
Bendrinti naudojant

Document Intelligence mortgage document models

This content applies to: checkmark v4.0 (preview) checkmark

The Document Intelligence Mortgage models use powerful Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities and deep learning models to analyze and extract key fields from mortgage documents. Mortgage documents can be of various formats and quality. The API analyzes mortgage documents and returns a structured JSON data representation. The models currently support English-language documents only.

Supported document types:

  • Uniform Residential Loan Application (Form 1003)
  • Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (Form 1004)
  • Verification of employment form (Form 1005)
  • Uniform Underwriting and Transmittal Summary (Form 1008)
  • Closing Disclosure form

Development options

Document Intelligence v4.0 (2024-07-31-preview) supports the following tools, applications, and libraries:

Feature Resources Model ID
Mortgage model Document Intelligence Studio
Python SDK
Java SDK
JavaScript SDK

Input requirements

  • Supported file formats:

    Model PDF Image:
    Microsoft Office:
    Word (DOCX), Excel (XLSX), PowerPoint (PPTX), HTML
    Layout ✔ (2024-07-31-preview, 2024-02-29-preview, 2023-10-31-preview)
    General Document
    Custom extraction
    Custom classification ✔ (2024-07-31-preview, 2024-02-29-preview)
  • For best results, provide one clear photo or high-quality scan per document.

  • For PDF and TIFF, up to 2,000 pages can be processed (with a free tier subscription, only the first two pages are processed).

  • The file size for analyzing documents is 500 MB for paid (S0) tier and 4 MB for free (F0) tier.

  • Image dimensions must be between 50 pixels x 50 pixels and 10,000 pixels x 10,000 pixels.

  • If your PDFs are password-locked, you must remove the lock before submission.

  • The minimum height of the text to be extracted is 12 pixels for a 1024 x 768 pixel image. This dimension corresponds to about 8 point text at 150 dots per inch (DPI).

  • For custom model training, the maximum number of pages for training data is 500 for the custom template model and 50,000 for the custom neural model.

    • For custom extraction model training, the total size of training data is 50 MB for template model and 1 GB for the neural model.

    • For custom classification model training, the total size of training data is 1 GB with a maximum of 10,000 pages. For 2024-07-31-preview and later, the total size of training data is 2 GB with a maximum of 10,000 pages.

Try mortgage documents data extraction

To see how data extraction works for the mortgage documents service, you need the following resources:

  • An Azure subscription—you can create one for free.

  • A Document Intelligence instance in the Azure portal. You can use the free pricing tier (F0) to try the service. After your resource deploys, select Go to resource to get your key and endpoint.

Screenshot of keys and endpoint location in the Azure portal.

Document Intelligence Studio

  1. On the Document Intelligence Studio home page, select Mortgage.

  2. You can analyze the sample mortgage documents or upload your own files.

  3. Select the Run analysis button and, if necessary, configure the Analyze options:

    Screenshot of Run analysis and Analyze options buttons in the Document Intelligence Studio.

Supported languages and locales

See our Language Support—prebuilt models page for a complete list of supported languages.

Field extraction 1003 Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA)

The following are the fields extracted from a 1003 URLA form in the JSON output response.

