다음을 통해 공유

StrongNameIdentityPermission 클래스

강력한 이름에 대한 ID 권한을 정의합니다. 이 클래스는 상속될 수 없습니다.

네임스페이스: System.Security.Permissions
어셈블리: mscorlib(mscorlib.dll)


<SerializableAttribute> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class StrongNameIdentityPermission
    Inherits CodeAccessPermission
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As StrongNameIdentityPermission
public sealed class StrongNameIdentityPermission : CodeAccessPermission
public ref class StrongNameIdentityPermission sealed : public CodeAccessPermission
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public final class StrongNameIdentityPermission extends CodeAccessPermission
public final class StrongNameIdentityPermission extends CodeAccessPermission


StrongNameIdentityPermission을 사용하면 호출 코드를 강력한 이름의 코드 어셈블리에 포함하여 버전을 관리하고 이름을 보호할 수 있습니다.

강력한 이름 ID는 특정 어셈블리의 이름 및 버전과 선택적으로 결합된 blob라는 암호화 공개 키를 기초로 합니다. 이름 정의는 해당 개인 키로 서명한 어셈블리에 있어야 하므로 키는 고유한 네임스페이스를 정의하고 본인 이름이라는 강력한 증명 정보를 제공합니다.

강력한 이름 키의 유효성은 신뢰 관계 또는 키에 필수적으로 발급되는 인증서에 따라 달라지지 않습니다.


StrongNameIdentityPermission에 대한 완전 요청은 스택의 모든 어셈블리에 해당 요청을 충족시킬 수 있는 올바른 증명 정보가 들어 있을 때만 성공합니다. StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute를 사용한 링크 요청은 직접 실행 호출자에 올바른 증명 정보가 들어 있을 때만 성공합니다.

강력한 이름에 대한 자세한 설명은 StrongName을 참조하십시오. 강력한 이름의 어셈블리에 대한 자세한 내용은 강력한 이름의 어셈블리를 참조하십시오.

StrongNameIdentityPermission 클래스는 형식의 공용 멤버에 액세스하기 위한 강력한 이름 요구 사항을 정의하는 데 사용됩니다. StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute 특성은 어셈블리 수준에서 강력한 이름 요구 사항을 정의하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다. .NET Framework 버전 2.0에서는 InternalsVisibleToAttribute를 사용하여 해당 어셈블리에 있는 공용이 아닌 모든 형식을 다른 어셈블리에서 볼 수 있게 지정할 수도 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 Friend 어셈블리(C# 프로그래밍 가이드)를 참조하십시오.


다음 코드 예제에서는 StrongNameIdentityPermission 클래스를 사용하는 방법을 보여 줍니다. 클래스 라이브러리 형태인 이 예제에서는 StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute 특성과 StrongNameIdentityPermission을 적용하여 호출자에게 특정한 강력한 이름으로 서명하도록 요청합니다.

' The following commented code should be compiled as a console application to execute the 
' class library example.
'Imports System
'Imports System.Reflection
'Imports StrongNamedLibVb

'<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")> 
'<Assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("snKey.snk")> 
'Public Class StrongNameTest

'    ' Demonstrate the declarative and imperative forms of the StrongNameIdentityPermission.
'    Public Shared Sub Main()
'        Try
'            Dim signed As New Signed
'            signed.GetWindirImperative()
'            signed.GetWindirDeclarative()
'            Console.WriteLine("Called the signed library successfully.")
'        Catch e As Exception
'            Console.WriteLine(("Exception thrown in called assembly: " + e.Message))
'        End Try
'    End Sub 'Main
'End Class 'StrongNameTest
Imports System
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports System.Reflection
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

<assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>
<Assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("snKey.snk")> 
' Demand that the calling assembly has a specific strong name key.
' Use Sn.exe to generate the public key string used for the demand.
<StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, PublicKey:= _
        "0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100ed92913322617b" + _
        "c45aae29aaaddd29c1af270797b200e698da08ceceaa546f911ad09ef0f6dbe4221fa30b8210c7" + _
        "6fe004702e540068e526273f35bd009d2026226d00ab72f4223b09e896c0f7af688fab2adb4242" + _
        "c2bfda793b5c2a259e0d6cd2bd09cbcc20305bd465c113e36b19854602dc53ce4766f568fc576d" + _
        "be3822b4")> _
Public Class Signed
    ' Read the environment windir variable.
    Public Sub GetWindirImperative()
            ' Use Sn.exe to generate the byte array for the public key.
            Dim b1 As Byte() = {0, 36, 0, 0, 4, 128, 0, 0, 148, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 0, _
                36, 0, 0, 82, 83, 65, 49, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 237, 146, 145, 51, 34, _
                97, 123, 196, 90, 174, 41, 170, 173, 221, 41, 193, 175, 39, 7, 151, 178, 0, _
                230, 152, 218, 8, 206, 206, 170, 84, 111, 145, 26, 208, 158, 240, 246, 219, _
                228, 34, 31, 163, 11, 130, 16, 199, 111, 224, 4, 112, 46, 84, 0, 104, 229, _
                38, 39, 63, 53, 189, 0, 157, 32, 38, 34, 109, 0, 171, 114, 244, 34, 59, 9, _
                232, 150, 192, 247, 175, 104, 143, 171, 42, 219, 66, 66, 194, 191, 218, 121, _
                59, 92, 42, 37, 158, 13, 108, 210, 189, 9, 203, 204, 32, 48, 91, 212, 101, _
                193, 19, 227, 107, 25, 133, 70, 2, 220, 83, 206, 71, 102, 245, 104, 252, _
                87, 109, 190, 56, 34, 180}

