cell.
       private bool IsValidDragSource(ToolStripButton b)
           TableLayoutPanelCellPosition sourcePos = 

           TableLayoutPanelCellPosition emptyPos = 

           return (IsValidDragSource(sourcePos, emptyPos));

       // This utility method determines if a cell position
       // is adjacent to the empty cell.
       internal static bool IsValidDragSource(
           TableLayoutPanelCellPosition sourcePos, 
           TableLayoutPanelCellPosition emptyPos)
           bool returnValue = false;

           // A cell is considered to be a valid drag source if it
           // is adjacent to the empty cell. Cells that are positioned
           // on a diagonal are not valid.
           if (((sourcePos.Column == emptyPos.Column - 1) && (sourcePos.Row == emptyPos.Row)) ||
               ((sourcePos.Column == emptyPos.Column + 1) && (sourcePos.Row == emptyPos.Row)) ||
               ((sourcePos.Column == emptyPos.Column) && (sourcePos.Row == emptyPos.Row - 1)) ||
               ((sourcePos.Column == emptyPos.Column) && (sourcePos.Row == emptyPos.Row + 1)))
               returnValue = true;

           return returnValue;
' The following class implements a sliding-tile puzzle.
' The GridStrip control is a custom ToolStrip that arranges
' its ToolStripButton controls in a grid layout. There is 
' one empty cell, into which the user can slide an adjacent
' tile with a drag-and-drop operation. Tiles that are eligible 
' for moving are highlighted.
Public Class GridStrip
    Inherits ToolStrip

   ' The button that is the drag source.
   Private dragButton As ToolStripButton = Nothing
   ' Settings for the ToolStrip control's TableLayoutPanel.
   ' This provides access to the cell position of each
   ' ToolStripButton.
   Private tableSettings As TableLayoutSettings = Nothing
   ' The empty cell. ToolStripButton controls that are
   ' adjacent to this button can be moved to this button's
   ' cell position.
   Private emptyCellButton As ToolStripButton = Nothing
   ' The dimensions of each tile. A tile is represented
   ' by a ToolStripButton controls.
   Private tileSize As New Size(128, 128)
   ' The number of rows in the GridStrip control.
   Private rows As Integer = 5
   ' The number of columns in the GridStrip control.
   Private columns As Integer = 5
   ' The one-time initialzation behavior is enforced
   ' with this field. For more information, see the 
   ' OnPaint method.
   Private firstTime As Boolean = False
   ' This is a required by the Windows Forms designer.
   Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
   ' The default constructor.  
    Public Sub New()


    End Sub
   ' This property exposes the empty cell to the 
   ' GridStripRenderer class.
   Friend ReadOnly Property EmptyCell() As ToolStripButton
         Return Me.emptyCellButton
      End Get
   End Property
   ' This utility method initializes the TableLayoutPanel 
   ' which contains the ToolStripButton controls.
    Private Sub InitializeTableLayoutSettings()

        ' Specify the numbers of rows and columns in the GridStrip control.
        Me.tableSettings = CType(MyBase.LayoutSettings, TableLayoutSettings)
        Me.tableSettings.ColumnCount = Me.rows
        Me.tableSettings.RowCount = Me.columns

        ' Create a dummy bitmap with the dimensions of each tile.
        ' The GridStrip control sizes itself based on these dimensions.
        Dim b As New Bitmap(tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height)

        ' Populate the GridStrip control with ToolStripButton controls.
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To (Me.tableSettings.ColumnCount) - 1
            Dim j As Integer
            For j = 0 To (Me.tableSettings.RowCount) - 1
                ' Create a new ToolStripButton control.
                Dim btn As New ToolStripButton()
                btn.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image
                btn.Image = b
                btn.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
                btn.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.None
                btn.Margin = System.Windows.Forms.Padding.Empty
                btn.Padding = System.Windows.Forms.Padding.Empty

                ' Add the new ToolStripButton control to the GridStrip.

