Packet 클래스
업데이트: 2007년 11월
데이터를 보관하며 DevicePacketStream 클래스에서 스마트 장치와 데스크톱 컴퓨터 간에 데이터를 전송하는 데 사용됩니다.
네임스페이스: Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity
어셈블리: Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity(Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity.dll)
Public Class Packet
Dim instance As Packet
public class Packet
public ref class Packet
public class Packet
Packet 클래스는 byte, byte[], string, int 및 char 형식의 개체만 보관할 수 있습니다. Packet 클래스는 사용자 지정 개체를 읽고 쓰도록 확장할 수 없습니다. 그러나 사용자는 사용자 지정 데이터 형식을 기본 데이터 형식으로 분할하거나 바이트 배열로 serialize하여 스트림을 통해 사용자 지정 개체를 전송할 수 있습니다.
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity
Class [source]
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
' Get the datastore object
Dim dsmgr As New DatastoreManager(1033)
' Get the platform object
Dim platform As Platform = GetPlatformByName("Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK", dsmgr)
' Get the default device in the platform, usually an emulator.
Dim device As Device = platform.GetDevice(platform.GetDefaultDeviceId())
If device.IsConnected() Then
' Copy and start a device agent based on the ID of its add-on package.
Dim ra As RemoteAgent = device.GetRemoteAgent( _
New ObjectId("CAF078AE-2E10-43e2-B566-C4577F2538C7"))
ra.Start("command line argument")
' Open communication channel with device agent.
Dim ps As DevicePacketStream = ra.CreatePacketStream( _
New ObjectId("2FAD740C-B5D3-4ad0-BE23-5682503584BF"))
' Create and write a packet of data.
Dim packet As Packet
packet = New Packet()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 3
Next i
packet.WriteString("Hello Smart Device")
' While stream is connected, try to read a packet.
While ps.IsConnected()
If ps.IsPacketAvailable() Then
packet = ps.Read()
While Not packet.IsEndOfPacket()
Select Case packet.ReadDataType()
Case DataType.BoolType
Dim boolValue As Boolean = packet.ReadBool()
Case DataType.ByteArrayType
Dim buffer As Byte() = packet.ReadBytes()
Case DataType.ByteType
Dim byteValue As Byte = packet.ReadByte()
Case DataType.CharType
Dim charValue As Char = packet.ReadChar()
Case DataType.Int32Type
Console.WriteLine("Int32Type: " + packet.ReadInt32().ToString())
Case DataType.StringType
Console.WriteLine("String: " + packet.ReadString())
Case Else
End Select
End While
Exit While
End If
End While
End If
End Sub 'Main
' Returns a platform if the supplied name can be found in the datastore.
' Returns null pointer if platform cannot be found
Private Shared Function GetPlatformByName(ByVal p As String, _
ByVal dsmgr As DatastoreManager) As Platform
' Get all platforms in the datastore.
Dim platforms As Collection(Of Platform) = dsmgr.GetPlatforms()
' Find the platform whose name matches the parameter.
Dim platform As Platform
For Each platform In platforms
If platform.Name = p Then
Return platform
End If
Next platform
Return Nothing
End Function 'GetPlatformByName
End Class '[source]
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity;
class source
static void Main(string[] args)
// Get the datastore object
DatastoreManager dsmgr = new DatastoreManager(1033);
// Get the platform object
Platform platform = GetPlatformByName("Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK", dsmgr);
// Get the default device in the platform, usually an emulator.
Device device = platform.GetDevice(platform.GetDefaultDeviceId());
if (device.IsConnected())
// Copy and start a device agent based on the ID of its add-on package.
RemoteAgent ra = device.GetRemoteAgent(
new ObjectId("CAF078AE-2E10-43e2-B566-C4577F2538C8"));
ra.Start("command line argument");
// Open communication channel with device agent.
DevicePacketStream ps = ra.CreatePacketStream(
new ObjectId("2FAD740C-B5D3-4ad0-BE23-5682503584BF"));
// Create and write a packet of data.
Packet packet;
packet = new Packet();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) packet.WriteInt32(i);
packet.WriteString("Hello Smart Device");
// While stream is connected, try to read a packet.
while (ps.IsConnected())
if (ps.IsPacketAvailable())
packet = ps.Read();
while (!packet.IsEndOfPacket())
switch (packet.ReadDataType())
case DataType.BoolType:
bool boolValue = packet.ReadBool();
case DataType.ByteArrayType:
byte[] buffer = packet.ReadBytes();
case DataType.ByteType:
byte byteValue = packet.ReadByte();
case DataType.CharType:
char charValue = packet.ReadChar();
case DataType.Int32Type:
Console.WriteLine("Int32Type: " + packet.ReadInt32().ToString());
case DataType.StringType:
Console.WriteLine("String: " + packet.ReadString());
// Returns a platform if the supplied name can be found in the datastore.
// Returns null pointer if platform cannot be found
private static Platform GetPlatformByName(string p, DatastoreManager dsmgr)
// Get all platforms in the datastore.
Collection<Platform> platforms = dsmgr.GetPlatforms();
// Find the platform whose name matches the parameter.
foreach (Platform platform in platforms)
if (platform.Name == p) return platform;
return null;
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