            ' Specify the version of the calling assembly.
            Dim v1 As New Version("")
            Dim blob As New StrongNamePublicKeyBlob(b1)
            If (ComparePublicKeys()) Then
                Console.WriteLine("Calling assembly has same key as this assembly.")
                Console.WriteLine("Calling assembly has different key than this assembly.")
            End If
            ' Create different permissions to exercise the set operations.
            Dim snPerm As New StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "StrongNamedExeVb", v1)
            ' Return the location of the Windows directory that is found in 
            ' the windir environment variable.
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine(("Exception thrown in called assembly: " + e.Message))
        End Try
    End Sub 'GetWindir
    Public Sub GetWindirDeclarative()
            ' Return the location of the Windows directory that is found in 
            ' the windir environment variable.
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine(("Exception thrown in called assembly: " + e.Message))
        End Try
    End Sub 'GetWindir

    Public Shared Function ComparePublicKeys() As Boolean
            Dim callingAssembly As [Assembly]

            ' Create a target object.
            Dim Integer1 As New Int32
            Dim Type1 As Type

            ' Set the Type instance to the target class type.
            Type1 = Integer1.GetType()

            ' Create an instance of the assembly class to house the Integer type.  
            callingAssembly = [Assembly].GetAssembly(Integer1.GetType())

            ' Display the name of the calling assembly.
            Dim entryAssembly As [Assembly] = [Assembly].GetEntryAssembly()
            Dim mainAssembly As String = entryAssembly.FullName

            Console.WriteLine(("Calling assembly = " + entryAssembly.FullName))

            ' Get the name of the assembly being called (this assembly).
            Dim thisAssembly As String = [Assembly].GetCallingAssembly().FullName

            Console.WriteLine(("Called assembly=" + thisAssembly))

            Dim tokenIndex1 As Integer = thisAssembly.LastIndexOf("PublicKeyToken")
            Dim tokenIndex2 As Integer = mainAssembly.LastIndexOf("PublicKeyToken")
            Dim testString1 As String = thisAssembly.Substring(tokenIndex1, 31)
            Dim testString2 As String = mainAssembly.Substring(tokenIndex2, 31)

            Return testString1.Equals(testString2)
            Console.WriteLine("This is an unexpected exception")
        End Try
    End Function 'ComparePublicKeys
End Class 'Signed
//The following commented code should be compiled as an console application to execute the
// class library example.
//using System;
//using System.Reflection;
//using SignedLib;
//[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
//[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("snKey.snk")]
//public class StrongNameTest
//  // Demonstrate the declarative and imperative forms of the StrongNameIdentityPermission.
//  public static void Main()
//  {
//      try
//      {
//            Signed signedLib = new Signed();
//            signedLib.GetWindirImperative();
//            signedLib.GetWindirDeclarative();
//            Console.WriteLine( "Called the signed library assembly methods successfully.");
//      }
//      catch (Exception e)
//      {
//            Console.WriteLine( "Exception thrown in called assembly: " + e.Message);
//      }
//   }
// Class library example to demonstrate StrongNameIdentityPermission and 
// StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute.
using System;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Reflection;
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
[assembly :AssemblyKeyFile("snKey.snk")]
namespace SignedLib

    public class Signed
        // Read the windir environment variable.
        public void GetWindirImperative()
                // Use Sn.exe to generate the byte array for the public key.
                byte[] b1 = { 0, 36, 0, 0, 4, 128, 0, 0, 148, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 36, 
                    0, 0, 82, 83, 65, 49, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 237, 146, 145, 51, 34, 
                    97, 123, 196, 90, 174, 41, 170, 173, 221, 41, 193, 175, 39, 7, 151, 
                    178, 0, 230, 152, 218, 8, 206, 206, 170, 84, 111, 145, 26, 208, 158, 
                    240, 246, 219, 228, 34, 31, 163, 11, 130, 16, 199, 111, 224, 4, 112, 
                    46, 84, 0, 104, 229, 38, 39, 63, 53, 189, 0, 157, 32, 38, 34, 109, 0, 
                    171, 114, 244, 34, 59, 9, 232, 150, 192, 247, 175, 104, 143, 171, 42, 
                    219, 66, 66, 194, 191, 218, 121, 59, 92, 42, 37, 158, 13, 108, 210, 
                    189, 9, 203, 204, 32, 48, 91, 212, 101, 193, 19, 227, 107, 25, 133, 
                    70, 2, 220, 83, 206, 71, 102, 245, 104, 252, 87, 109, 190, 56, 34, 180 };