                ' Set the cell position of the ToolStripButton control.
                Dim cellPos As New TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(i, j)
                Me.tableSettings.SetCellPosition(btn, cellPos)

                ' If this is the ToolStripButton control at cell (0,0),
                ' assign it as the empty cell button.
                If i = 0 AndAlso j = 0 Then
                    btn.Text = "Empty Cell"
                    btn.Image = b
                    Me.emptyCellButton = btn
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
    End Sub
   ' This method defines the Paint event behavior.
   ' The GridStripRenderer requires that the GridStrip
   ' be fully layed out when it is renders, so this
   ' initialization code cannot be placed in the
   ' GridStrip constructor. By the time the Paint
   ' event is raised, the control layout has been 
   ' completed, so the GridStripRenderer can paint
   ' correctly. This one-time initialization is
   ' implemented with the firstTime field.
   Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs)
      If Not Me.firstTime Then
         Me.Renderer = New GridStripRenderer()
         ' Comment this line to see the unscrambled image.
         Me.firstTime = True
      End If
    End Sub
   ' This utility method changes the ToolStripButton control 
   ' positions in the TableLayoutPanel. This scrambles the 
   ' buttons to initialize the puzzle.
   Private Sub ScrambleButtons()
      Dim i As Integer = 0
      Dim lastElement As Integer = Me.Items.Count - 1
      While i <> lastElement AndAlso lastElement - i > 1
            Dim pos1 As TableLayoutPanelCellPosition = _
            Dim pos2 As TableLayoutPanelCellPosition = _
            Me.tableSettings.SetCellPosition(Me.Items(i), pos2)
            i += 1
            Me.tableSettings.SetCellPosition(Me.Items(lastElement), pos1)
            lastElement -= 1
      End While
    End Sub
   ' This method defines the MouseDown event behavior. 
   ' If the user has clicked on a valid drag source, 
   ' the drag operation starts.
   Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(mea As MouseEventArgs)
        Dim btn As ToolStripButton = CType(Me.GetItemAt(mea.Location), ToolStripButton)
      If (btn IsNot Nothing) Then
         If Me.IsValidDragSource(btn) Then
            Me.dragButton = btn
         End If
      End If
    End Sub
   ' This method defines the MouseMove event behavior. 
   Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(mea As MouseEventArgs)
      ' Is a drag operation pending?
      If (Me.dragButton IsNot Nothing) Then
         ' A drag operation is pending. Call DoDragDrop to 
         ' determine the disposition of the operation.
         Dim dropEffect As DragDropEffects = Me.DoDragDrop(New DataObject(Me.dragButton), DragDropEffects.Move)
      End If
    End Sub
   ' This method defines the DragOver event behavior. 
   Protected Overrides Sub OnDragOver(dea As DragEventArgs)
      ' Get the ToolStripButton control 
      ' at the given mouse position.
      Dim p As New Point(dea.X, dea.Y)
      Dim item As ToolStripButton = CType(Me.GetItemAt(Me.PointToClient(p)), ToolStripButton)
      ' If the ToolStripButton control is the empty cell,
      ' indicate that the move operation is valid.
        If item Is Me.emptyCellButton Then
            ' Set the drag operation to indicate a valid move.
            dea.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
        End If
    End Sub
   ' This method defines the DragDrop event behavior. 
   Protected Overrides Sub OnDragDrop(dea As DragEventArgs)
      ' Did a valid move operation occur?
      If dea.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move Then
         ' The move operation is valid. Adjust the state
         ' of the GridStrip control's TableLayoutPanel,
         ' by swapping the positions of the source button
         ' and the empty cell button.
         ' Get the cell of the control to move.
         Dim sourcePos As TableLayoutPanelCellPosition = tableSettings.GetCellPosition(Me.dragButton)
         ' Get the cell of the emptyCellButton.
         Dim dropPos As TableLayoutPanelCellPosition = tableSettings.GetCellPosition(Me.emptyCellButton)
         ' Move the control to the empty cell.
         tableSettings.SetCellPosition(Me.dragButton, dropPos)
         ' Set the position of the empty cell to 
         ' that of the previously occupied cell.
         tableSettings.SetCellPosition(Me.emptyCellButton, sourcePos)
         ' Reset the drag operation.
         Me.dragButton = Nothing
      End If
    End Sub
   ' This method defines the DragLeave event behavior. 
   ' If the mouse leaves the client area of the GridStrip
   ' control, the drag operation is canceled.
   Protected Overrides Sub OnDragLeave(e As EventArgs)
      ' Reset the drag operation.
      Me.dragButton = Nothing
    End Sub
   ' This method defines the ueryContinueDrag event behavior. 
   ' If the mouse leaves the client area of the GridStrip
   ' control, the drag operation is canceled.
   Protected Overrides Sub OnQueryContinueDrag(qcdevent As QueryContinueDragEventArgs)
      ' Get the current mouse position, in screen coordinates.
      Dim mousePos As Point = Me.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition)
      ' If the mouse position is outside the GridStrip control's
      ' client area, cancel the drag operation. Be sure to
      ' transform the mouse's screen coordinates to client coordinates. 
      If Not Me.ClientRectangle.Contains(mousePos) Then
         qcdevent.Action = DragAction.Cancel
      End If
    End Sub
   ' This utility method determines if a button
   ' is positioned relative to the empty cell 
   ' such that it can be dragged into the empty cell.
   Overloads Private Function IsValidDragSource(b As ToolStripButton) As Boolean
      Dim sourcePos As TableLayoutPanelCellPosition = tableSettings.GetCellPosition(b)
      Dim emptyPos As TableLayoutPanelCellPosition = tableSettings.GetCellPosition(Me.emptyCellButton)
        Return IsValidDragSource(sourcePos, emptyPos)

