다음을 통해 공유

SearchIndexClientBuilder Class

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.azure.search.documents.indexes.SearchIndexClientBuilder


public final class SearchIndexClientBuilder
implements AzureKeyCredentialTrait<SearchIndexClientBuilder>, ConfigurationTrait<SearchIndexClientBuilder>, EndpointTrait<SearchIndexClientBuilder>, HttpTrait<SearchIndexClientBuilder>, TokenCredentialTrait<SearchIndexClientBuilder>

This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of SearchIndexClient and SearchIndexAsyncClient.


This client allows you to create instances of SearchIndexClient and SearchIndexAsyncClient to utilize synchronous and asynchronous APIs respectively to interact with Azure AI Search.

Getting Started


Azure AI Search supports Microsoft Entra ID (role-based) authentication and API keys for authentication.

For more information about the scopes of authorization, see the Azure AI Search Security Overview documentation.

Building and Authenticating a SearchIndexClient or SearchIndexAsyncClient using API keys

To build an instance of SearchIndexClient or SearchIndexAsyncClient using API keys, call buildClient() and buildAsyncClient() respectively from the SearchIndexClientBuilder.

The following must be provided to construct a client instance.

  • The Azure AI Search service URL.
  • An AzureKeyCredential that grants access to the Azure AI Search service.

Instantiating a synchronous Search Index Client

SearchIndexClient searchIndexClient = new SearchIndexClientBuilder()
     .credential(new AzureKeyCredential("{key}"))

Instantiating an asynchronous Search Index Client

SearchIndexAsyncClient searchIndexAsyncClient = new SearchIndexClientBuilder()
     .credential(new AzureKeyCredential("{key}"))

Building and Authenticating a SearchIndexClient or SearchIndexAsyncClient using Microsoft Entra

You can also create a SearchIndexClient or SearchIndexAsyncClient using Microsoft Entra ID authentication. Your user or service principal must be assigned the "Search Index Data Reader" role. Using Azure Identity you can authenticate a service using Managed Identity or a service principal, authenticate as a developer working on an application, and more all without changing code. Please refer the documentation for instructions on how to connect to Azure AI Search using Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC).

Before you can use any credential type from Azure.Identity, you'll first need to install the Azure.Identity package. There are a variety of credentials types available in Azure.Identity. To better understand your authentication options, view the Azure Identity README. and Azure Identity Samples.

Make sure you use the right namespace for DefaultAzureCredential at the top of your source file:

import com.azure.identity.DefaultAzureCredential;
 import com.azure.identity.DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder;

Then you can create an instance of DefaultAzureCredential and pass it to a new instance of your client:

Instantiating a synchronous Search Index Client

DefaultAzureCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build();

 SearchIndexClient searchIndexClient = new SearchIndexClientBuilder()

Instantiating an asynchronous Search Index Client

DefaultAzureCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build();

 SearchIndexAsyncClient searchIndexAsyncClient = new SearchIndexClientBuilder()

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description

Creates a builder instance that is able to configure and construct SearchIndexClient and SearchIndexAsyncClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
SearchIndexClientBuilder addPolicy(HttpPipelinePolicy policy)

Adds a HttpPipelinePolicy to apply on each request sent.

SearchIndexClientBuilder audience(SearchAudience audience)

Sets the Audience to use for authentication with Microsoft Entra ID.

SearchIndexAsyncClient buildAsyncClient()

Creates a SearchIndexAsyncClient based on options set in the Builder.

SearchIndexClient buildClient()

Creates a SearchIndexClient based on options set in the Builder.

SearchIndexClientBuilder clientOptions(ClientOptions clientOptions)

Allows for setting common properties such as application ID, headers, proxy configuration, etc.

SearchIndexClientBuilder configuration(Configuration configuration)

Sets the configuration store that is used during construction of the service client.

SearchIndexClientBuilder credential(AzureKeyCredential credential)

Sets the AzureKeyCredential used to authenticate HTTP requests.

SearchIndexClientBuilder credential(TokenCredential credential)

Sets the TokenCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.

SearchIndexClientBuilder endpoint(String endpoint)

Sets the service endpoint for the Azure AI Search instance.

static HttpLogOptions getDefaultLogOptions()

Gets the default Azure Search headers and query parameters allow list.