                // Specify the version of the calling assembly.
                Version v1 = new Version("");
                StrongNamePublicKeyBlob blob = new StrongNamePublicKeyBlob(b1);
                Console.WriteLine(ComparePublicKeys() ? "Calling assembly has same key as this assembly " : "Calling assembly has different key than this assembly");
                // Create different permissions to exercise the set operations.
                StrongNameIdentityPermission snPerm = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "StrongNamedExe", v1);
                // Return the location of the Windows directory that is found in 
                // the windir environment variable.
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown in called assembly: " + e.Message);
    // Use an attribute to demand that the calling assembly has a specific strong name key.
    // Use Sn.exe to generate the public key string used for the demand.
    [StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, PublicKey = 
        "0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100ed92913322617b" +
        "c45aae29aaaddd29c1af270797b200e698da08ceceaa546f911ad09ef0f6dbe4221fa30b8210c7" +
        "6fe004702e540068e526273f35bd009d2026226d00ab72f4223b09e896c0f7af688fab2adb4242" +
        "c2bfda793b5c2a259e0d6cd2bd09cbcc20305bd465c113e36b19854602dc53ce4766f568fc576d" +
        public void GetWindirDeclarative()
                // Return the location of the Windows directory that is found in 
                // the windir environment variable.
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown in called assembly: " + e.Message);
        public static bool ComparePublicKeys()
                Assembly callingAssembly;

                // Create a target object.
                Int32 integer1 = new Int32();
                Type type1;

                // Set the Type instance to the target class type.
                type1 = integer1.GetType();

                // Create an instance of the assembly class to house the Integer type.  
                callingAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(integer1.GetType());

                // Display the name of the calling assembly.
                Assembly entryAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
                string mainAssembly = entryAssembly.FullName;

                Console.WriteLine("Calling assembly = " + entryAssembly.FullName);

                // Get the name of the assembly being called (this assembly).
                string thisAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().FullName;

                Console.WriteLine("Called assembly=" + thisAssembly);

                int tokenIndex1 = thisAssembly.LastIndexOf("PublicKeyToken");
                int tokenIndex2 = mainAssembly.LastIndexOf("PublicKeyToken");
                string testString1 = thisAssembly.Substring(tokenIndex1, 31);
                string testString2 = mainAssembly.Substring(tokenIndex2, 31);

                return testString1.Equals(testString2);
                Console.WriteLine("This is an unexpected exception");
//The following commented code should be compiled as an console application to execute the
// class library example.
//#using <mscorlib.dll>
//using namespace System;
//using namespace System::Reflection;
//using namespace SignedLib;
//[assembly: AssemblyVersion(S"")]
//[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile(S"snKey.snk")];
//    // Demonstrate the declarative and imperative forms of the StrongNameIdentityPermission.
//int main()
//    try
//    {
//        Signed* signedLib = new Signed();
//        signedLib->GetWindirImperative();
//        signedLib->GetWindirDeclarative();
//        Console::WriteLine( S"Called the signed library assembly methods successfully.");
//    }
//    catch (Exception* e)
//    {
//        Console::WriteLine( S"Exception thrown in called assembly: {0}", e->Message);
//    }
// Class library example to demonstrate StrongNameIdentityPermission and 
// StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
using namespace System::Reflection;

namespace SignedLib
   public ref class Signed

      // Read the windir environment variable.
      void GetWindirImperative()
            // Use Sn.exe to generate the byte array for the public key.
            array<Byte>^b1 = {0,36,0,0,4,128,0,0,148,0,0,0,6,2,0,0,0,36,0,0,82,83,65,49,0,4,0,0,1,0,1,0,237,146,145,51,34,97,123,196,90,174,41,170,173,221,41,193,175,39,7,151,178,0,230,152,218,8,206,206,170,84,111,145,26,208,158,240,246,219,228,34,31,163,11,130,16,199,111,224,4,112,46,84,0,104,229,38,39,63,53,189,0,157,32,38,34,109,0,171,114,244,34,59,9,232,150,192,247,175,104,143,171,42,219,66,66,194,191,218,121,59,92,42,37,158,13,108,210,189,9,203,204,32,48,91,212,101,193,19,227,107,25,133,70,2,220,83,206,71,102,245,104,252,87,109,190,56,34,180};
            // Specify the version of the calling assembly.
            Version^ v1 = gcnew Version( "" );
            StrongNamePublicKeyBlob^ blob = gcnew StrongNamePublicKeyBlob( b1 );
            Console::WriteLine( ComparePublicKeys() ? "Calling assembly has same key as this assembly " : "Calling assembly has different key than this assembly" );
            // Create different permissions to exercise the set operations.
            StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snPerm = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission( blob,"StrongNamedExe",v1 );
            // Return the location of the Windows directory that is found in 
            // the windir environment variable.
            Console::WriteLine( Environment::GetEnvironmentVariable( "windir" ) );
         catch ( Exception^ e ) 
            Console::WriteLine( "Exception thrown in called assembly: {0}", e->Message );


      // Use an attribute to demand that the calling assembly has a specific strong name key.
      // Use Sn.exe to generate the public key string used for the demand.