    End Function
   ' This utility method determines if a cell position
   ' is adjacent to the empty cell.
    Friend Overloads Shared Function IsValidDragSource( _
    ByVal sourcePos As TableLayoutPanelCellPosition, _
    ByVal emptyPos As TableLayoutPanelCellPosition) As Boolean
        Dim returnValue As Boolean = False

        ' A cell is considered to be a valid drag source if it
        ' is adjacent to the empty cell. Cells that are positioned
        ' on a diagonal are not valid.
        If sourcePos.Column = emptyPos.Column - 1 AndAlso sourcePos.Row = emptyPos.Row OrElse _
        (sourcePos.Column = emptyPos.Column + 1 AndAlso sourcePos.Row = emptyPos.Row) OrElse _
        (sourcePos.Column = emptyPos.Column AndAlso sourcePos.Row = emptyPos.Row - 1) OrElse _
        (sourcePos.Column = emptyPos.Column AndAlso sourcePos.Row = emptyPos.Row + 1) Then
            returnValue = True
        End If

        Return returnValue
    End Function


클래스는 TableLayoutSettings 테이블 레이아웃 구성표와 관련된 특성을 수집하고 관리합니다. 이 클래스는 테이블 레이아웃 엔진뿐만 아니라 및 ToolStrip 클래스에서 내부적으로 TableLayoutPanel 사용됩니다. 클래스는 TableLayoutSettings 레이아웃 엔진에서 컨테이너의 자식 컨트롤을 배치하는 방법을 결정하는 데 사용됩니다.

TableLayoutSettings 클래스는 다음 정보를 관리 합니다.

  • TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle 사용 중인 입니다.

  • 레이아웃의 최대 열 및 행 수입니다.

  • 포함된 열 및 행에 사용되는 스타일 컬렉션입니다.



테이블 레이아웃에 포함될 수 있는 최대 열 수를 가져오거나 설정합니다.


테이블 레이아웃 열의 모양과 느낌을 확인하는 데 사용할 스타일의 컬렉션을 가져옵니다.


기존 셀이 모두 찼을 때 새 셀을 수용하기 위해 테이블 레이아웃을 확장하는 방법을 나타내는 값을 가져오거나 설정합니다.


현재 테이블 레이아웃 엔진을 가져옵니다.


테이블 레이아웃에 포함될 수 있는 최대 행 수를 가져오거나 설정합니다.


테이블 레이아웃 행의 모양과 느낌을 확인하는 데 사용할 스타일의 컬렉션을 가져옵니다.



지정된 개체가 현재 개체와 같은지 확인합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 Object)

셀의 행과 열을 나타내는 TableLayoutPanelCellPosition을 가져옵니다.


지정된 자식 컨트롤의 열 위치를 가져옵니다.


자식 컨트롤이 들어 있는 셀이 확장될 열 수를 가져옵니다.


기본 해시 함수로 작동합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 Object)

지정된 자식 컨트롤의 행 위치를 가져옵니다.


자식 컨트롤이 들어 있는 셀이 확장될 행 수를 가져옵니다.


현재 인스턴스의 Type을 가져옵니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 Object)

현재 Object의 단순 복사본을 만듭니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 Object)
SetCellPosition(Object, TableLayoutPanelCellPosition)

셀의 행과 열을 나타내는 TableLayoutPanelCellPosition을 설정합니다.

SetColumn(Object, Int32)

지정된 자식 컨트롤의 열 위치를 설정합니다.

SetColumnSpan(Object, Int32)

자식 컨트롤이 들어 있는 셀이 확장될 열 수를 설정합니다.

SetRow(Object, Int32)

지정된 자식 컨트롤의 행 위치를 설정합니다.

SetRowSpan(Object, Int32)

자식 컨트롤이 들어 있는 셀이 확장될 행 수를 설정합니다.


현재 개체를 나타내는 문자열을 반환합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 Object)

명시적 인터페이스 구현

ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)

이 멤버에 대한 설명은 GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)를 참조하세요.

적용 대상

추가 정보