
다음을 통해 공유

Application.PreviousSelections property (Excel)

Returns an array of the last four ranges or names selected. Each element in the array is a Range object. Read-only Variant.


expression.PreviousSelections (Index)

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Index Optional Variant The index number (from 1 to 4) of the previous range or name.


Each time you go to a range or cell by using the Name box or the Go To command (Edit menu), or each time a macro calls the Goto method, the previous range is added to this array as element number 1, and the other items in the array are moved down.


This example displays the cell addresses of all items in the array of previous selections. If there are no previous selections, the LBound function returns an error. This error is trapped, and a message box appears.

On Error GoTo noSelections 
For i = LBound(Application.PreviousSelections) To _ 
 MsgBox Application.PreviousSelections(i).Address 
Next i 
Exit Sub 
On Error GoTo 0 
 MsgBox "There are no previous selections"

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