      void GetWindirDeclarative()
            // Return the location of the Windows directory that is found in 
            // the windir environment variable.
            Console::WriteLine( Environment::GetEnvironmentVariable( "windir" ) );
         catch ( Exception^ e ) 
            Console::WriteLine( "Exception thrown in called assembly: {0}", e->Message );


      static bool ComparePublicKeys()
            Assembly^ callingAssembly;
            // Create a target object.
            Int32 integer1 = Int32(  );
            Type^ type1;
            // Set the Type instance to the target class type.
            type1 = integer1.GetType();
            // Create an instance of the assembly class to house the Integer type.  
            callingAssembly = Assembly::GetAssembly( integer1.GetType() );
            // Display the name of the calling assembly.
            Assembly^ entryAssembly = Assembly::GetEntryAssembly();
            String^ mainAssembly = entryAssembly->FullName;
            Console::WriteLine( "Calling assembly = {0}", entryAssembly->FullName );
            // Get the name of the assembly being called (this assembly).
            String^ thisAssembly = Assembly::GetCallingAssembly()->FullName;
            Console::WriteLine( "Called assembly={0}", thisAssembly );
            int tokenIndex1 = thisAssembly->LastIndexOf( "PublicKeyToken" );
            int tokenIndex2 = mainAssembly->LastIndexOf( "PublicKeyToken" );
            String^ testString1 = thisAssembly->Substring( tokenIndex1, 31 );
            String^ testString2 = mainAssembly->Substring( tokenIndex2, 31 );
            return testString1->Equals( testString2 );
         catch ( Exception^ ) 
            Console::WriteLine( "This is an unexpected exception" );



package SignedLib ; 

//  The following commented code should be compiled as an console application 
//  to execute the class library example.

//    import System .* ;
//    import System.Reflection .* ;
//    import SignedLib .* ;
//    /** @assembly AssemblyVersion("")
//     */
//    /** @assembly AssemblyKeyFile("snKey.snk")
//     */
//    public class StrongNameTest
//    {
//        //Demonstrate the declarative and imperative forms of the 
//        // StrongNameIdentityPermission.
//        public static void main(String[] args)
//        {
//            try {
//                Signed signedLib =  new Signed();
//                signedLib.GetWindirImperative();
//                signedLib.GetWindirDeclarative();
//                Console.WriteLine(("Called the signed library assembly " 
//                    + "methods successfully."));
//            }
//            catch(System.Exception e) {
//                Console.WriteLine(("Exception thrown in called assembly: " 
//                    + e.get_Message()));
//            }
//        } //main
//    } //StrongNameTest

// Class library example to demonstrate StrongNameIdentityPermission and 
// StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute.

import System.*;
import System.Security.Permissions.*;
import System.Reflection.*;

/** @assembly AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")
/** @assembly AssemblyKeyFile("snKey.snk")
public class Signed
    // Read the windir environment variable.
    public void GetWindirImperative()
        try {
            // Use Sn.exe to generate the byte array for the public key.
            ubyte b1[] =  { 0, 36, 0, 0, 4, 128, 0, 0, 148, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 
                0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 82, 83, 65, 49, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
                237, 146, 145, 51, 34, 97, 123, 196, 90, 174, 41, 170, 173,
                221, 41, 193, 175, 39, 7, 151, 178, 0, 230, 152, 218, 8, 
                206, 206, 170, 84, 111, 145, 26, 208, 158, 240, 246, 219,
                228, 34, 31, 163, 11, 130, 16, 199, 111, 224, 4, 112, 46,
                84, 0, 104, 229, 38, 39, 63, 53, 189, 0, 157, 32, 38, 34,
                109, 0, 171, 114, 244, 34, 59, 9, 232, 150, 192, 247, 175,
                104, 143, 171, 42, 219, 66, 66, 194, 191, 218, 121, 59, 92,
                42, 37, 158, 13, 108, 210, 189, 9, 203, 204, 32, 48, 91, 
                212, 101, 193, 19, 227, 107, 25, 133, 70, 2, 220, 83, 206,
                71, 102, 245, 104, 252, 87, 109, 190, 56, 34, 180};

            // Specify the version of the calling assembly.
            Version v1 = new Version("");
            StrongNamePublicKeyBlob blob = new StrongNamePublicKeyBlob(b1);

            Console.WriteLine((ComparePublicKeys()) ? "Calling assembly " 
                + "has same key as this assembly " : "Calling assembly has " 
                + "different key than this assembly");

            // Create different permissions to exercise the set operations.
            StrongNameIdentityPermission snPerm = 
                new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "StrongNamedExe", v1);


            // Return the location of the Windows directory that is found in 
            // the windir environment variable.
        catch (System.Exception e) {
            Console.WriteLine(("Exception thrown in called assembly: " 
                + e.get_Message()));
    } //GetWindirImperative

    // Use an attribute to demand that the calling assembly has a 
    // specific strong name key.
    // Use Sn.exe to generate the public key string used for the demand.
    /** @attribute StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute(
        SecurityAction.Demand, PublicKey = 
        "0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100ed" + 
        "92913322617b" + "c45aae29aaaddd29c1af270797b200e698da08ceceaa546f" + 
        "911ad09ef0f6dbe4221fa30b8210c7" + "6fe004702e540068e526273f35bd009d" + 
        "2026226d00ab72f4223b09e896c0f7af688fab2adb4242" + "c2bfda793b5c2a259" + 
        "e0d6cd2bd09cbcc20305bd465c113e36b19854602dc53ce4766f568fc576d" + 

    public void GetWindirDeclarative()
        try {
            // Return the location of the Windows directory that is found in 
            // the windir environment variable.
        catch (System.Exception e) {
            Console.WriteLine(("Exception thrown in called assembly: " 
                + e.get_Message()));
    } //GetWindirDeclarative

    public static boolean ComparePublicKeys() throws Exception
        try {
            Assembly callingAssembly;

            // Create a target object.
            Int32 integer1 = new Int32();
            Type type1;

            // Set the Type instance to the target class type.
            type1 = integer1.GetType();

            // Create an instance of the assembly class to house the Integer 
            // type.  
            callingAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(integer1.GetType());

            // Display the name of the calling assembly.
            Assembly entryAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
            String mainAssembly = entryAssembly.get_FullName();

            Console.WriteLine(("Calling assembly = " 
                + entryAssembly.get_FullName()));

            // Get the name of the assembly being called (this assembly).
            String thisAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().