SearchIndexClientBuilder httpClient(HttpClient client)

Sets the HttpClient to use for sending and receiving requests to and from the service.

SearchIndexClientBuilder httpLogOptions(HttpLogOptions logOptions)

Sets the HttpLogOptions to use when sending and receiving requests to and from the service.

SearchIndexClientBuilder pipeline(HttpPipeline httpPipeline)

Sets the HttpPipeline to use for the service client.

SearchIndexClientBuilder retryOptions(RetryOptions retryOptions)

Sets the RetryOptions for all the requests made through the client.

SearchIndexClientBuilder retryPolicy(RetryPolicy retryPolicy)

Sets the HttpPipelinePolicy that will attempt to retry requests when needed.

SearchIndexClientBuilder serializer(JsonSerializer jsonSerializer)

Custom JSON serializer that is used to handle model types that are not contained in the Azure Search Documents library.

SearchIndexClientBuilder serviceVersion(SearchServiceVersion serviceVersion)

Sets the SearchServiceVersion that is used when making API requests.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Constructor Details


public SearchIndexClientBuilder()

Creates a builder instance that is able to configure and construct SearchIndexClient and SearchIndexAsyncClient.

Method Details


public SearchIndexClientBuilder addPolicy(HttpPipelinePolicy policy)

Adds a HttpPipelinePolicy to apply on each request sent.

Note: It is important to understand the precedence order of the HttpTrait APIs. In particular, if a HttpPipeline is specified, this takes precedence over all other APIs in the trait, and they will be ignored. If no HttpPipeline is specified, a HTTP pipeline will be constructed internally based on the settings provided to this trait. Additionally, there may be other APIs in types that implement this trait that are also ignored if an HttpPipeline is specified, so please be sure to refer to the documentation of types that implement this trait to understand the full set of implications.


policy - A HttpPipelinePolicy.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder audience(SearchAudience audience)

Sets the Audience to use for authentication with Microsoft Entra ID.

The audience is not considered when using a credential(AzureKeyCredential credential).

If audience is null the public cloud audience will be assumed.


audience - The Audience to use for authentication with Microsoft Entra ID.


The updated SearchClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexAsyncClient buildAsyncClient()

Creates a SearchIndexAsyncClient based on options set in the Builder. Every time buildAsyncClient() is called a new instance of SearchIndexAsyncClient is created.

If pipeline(HttpPipeline httpPipeline) is set, then only the pipeline and endpoint(String endpoint) are used to create the SearchIndexAsyncClient. All other builder settings are ignored.


A SearchIndexAsyncClient with the options set from the builder.


public SearchIndexClient buildClient()

Creates a SearchIndexClient based on options set in the Builder. Every time buildClient() is called a new instance of SearchIndexClient is created.

If pipeline(HttpPipeline httpPipeline) is set, then only the pipeline and endpoint(String endpoint) are used to create the SearchIndexClient. All other builder settings are ignored.


A SearchIndexClient with the options set from the builder.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder clientOptions(ClientOptions clientOptions)

Allows for setting common properties such as application ID, headers, proxy configuration, etc. Note that it is recommended that this method be called with an instance of the HttpClientOptions class (a subclass of the ClientOptions base class). The HttpClientOptions subclass provides more configuration options suitable for HTTP clients, which is applicable for any class that implements this HttpTrait interface.

Note: It is important to understand the precedence order of the HttpTrait APIs. In particular, if a HttpPipeline is specified, this takes precedence over all other APIs in the trait, and they will be ignored. If no HttpPipeline is specified, a HTTP pipeline will be constructed internally based on the settings provided to this trait. Additionally, there may be other APIs in types that implement this trait that are also ignored if an HttpPipeline is specified, so please be sure to refer to the documentation of types that implement this trait to understand the full set of implications.


clientOptions - A configured instance of HttpClientOptions.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder configuration(Configuration configuration)

Sets the configuration store that is used during construction of the service client.

