Application object (Excel)
Represents the entire Microsoft Excel application.
Use the Application property to return the Application object. The following example applies the Windows property to the Application object.
The following example creates an Excel workbook object in another application and then opens a workbook in Excel.
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
xl.Application.Workbooks.Open "newbook.xls"
Many of the properties and methods that return the most common user-interface objects, such as the active cell (ActiveCell property), can be used without the Application object qualifier. For example, instead of writing:
Application.ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
You can write:
ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
The Application object contains:
- Application-wide settings and options.
- Methods that return top-level objects, such as ActiveCell, ActiveSheet, and so on.
- AfterCalculate
- NewWorkbook
- ProtectedViewWindowActivate
- ProtectedViewWindowBeforeClose
- ProtectedViewWindowBeforeEdit
- ProtectedViewWindowDeactivate
- ProtectedViewWindowOpen
- ProtectedViewWindowResize
- SheetActivate
- SheetBeforeDelete
- SheetBeforeDoubleClick
- SheetBeforeRightClick
- SheetCalculate
- SheetChange
- SheetDeactivate
- SheetFollowHyperlink
- SheetLensGalleryRenderComplete
- SheetPivotTableAfterValueChange
- SheetPivotTableBeforeAllocateChanges
- SheetPivotTableBeforeCommitChanges
- SheetPivotTableBeforeDiscardChanges
- SheetPivotTableUpdate
- SheetSelectionChange
- SheetTableUpdate
- WindowActivate
- WindowDeactivate
- WindowResize
- WorkbookActivate
- WorkbookAddinInstall
- WorkbookAddinUninstall
- WorkbookAfterSave
- WorkbookAfterXmlExport
- WorkbookAfterXmlImport
- WorkbookBeforeClose
- WorkbookBeforePrint
- WorkbookBeforeSave
- WorkbookBeforeXmlExport
- WorkbookBeforeXmlImport
- WorkbookDeactivate
- WorkbookModelChange
- WorkbookNewChart
- WorkbookNewSheet
- WorkbookOpen
- WorkbookPivotTableCloseConnection
- WorkbookPivotTableOpenConnection
- WorkbookRowsetComplete
- WorkbookSync
- ActivateMicrosoftApp
- AddCustomList
- Calculate
- CalculateFull
- CalculateFullRebuild
- CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone
- CentimetersToPoints
- CheckAbort
- CheckSpelling
- ConvertFormula
- DDEExecute
- DDEInitiate
- DDEPoke
- DDERequest
- DDETerminate
- DeleteCustomList
- DisplayXMLSourcePane
- DoubleClick
- Evaluate
- ExecuteExcel4Macro
- FindFile
- GetCustomListContents
- GetCustomListNum
- GetOpenFilename
- GetPhonetic
- GetSaveAsFilename
- Goto
- Help
- InchesToPoints
- InputBox
- Intersect
- MacroOptions
- MailLogoff
- MailLogon
- NextLetter
- OnKey
- OnRepeat
- OnTime
- OnUndo
- Quit
- RecordMacro
- RegisterXLL
- Repeat
- Run
- SendKeys
- SharePointVersion
- Undo
- Union
- Volatile
- Wait
- ActiveCell
- ActiveChart
- ActiveEncryptionSession
- ActivePrinter
- ActiveProtectedViewWindow
- ActiveSheet
- ActiveWindow
- ActiveWorkbook
- AddIns
- AddIns2
- AlertBeforeOverwriting
- AltStartupPath
- AlwaysUseClearType
- Application
- ArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable
- AskToUpdateLinks
- Assistance
- AutoCorrect
- AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks
- AutomationSecurity
- AutoPercentEntry
- AutoRecover
- Build