            Console.WriteLine(("Called assembly=" + thisAssembly));

            int tokenIndex1 = thisAssembly.LastIndexOf("PublicKeyToken");
            int tokenIndex2 = mainAssembly.LastIndexOf("PublicKeyToken");
            String testString1 = thisAssembly.Substring(tokenIndex1, 31);
            String testString2 = mainAssembly.Substring(tokenIndex2, 31);

            return testString1.Equals(testString2);
        catch (System.Exception exp) {
            Console.WriteLine("This is an unexpected exception");
            throw new Exception();
    } //ComparePublicKeys
} //Signed

다음 코드 예제에서는 StrongNameIdentityPermission 메서드의 동작을 보여 줍니다. 이 샘플의 용도는 메서드의 사용 방법을 보여 주는 것이 아니라 메서드의 결과를 보여 주는 것입니다.

Imports System
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Security.Permissions

Public Class StrongNameIdentityDemo
    ' Public key
    Private Shared b1 As Byte() =  {0, 36, 0, 0, 4, 128, 0, 0, 148, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 82, 83, 65, 49, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 237, 146, 145, 51, 34, 97, 123, 196, 90, 174, 41, 170, 173, 221, 41, 193, 175, 39, 7, 151, 178, 0, 230, 152, 218, 8, 206, 206, 170, 84, 111, 145, 26, 208, 158, 240, 246, 219, 228, 34, 31, 163, 11, 130, 16, 199, 111, 224, 4, 112, 46, 84, 0, 104, 229, 38, 39, 63, 53, 189, 0, 157, 32, 38, 34, 109, 0, 171, 114, 244, 34, 59, 9, 232, 150, 192, 247, 175, 104, 143, 171, 42, 219, 66, 66, 194, 191, 218, 121, 59, 92, 42, 37, 158, 13, 108, 210, 189, 9, 203, 204, 32, 48, 91, 212, 101, 193, 19, 227, 107, 25, 133, 70, 2, 220, 83, 206, 71, 102, 245, 104, 252, 87, 109, 190, 56, 34, 180}
    Private blob As New StrongNamePublicKeyBlob(b1)
    ' Use this version number.
    Private v1 As New Version("")
    ' IsSubsetOf determines whether the current permission is a subset of the specified permission.
    Private Function IsSubsetOfDemo() As Boolean 
        Dim returnValue As Boolean = True
        Dim snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2 As StrongNameIdentityPermission
        snIdPerm1 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", New Version(""))
        snIdPerm2 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile", New Version(""))
        If snIdPerm1.IsSubsetOf(snIdPerm2) Then
            Console.WriteLine("MyCompany.MyDepartment.* is a subset " + "of MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile " + vbLf)
            Console.WriteLine("MyCompany.MyDepartment.*" + " is not a subset of MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile " + vbLf)
        End If
        Return returnValue
    End Function 'IsSubsetOfDemo
    ' Union creates a new permission that is the union of the current permission and the specified permission.
    Private Function UnionDemo() As Boolean 
        Dim returnValue As Boolean = True
        Dim snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2 As StrongNameIdentityPermission
        Dim snIdPerm3 As IPermission
        snIdPerm1 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", New Version(""))
        snIdPerm2 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile", New Version(""))
        snIdPerm3 = CType(snIdPerm1.Union(snIdPerm2), StrongNameIdentityPermission)
            Console.WriteLine("The union of MyCompany.MyDepartment.*" + "and MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile is " + CType(snIdPerm3, StrongNameIdentityPermission).Name.ToString())
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("An expected exception was thrown: " + e.Message)
        End Try
        Return returnValue
    End Function 'UnionDemo
    ' Intersect creates and returns a new permission that is the intersection of the current
    ' permission and the permission specified.
    Private Function IntersectDemo() As Boolean 
        Dim returnValue As Boolean = True
        Dim snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2, snIdPerm3 As StrongNameIdentityPermission
        snIdPerm1 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", New Version(""))
        snIdPerm2 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile", New Version(""))
            snIdPerm3 = CType(snIdPerm1.Intersect(snIdPerm2), StrongNameIdentityPermission)
            Console.WriteLine("The intersection of MyCompany.MyDepartment.*" + "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile is " + CType(snIdPerm3, StrongNameIdentityPermission).Name.ToString())
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("An exception was thrown: " + e.ToString())
            returnValue = False
        End Try
        Return returnValue
    End Function 'IntersectDemo
    'Copy creates and returns an identical copy of the current permission.
    Private Function CopyDemo() As Boolean 
        Dim returnValue As Boolean = True
        Dim snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2 As StrongNameIdentityPermission
        snIdPerm1 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", New Version(""))
        snIdPerm2 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None)
        snIdPerm2 = CType(snIdPerm1.Copy(), StrongNameIdentityPermission)
        Console.WriteLine("Result of copy = " + snIdPerm2.ToString() + vbLf)
        Return returnValue
    End Function 'CopyDemo
    ' ToXml creates an XML encoding of the permission and its current state;
    'FromXml reconstructs a permission with the specified state from the XML encoding.
    Private Function ToFromXmlDemo() As Boolean 
        Dim returnValue As Boolean = True
        Dim snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2 As StrongNameIdentityPermission
        snIdPerm1 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", New Version(""))
        snIdPerm2 = New StrongNameIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None)
        Console.WriteLine("Result of ToFromXml = " + snIdPerm2.ToString() + vbLf)
        Return returnValue
    End Function 'ToFromXmlDemo
    ' Invoke all demos.
    Public Function runDemo() As Boolean

