다음을 통해 공유

FederatedServiceCredentials 클래스

Helper class that provides mechanism to plug the FederatedSecurityTokenManager to any WCF ServiceHost application. Create an instance of this class and add this as the ServiceCredentials to your ServiceHost.

네임스페이스: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens
어셈블리: Microsoft.IdentityModel(microsoft.identitymodel.dll에 있음)


    Dim instance As FederatedServiceCredentials


Public Class FederatedServiceCredentials
    Inherits ServiceCredentials
public class FederatedServiceCredentials : ServiceCredentials
public ref class FederatedServiceCredentials : public ServiceCredentials
public class FederatedServiceCredentials extends ServiceCredentials
public class FederatedServiceCredentials extends ServiceCredentials


Extends the System.ServiceModel.Security.ServiceCredentials class. Can be configured on any ServiceHost to create a FederatedSecurityTokenManager which uses SecurityTokenHandlers along with the security token support provided in WCF. This class also provides properties to set OutOfBandTokenResolver which may be used to validate the signature of a SAML token and register a custom SecurityTokenHandler.

To enable an existing WCF service with WIF, the ConfigureServiceHost method of this class needs to be called before calling ServiceHost.open() on that instance. Service host instance needs to be passed as a parameter to the ConfigureServiceHost() call. This call will make the necessary changes in the service host instance to insert WIF features within the WCF message processing pipeline.

상속 계층 구조


스레드 안전성

이 유형의 공용 정적(Visual Basic에서는 Shared) 멤버는 모두 스레드로부터 안전합니다.인스턴스 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전하지 않을 수 있습니다.


개발 플랫폼

Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista

Target Platforms

Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Not tested on Windows XP

참고 항목


FederatedServiceCredentials 멤버
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens 네임스페이스