The default configuration store is a clone of the global configuration store, use NONE to bypass using configuration settings during construction.


configuration - The configuration store that will be used.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder credential(AzureKeyCredential credential)

Sets the AzureKeyCredential used to authenticate HTTP requests.


credential - The AzureKeyCredential used to authenticate HTTP requests.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder credential(TokenCredential credential)

Sets the TokenCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service. Refer to the Azure SDK for Java identity and authentication documentation for more details on proper usage of the TokenCredential type.


credential - TokenCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder endpoint(String endpoint)

Sets the service endpoint for the Azure AI Search instance.


endpoint - The URL of the Azure AI Search instance.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public static HttpLogOptions getDefaultLogOptions()

Gets the default Azure Search headers and query parameters allow list.


The default HttpLogOptions allow list.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder httpClient(HttpClient client)

Sets the HttpClient to use for sending and receiving requests to and from the service.

Note: It is important to understand the precedence order of the HttpTrait APIs. In particular, if a HttpPipeline is specified, this takes precedence over all other APIs in the trait, and they will be ignored. If no HttpPipeline is specified, a HTTP pipeline will be constructed internally based on the settings provided to this trait. Additionally, there may be other APIs in types that implement this trait that are also ignored if an HttpPipeline is specified, so please be sure to refer to the documentation of types that implement this trait to understand the full set of implications.


client - The HttpClient to use for requests.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder httpLogOptions(HttpLogOptions logOptions)

Sets the HttpLogOptions to use when sending and receiving requests to and from the service. If a logLevel is not provided, default value of HttpLogDetailLevel#NONE is set.

Note: It is important to understand the precedence order of the HttpTrait APIs. In particular, if a HttpPipeline is specified, this takes precedence over all other APIs in the trait, and they will be ignored. If no HttpPipeline is specified, a HTTP pipeline will be constructed internally based on the settings provided to this trait. Additionally, there may be other APIs in types that implement this trait that are also ignored if an HttpPipeline is specified, so please be sure to refer to the documentation of types that implement this trait to understand the full set of implications.


logOptions - The HttpLogOptions to use when sending and receiving requests to and from the service.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder pipeline(HttpPipeline httpPipeline)

Sets the HttpPipeline to use for the service client.

Note: It is important to understand the precedence order of the HttpTrait APIs. In particular, if a HttpPipeline is specified, this takes precedence over all other APIs in the trait, and they will be ignored. If no HttpPipeline is specified, a HTTP pipeline will be constructed internally based on the settings provided to this trait. Additionally, there may be other APIs in types that implement this trait that are also ignored if an HttpPipeline is specified, so please be sure to refer to the documentation of types that implement this trait to understand the full set of implications.

If pipeline is set, all other settings are ignored, aside from endpoint(String endpoint) when building a SearchIndexClient or SearchIndexAsyncClient.


httpPipeline - HttpPipeline to use for sending service requests and receiving responses.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder retryOptions(RetryOptions retryOptions)

Sets the RetryOptions for all the requests made through the client.

Note: It is important to understand the precedence order of the HttpTrait APIs. In particular, if a HttpPipeline is specified, this takes precedence over all other APIs in the trait, and they will be ignored. If no HttpPipeline is specified, a HTTP pipeline will be constructed internally based on the settings provided to this trait. Additionally, there may be other APIs in types that implement this trait that are also ignored if an HttpPipeline is specified, so please be sure to refer to the documentation of types that implement this trait to understand the full set of implications.

Setting this is mutually exclusive with using retryPolicy(RetryPolicy retryPolicy).


retryOptions - The RetryOptions to use for all the requests made through the client.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder retryPolicy(RetryPolicy retryPolicy)

Sets the HttpPipelinePolicy that will attempt to retry requests when needed.

A default retry policy will be supplied if one isn't provided.

Setting this is mutually exclusive with using retryOptions(RetryOptions retryOptions).


retryPolicy - The RetryPolicy that will attempt to retry requests when needed.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder serializer(JsonSerializer jsonSerializer)

Custom JSON serializer that is used to handle model types that are not contained in the Azure Search Documents library.


jsonSerializer - The serializer to serialize user defined models.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.


public SearchIndexClientBuilder serviceVersion(SearchServiceVersion serviceVersion)

Sets the SearchServiceVersion that is used when making API requests.

If a service version is not provided, getLatest() will be used as a default. When this default is used updating to a newer client library may result in a newer version of the service being used.


serviceVersion - The version of the service to be used when making requests.


The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.

Applies to