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What's new in Word JavaScript API 1.7

WordApi 1.7 mainly added support for writing assistance.

API list

The following table lists the APIs in Word JavaScript API requirement set 1.7. To view API reference documentation for all APIs supported by Word JavaScript API requirement set 1.7 or earlier, see Word APIs in requirement set 1.7 or earlier.

Class Fields Description
Annotation critiqueAnnotation Gets the critique annotation object.
delete() Deletes the annotation.
id Gets the unique identifier, which is meant to be used for easier tracking of Annotation objects.
state Gets the state of the annotation.
AnnotationClickedEventArgs id Specifies the annotation ID for which the event was fired.
AnnotationCollection getFirst() Gets the first annotation in this collection.
getFirstOrNullObject() Gets the first annotation in this collection.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
AnnotationHoveredEventArgs id Specifies the annotation ID for which the event was fired.
AnnotationInsertedEventArgs ids Specifies the annotation IDs for which the event was fired.
AnnotationRemovedEventArgs ids Specifies the annotation IDs for which the event was fired.
AnnotationSet critiques Critiques.
CheckboxContentControl isChecked Specifies the current state of the checkbox.
ContentControl checkboxContentControl Specifies the checkbox-related data if the content control's type is 'CheckBox'.
Critique colorScheme Specifies the color scheme of the critique.
length Specifies the length of the critique inside paragraph.
start Specifies the start index of the critique inside paragraph.
CritiqueAnnotation accept() Accepts the critique.
critique Gets the critique that was passed when the annotation was inserted.
range Gets the range of text that is annotated.
reject() Rejects the critique.
Document getAnnotationById(id: string) Gets the annotation by ID.
onAnnotationClicked Occurs when the user clicks an annotation (or selects it using Alt+Down).
onAnnotationHovered Occurs when the user hovers the cursor over an annotation.
onAnnotationInserted Occurs when the user adds one or more annotations.
onAnnotationRemoved Occurs when the user deletes one or more annotations.
search(searchText: string, searchOptions?: Word.SearchOptions | { ignorePunct?: boolean ignoreSpace?: boolean matchCase?: boolean matchPrefix?: boolean matchSuffix?: boolean matchWholeWord?: boolean matchWildcards?: boolean }) Performs a search with the specified search options on the scope of the whole document.
GetTextOptions includeHiddenText Specifies a value that indicates whether to include hidden text in the result of the GetText method.
includeTextMarkedAsDeleted Specifies a value that indicates whether to include text marked as deleted in the result of the GetText method.
InsertFileOptions importDifferentOddEvenPages Represents whether to import the Different Odd and Even Pages setting for the header and footer from the source document.
Paragraph getAnnotations() Gets annotations set on this Paragraph object.
getText(options?: Word.GetTextOptions | { IncludeHiddenText?: boolean IncludeTextMarkedAsDeleted?: boolean }) Returns the text of the paragraph.
insertAnnotations(annotations: Word.AnnotationSet) Inserts annotations on this Paragraph object.

See also