        Dim ret As Boolean = True
        Dim retTmp As Boolean
        ' Call the IsSubsetOf demo.
        retTmp = IsSubsetOfDemo()
        If retTmp Then
            Console.Out.WriteLine("IsSubsetOf demo completed successfully.")
            Console.Out.WriteLine("IsSubsetOf demo failed.")
        End If
        ret = retTmp AndAlso ret

        ' Call the Union demo.
        retTmp = UnionDemo()
        If retTmp Then
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Union demo completed successfully.")
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Union demo failed.")
        End If
        ret = retTmp AndAlso ret

        ' Call the Intersect demo.
        retTmp = IntersectDemo()
        If retTmp Then
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Intersect demo completed successfully.")
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Intersect demo failed.")
        End If
        ret = retTmp AndAlso ret

        ' Call the Copy demo.
        retTmp = CopyDemo()
        If retTmp Then
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Copy demo completed successfully")
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Copy demo failed.")
        End If
        ret = retTmp AndAlso ret

        ' Call the ToFromXml demo.  
        retTmp = ToFromXmlDemo()
        If retTmp Then
            Console.Out.WriteLine("ToFromXml demo completed successfully")
            Console.Out.WriteLine("ToFromXml demo failed.")
        End If
        ret = retTmp AndAlso ret

        Console.WriteLine("********************************************************" + ControlChars.Lf)

        Return ret
    End Function 'runDemo

    ' Test harness.
    Public Overloads Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As [String])
            Dim democase As New StrongNameIdentityDemo()
            Dim ret As Boolean = democase.runDemo()
            If ret Then
                Console.Out.WriteLine("StrongNameIdentity demo completed successfully.")
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit.")
                Dim consoleInput As String = Console.ReadLine()
                System.Environment.ExitCode = 100
                Console.Out.WriteLine("StrongNameIdentity demo failed.")
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit.")
                Dim consoleInput As String = Console.ReadLine()
                System.Environment.ExitCode = 101
            End If
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.Out.WriteLine("StrongNameIdentity demo failed.")
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit.")
            Dim consoleInput As String = Console.ReadLine()
            System.Environment.ExitCode = 101
        End Try
    End Sub 'Main
End Class 'StrongNameIdentityDemo
using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;

public class StrongNameIdentityDemo
    // Public key
    static byte[] b1 = { 0, 36, 0, 0, 4, 128, 0, 0, 148, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0,
82, 83, 65, 49, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 237, 146, 145, 51, 34,
97, 123, 196, 90, 174, 41, 170, 173, 221, 41, 193, 175, 39, 7,
151, 178, 0, 230, 152, 218, 8, 206, 206, 170,84, 111, 145, 26,
208, 158, 240, 246, 219, 228, 34, 31, 163, 11, 130, 16, 199, 111,
224, 4, 112, 46, 84, 0, 104, 229, 38, 39, 63, 53, 189, 0, 157,
32, 38, 34, 109, 0, 171, 114, 244, 34, 59, 9, 232, 150, 192, 247,
175, 104, 143, 171, 42, 219, 66, 66, 194, 191, 218, 121, 59, 92,
42, 37, 158, 13, 108, 210, 189, 9, 203, 204, 32, 48, 91, 212, 101,
193, 19, 227, 107, 25, 133, 70, 2, 220, 83, 206, 71, 102, 245, 104,
252, 87, 109, 190, 56, 34, 180};

    StrongNamePublicKeyBlob blob = new StrongNamePublicKeyBlob(b1);
    // Use this version number.
    Version v1 = new Version("");
    // IsSubsetOf determines whether the current permission is a subset of the specified permission.
    private bool IsSubsetOfDemo()

        bool returnValue = true;

        StrongNameIdentityPermission snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2;

        snIdPerm1 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", new Version(""));
        snIdPerm2 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile", new Version(""));

        if (snIdPerm1.IsSubsetOf(snIdPerm2))

            Console.WriteLine("MyCompany.MyDepartment.* is a subset " +
            "of MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile \n");
            Console.WriteLine("MyCompany.MyDepartment.*" +
            " is not a subset of MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile \n");

        return returnValue;
    // Union creates a new permission that is the union of the current permission and the specified permission.
    private bool UnionDemo()

        bool returnValue = true;

        StrongNameIdentityPermission snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2;
        IPermission snIdPerm3;

        snIdPerm1 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", new Version(""));
        snIdPerm2 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile", new Version(""));

        snIdPerm3 = (StrongNameIdentityPermission)snIdPerm1.Union(snIdPerm2);

            Console.WriteLine("The union of MyCompany.MyDepartment.*" +
            "and MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile is " +
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("An expected exception was thrown: " + e.Message);

        return returnValue;

    // Intersect creates and returns a new permission that is the intersection of the current
    // permission and the permission specified.
    private bool IntersectDemo()

        bool returnValue = true;

        StrongNameIdentityPermission snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2, snIdPerm3;

        snIdPerm1 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", new Version(""));
        snIdPerm2 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile", new Version(""));


            snIdPerm3 = (StrongNameIdentityPermission)snIdPerm1.Intersect(snIdPerm2);

            Console.WriteLine("The intersection of MyCompany.MyDepartment.*"
            + "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile is "
            + ((StrongNameIdentityPermission)snIdPerm3).Name.ToString());

        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("An exception was thrown: " + e);
            returnValue = false;

        return returnValue;

    //Copy creates and returns an identical copy of the current permission.
    private bool CopyDemo()
        bool returnValue = true;

        StrongNameIdentityPermission snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2;

        snIdPerm1 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", new Version(""));
        snIdPerm2 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None);

        snIdPerm2 = (StrongNameIdentityPermission)snIdPerm1.Copy();
        Console.WriteLine("Result of copy = " + snIdPerm2.ToString() + "\n");

        return returnValue;
    // ToXml creates an XML encoding of the permission and its current state;
    //FromXml reconstructs a permission with the specified state from the XML encoding.
    private bool ToFromXmlDemo()

        bool returnValue = true;

        StrongNameIdentityPermission snIdPerm1, snIdPerm2;

        snIdPerm1 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", new Version(""));    
        snIdPerm2 = new StrongNameIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None);
        Console.WriteLine("Result of ToFromXml = " + snIdPerm2.ToString() + "\n");

        return returnValue;

    // Invoke all demos.
    public bool RunDemo()

        bool ret = true;
        bool retTmp;
        // Call the IsSubsetOf demo.
        if (retTmp = IsSubsetOfDemo()) Console.Out.WriteLine("IsSubsetOf demo completed successfully.");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("IsSubsetOf demo failed.");
        ret = retTmp && ret;

        // Call the Union demo.
        if (retTmp = UnionDemo()) Console.Out.WriteLine("Union demo completed successfully.");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Union demo failed.");
        ret = retTmp && ret;

        // Call the Intersect demo.
        if (retTmp = IntersectDemo()) Console.Out.WriteLine("Intersect demo completed successfully.");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Intersect demo failed.");
        ret = retTmp && ret;

        // Call the Copy demo.
        if (retTmp = CopyDemo()) Console.Out.WriteLine("Copy demo completed successfully");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Copy demo failed.");
        ret = retTmp && ret;

        // Call the ToFromXml demo.
        if (retTmp = ToFromXmlDemo()) Console.Out.WriteLine("ToFromXml demo completed successfully");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("ToFromXml demo failed.");
        ret = retTmp && ret;


        return (ret);

    // Test harness.
    public static void Main(String[] args)
            StrongNameIdentityDemo democase = new StrongNameIdentityDemo();
            bool ret = democase.RunDemo();
            if (ret)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("StrongNameIdentity demo completed successfully.");
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit.");
                string consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
                System.Environment.ExitCode = 100;
                Console.Out.WriteLine("StrongNameIdentity demo failed.");
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit.");
                string consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
                System.Environment.ExitCode = 101;
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.Out.WriteLine("StrongNameIdentity demo failed.");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit.");
            string consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
            System.Environment.ExitCode = 101;
        // Catch non-CLSCompliant exceptions.
            Console.WriteLine("An unexpected non-CLSCompliant exception was thrown.");
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

// This class generates StrongNameIdentityPermission objects.


public ref class StrongNameIdentityDemo
    // Public key
    static array<Byte>^b1 = {0,36,0,0,4,128,0,0,148,0,0,0,6,2,0,0,0,36,0,0,82,83,65,49,0,4,0,0,1,0,1,0,237,146,145,51,34,97,123,196,90,174,41,170,173,221,41,193,175,39,7,151,178,0,230,152,218,8,206,206,170,84,111,145,26,208,158,240,246,219,228,34,31,163,11,130,16,199,111,224,4,112,46,84,0,104,229,38,39,63,53,189,0,157,32,38,34,109,0,171,114,244,34,59,9,232,150,192,247,175,104,143,171,42,219,66,66,194,191,218,121,59,92,42,37,158,13,108,210,189,9,203,204,32,48,91,212,101,193,19,227,107,25,133,70,2,220,83,206,71,102,245,104,252,87,109,190,56,34,180};
    static StrongNamePublicKeyBlob^ blob = gcnew StrongNamePublicKeyBlob( b1 );

    // Use this version number.
    static Version^ v1 = gcnew Version( "" );

    // IsSubsetOf determines whether the current permission is a subset of the specified permission.
    bool IsSubsetOfDemo()
        bool returnValue = true;

        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm1;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm2;

        snIdPerm1 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", gcnew Version(""));
        snIdPerm2 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile", gcnew Version(""));

        if (snIdPerm1->IsSubsetOf(snIdPerm2))

            Console::WriteLine("MyCompany.MyDepartment.* is a subset " +
                "of MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile \n");
            Console::WriteLine("MyCompany.MyDepartment.*" +
                " is not a subset of MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile \n");

        return returnValue;

    // Union creates a new permission that is the union of the current permission and the specified permission.
    bool UnionDemo()
        bool returnValue = true;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm1;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm2;
        IPermission^ snIdPerm3;
        snIdPerm1 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", gcnew Version(""));
        snIdPerm2 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile", gcnew Version(""));
        snIdPerm3 = dynamic_cast<StrongNameIdentityPermission^>(snIdPerm1->Union( snIdPerm2 ));
        snIdPerm3 = snIdPerm1->Union( snIdPerm2 );

            Console::WriteLine("The union of MyCompany.MyDepartment.*" +
                "and MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile is " +
        catch (Exception^ e)
            Console::WriteLine("An expected exception was thrown: " + e->Message);

        return returnValue;

    // Intersect creates and returns a new permission that is the intersection of the current
    // permission and the permission specified.
    bool IntersectDemo()
        bool returnValue = true;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm1;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm2;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm3;
        snIdPerm1 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", gcnew Version(""));
        snIdPerm2 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile", gcnew Version(""));


            snIdPerm3 = dynamic_cast<StrongNameIdentityPermission^>(snIdPerm1->Intersect(snIdPerm2));

            Console::WriteLine("The intersection of MyCompany.MyDepartment.*" +
                "and MyCompany.MyDepartment.MyFile is " +
        catch (Exception^ e)
            Console::WriteLine("An exception was thrown: " + e);
            returnValue = false;

        return returnValue;


    //Copy creates and returns an identical copy of the current permission.
    bool CopyDemo()
        bool returnValue = true;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm1;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm2;
        snIdPerm1 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", gcnew Version(""));
        snIdPerm2 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(PermissionState::None);

        snIdPerm2 = dynamic_cast<StrongNameIdentityPermission^>(snIdPerm1->Copy());
        Console::WriteLine("Result of copy = " + snIdPerm2->ToString() + "\n");

        return returnValue;

    // ToXml creates an XML encoding of the permission and its current state;
    //FromXml reconstructs a permission with the specified state from the XML encoding.
    bool ToFromXmlDemo()
        bool returnValue = true;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm1;
        StrongNameIdentityPermission^ snIdPerm2;
        snIdPerm1 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(blob, "MyCompany.MyDepartment.*", gcnew Version(""));    
        snIdPerm2 = gcnew StrongNameIdentityPermission(PermissionState::None);
        Console::WriteLine("Result of ToFromXml = " + snIdPerm2->ToString() + "\n");

        return returnValue;


    // Invoke all demos.
    bool RunDemo()
        bool ret = true;
        bool retTmp;

        // Call the IsSubsetOf demo.
        if ( retTmp = IsSubsetOfDemo() )
            Console::WriteLine( "IsSubsetOf demo completed successfully." );
            Console::WriteLine( "IsSubsetOf demo failed." );

        ret = retTmp && ret;

        // Call the Union demo.
        if ( retTmp = UnionDemo() )
            Console::WriteLine( "Union demo completed successfully." );
            Console::WriteLine( "Union demo failed." );

        ret = retTmp && ret;

        // Call the Intersect demo.
        if ( retTmp = IntersectDemo() )
            Console::WriteLine( "Intersect demo completed successfully." );
            Console::WriteLine( "Intersect demo failed." );

        ret = retTmp && ret;

        // Call the Copy demo.
        if ( retTmp = CopyDemo() )
            Console::WriteLine( "Copy demo completed successfully" );
            Console::WriteLine( "Copy demo failed." );

        ret = retTmp && ret;

        // Call the ToFromXml demo.
        if ( retTmp = ToFromXmlDemo() )
            Console::WriteLine( "ToFromXml demo completed successfully" );
            Console::WriteLine( "ToFromXml demo failed." );

        ret = retTmp && ret;
        Console::WriteLine( "********************************************************\n" );
        return (ret);


// Test harness.
int main()
        StrongNameIdentityDemo^ democase = gcnew StrongNameIdentityDemo;
        bool ret = democase->RunDemo();
        if ( ret )
            Console::WriteLine( "StrongNameIdentity demo completed successfully." );
            Console::WriteLine( "Press the Enter key to exit." );
            System::Environment::ExitCode = 100;
            Console::WriteLine( "StrongNameIdentity demo failed." );
            Console::WriteLine( "Press the Enter key to exit." );
            System::Environment::ExitCode = 101;
    catch ( Exception^ e ) 
        Console::WriteLine( "StrongNameIdentity demo failed." );
        Console::WriteLine( e );
        Console::WriteLine( "Press the Enter key to exit." );
        System::Environment::ExitCode = 101;


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참고 항목


StrongNameIdentityPermission 멤버
System.Security.Permissions 네임스페이스
StrongNameIdentityPermission 클래스

기타 리소스

보안 권한
권한 요청
강력한 이름의 어셈블리