- CalculateBeforeSave
- Calculation
- CalculationInterruptKey
- CalculationState
- CalculationVersion
- Caller
- CanPlaySounds
- CanRecordSounds
- Caption
- CellDragAndDrop
- Cells
- ChartDataPointTrack
- Charts
- ClipboardFormats
- ClusterConnector
- Columns
- COMAddIns
- CommandBars
- CommandUnderlines
- ConstrainNumeric
- ControlCharacters
- CopyObjectsWithCells
- Creator
- Cursor
- CursorMovement
- CustomListCount
- CutCopyMode
- DataEntryMode
- DDEAppReturnCode
- DecimalSeparator
- DefaultFilePath
- DefaultSaveFormat
- DefaultSheetDirection
- DefaultWebOptions
- DeferAsyncQueries
- Dialogs
- DisplayAlerts
- DisplayClipboardWindow
- DisplayCommentIndicator
- DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane
- DisplayDocumentInformationPanel
- DisplayExcel4Menus
- DisplayFormulaAutoComplete
- DisplayFormulaBar
- DisplayFullScreen
- DisplayFunctionToolTips
- DisplayInsertOptions
- DisplayNoteIndicator
- DisplayPasteOptions
- DisplayRecentFiles
- DisplayScrollBars
- DisplayStatusBar
- EditDirectlyInCell
- EnableAnimations
- EnableAutoComplete
- EnableCancelKey
- EnableCheckFileExtensions
- EnableEvents
- EnableLargeOperationAlert
- EnableLivePreview
- EnableMacroAnimations
- EnableSound
- ErrorCheckingOptions
- Excel4IntlMacroSheets
- Excel4MacroSheets
- ExtendList
- FeatureInstall
- FileConverters
- FileDialog
- FileExportConverters
- FileValidation
- FileValidationPivot
- FindFormat
- FixedDecimal
- FixedDecimalPlaces
- FlashFill
- FlashFillMode
- FormulaBarHeight
- GenerateGetPivotData
- GenerateTableRefs
- Height
- HighQualityModeForGraphics
- Hinstance
- HinstancePtr
- Hwnd
- IgnoreRemoteRequests
- Interactive
- International
- IsSandboxed
- Iteration
- LanguageSettings
- LargeOperationCellThousandCount
- Left
- LibraryPath
- MailSession
- MailSystem
- MapPaperSize
- MathCoprocessorAvailable
- MaxChange
- MaxIterations
- MeasurementUnit
- MergeInstances
- MouseAvailable
- MoveAfterReturn
- MoveAfterReturnDirection
- MultiThreadedCalculation
- Name
- Names
- NetworkTemplatesPath
- NewWorkbook
- ODBCErrors
- ODBCTimeout
- OLEDBErrors
- OnWindow
- OperatingSystem
- OrganizationName
- Parent
- Path
- PathSeparator
- PivotTableSelection
- PreviousSelections
- PrintCommunication
- ProductCode
- PromptForSummaryInfo
- ProtectedViewWindows
- QuickAnalysis
- Range
- Ready
- RecentFiles
- RecordRelative
- ReferenceStyle
- RegisteredFunctions
- ReplaceFormat
- RollZoom
- Rows
- ScreenUpdating
- Selection
- SensitivityLabelPolicy
- Sheets
- SheetsInNewWorkbook
- ShowChartTipNames
- ShowChartTipValues
- ShowDevTools
- ShowMenuFloaties
- ShowQuickAnalysis
- ShowSelectionFloaties
- ShowStartupDialog
- ShowToolTips
- SmartArtColors
- SmartArtLayouts
- SmartArtQuickStyles
- Speech
- SpellingOptions
- StandardFont
- StandardFontSize
- StartupPath
- StatusBar
- TemplatesPath
- ThisCell
- ThisWorkbook
- ThousandsSeparator
- Top
- TransitionMenuKey
- TransitionMenuKeyAction
- TransitionNavigKeys
- UsableHeight
- UsableWidth
- UseClusterConnector
- UsedObjects
- UserControl
- UserLibraryPath
- UserName
- UseSystemSeparators
- Value
- Version
- Visible
- WarnOnFunctionNameConflict
- Watches
- Width
- Windows
- WindowsForPens
- WindowState
- Workbooks
- WorksheetFunction
- Worksheets
Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback.