다음을 통해 공유

ReportItem Object

Multiple objects

Represents a mail-delivery report in an Inbox (mail) folder. The ReportItem object is similar to a MailItem object, and it contains a report (usually the non-delivery report) or error message from the mail transport system.

Using the ReportItem Object

Unlike other Microsoft Outlook objects, you cannot create this object. Report items are created automatically when any report or error in general is received from the mail transport system.

Properties | Actions Property | Application Property | Attachments Property | AutoResolvedWinner Property | BillingInformation Property | Body Property | Categories Property | Class Property | Companies Property | Conflicts Property | ConversationIndex Property | ConversationTopic Property | CreationTime Property | DownloadState Property | EntryID Property | FormDescription Property | GetInspector Property | Importance Property | IsConflict Property | ItemProperties Property | LastModificationTime Property | Links Property | MarkForDownload Property | MessageClass Property | Mileage Property | NoAging Property | OutlookInternalVersion Property | OutlookVersion Property | Parent Property | Saved Property | Sensitivity Property | Session Property | Size Property | Subject Property | UnRead Property | UserProperties Property

Methods | Close Method | Copy Method | Delete Method | Display Method | Move Method | PrintOut Method | Save Method | SaveAs Method | ShowCategoriesDialog Method

Events | AttachmentAdd Event | AttachmentRead Event | BeforeAttachmentSave Event | BeforeCheckNames Event | BeforeDelete Event | Close Event | CustomAction Event | CustomPropertyChange Event | Forward Event | Open Event | PropertyChange Event | Read Event | Reply Event | ReplyAll Event | Send Event | Write Event

Parent Objects

Child Objects | Actions Object | Attachments Object | Conflicts Object | FormDescription Object | ItemProperties Object | Links Object | UserProperties Object