Field Type Description Example
LenderLoanNumber string Lender loan number or universal loan identifier 10Bx939c5543TqA1144M999143X38
AgencyCaseNumber string Agency case number 115894
Borrowers array
Borrowers.* object
Borrowers.*.Name string Borrower's full name as written on the form Gwen Stacy
Borrowers.*.CoBorrowerNames string Coborrower's full name as written on the form Glory Grant
Borrowers.*.SocialSecurityNumber string Borrower's social security number 557-99-7283
Borrowers.*.BirthDate date Borrower's date of birth 11/07/1989
Borrowers.*.CitizenshipType selectionGroup Borrower's citizenship :selected: U.S. Citizen
:unselected: Permanent Resident Alien
:unselected: Non-Permanent Resident Alien
Borrowers.*.CreditApplicationType selectionGroup Borrower's credit type :selected: I'm applying for individual credit.
:unselected: I'm applying for joint credit.
Borrowers.*.NumberOfBorrowers integer Total number of borrowers 1
Borrowers.*.MaritalStatus selectionGroup Borrower's marital status :selected: Married
:unselected: Separated
:unselected: Unmarried
Borrowers.*.NumberOfDependents integer Total number of borrower's dependents 2
Borrowers.*.DependentsAges string Age of borrower's dependents 10, 11
Borrowers.*.HomePhoneNumber phoneNumber Borrower's home phone number (818) 246-8900
Borrowers.*.CellPhoneNumber phoneNumber Borrower's cell phone number (831) 728-4766
Borrowers.*.WorkPhoneNumber phoneNumber Borrower's work phone number (987) 213-5674
Borrowers.*.CurrentAddress address Borrower's current address 1634 W Glenoaks Blvd
Glendale CA 91201 United States
Borrowers.*.YearsInCurrentAddress integer Years in current address 1
Borrowers.*.MonthsInCurrentAddress integer Months in current address 1
Borrowers.*.CurrentHousingExpenseType selectionGroup Borrower's housing expense type :unselected: No primary housing expense:selected: Own:unselected: Rent
Borrowers.*.CurrentMonthlyRent number Borrower's monthly rent 1,600.00
Borrowers.*.SignedDate date Borrower's signature date 03/16/2021
Borrowers.*.CoBorrowerSignedDate date Coborrower's signature date 03/16/2021
Borrowers.*.CurrentEmployment object
Borrowers.*.CurrentEmployment.DoesNotApply boolean Checkbox state of 'Doesn't apply' :selected:
Borrowers.*.CurrentEmployment.EmployerName string Borrower's employer or business name Spider Wb Corp.
Borrowers.*.CurrentEmployment.EmployerPhoneNumber phoneNumber Borrower's employer phone number (390) 353-2474
Borrowers.*.CurrentEmployment.EmployerAddress address Borrower's employer address 3533 Band Ave
Glendale CA 92506 United States
Borrowers.*.CurrentEmployment.PositionOrTitle string Borrower's position or title Language Teacher
Borrowers.*.CurrentEmployment.StartDate date Borrower's employment start date 01/08/2020
Borrowers.*.CurrentEmployment.GrossMonthlyIncomeTotal number Borrower's gross monthly income total 4,254.00
Loan object
Loan.Amount number Loan amount 156,000.00
Loan.PurposeType selectionGroup Loan purpose type :unselected: Purchase:selected: Refinance:unselected: Other
Loan.OtherPurpose string Other loan purpose type Construction
Loan.RefinanceType selectionGroup Loan refinance type :selected: No Cash Out
:unselected: Limited Cash Out
:unselected: Cash Out
Loan.RefinanceProgramType selectionGroup Loan refinance program type :unselected: Full Documentation:selected: Interest Rate Reduction
:unselected: Streamlined without Appraisal
:unselected: Other
Loan.OtherRefinanceProgram string Other loan refinance program type Cash-out refinance
Property object
Property.Address address Property address 1634 W Glenoaks Blvd
Glendale CA 91201 Los Angeles
Property.NumberOfUnits integer Number of units 1
Property.Value number Property value 200,000.00
Property.OccupancyStatus selectionGroup Property occupancy status :selected: Primary Residence
:unselected: Second Home
:unselected: Investment Property
Property.IsFhaSecondaryResidence boolean Checkbox state of 'FHA Secondary Residence' :unselected:
Property.MixedUseProperty selectionGroup Is the property a mixed-use property? :selected: NO:unselected: YES
Property.ManufacturedHome selectionGroup Is the property a manufactured home? :selected: NO:unselected: YES

Field extraction 1004 Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR)

The following are the fields extracted from a 1004 URAR form in the JSON output response.

Field Type Description Example
Subject object
Subject.PropertyAddress address Address of the property being appraised 123 Main St., Redmond, WA 98052
Subject.BorrowerName string Name of the individual or entity that is borrowing funds with the property as collateral John Doe
Subject.PublicRecordOwner string Name of the legal owner of the property as recorded in public records Jane Smith
Subject.LegalDescription string Formal description of the property that is recognized by law Lot 5, Block 10 of Sunnyside Acres
Subject.AssessorParcelNumber string Unique number assigned to the property by the local tax assessor's office 12-34-56-78-90
Subject.TaxYear integer Year for which property taxes are being assessed 2023
Subject.RealEstateTaxes number Amount of property taxes levied on the property for the specified tax year 3500.00
Subject.OccupantType selectionGroup Occupant of the property based on its use (Owner, Tenant, Vacant) :selected: Owner:unselected: Tenant:unselected: Vacant
Subject.IsPud boolean Indicates whether the property is part of a planned unit development (PUD) :unselected:
Subject.HoaAmount number Amount of the periodic payment required by the Homeowners Association (HOA), if applicable 150.00
Subject.HoaPaymentInterval selectionGroup Frequency of the Homeowners Association (HOA) payment (per year, per month) :unselected: per year:selected: per month
Subject.PropertyRightsAppraisedType selectionGroup Type of property rights being appraised (Fee Simple, Leasehold, Other) :selected: Fee Simple:unselected: Leasehold:unselected: Other
Subject.OtherPropertyRightsAppraised string Description of other property rights being appraised, if not covered by standard types Life Estate
Subject.AssignmentType selectionGroup Type of appraisal assignment (Purchase Transaction, Refinance Transaction, Other) :unselected: Purchase Transaction:unselected: Refinance Transaction:selected: Other
Subject.OtherAssignment string Description of other types of appraisal assignments, if not covered by standard types Market Value
Subject.LenderOrClientName string Name of the lender or client for whom the appraisal is being conducted A B C Mortgage Company
Subject.LenderOrClientAddress address Address of the lender or client for whom the appraisal is being conducted 456 Finance Ave, Moneytown, MA 67890
Contract object
Contract.ContractPrice number Agreed-upon price of the property as stated in the purchase contract 250000.00
Contract.ContractDate date Date on which the purchase contract was signed 04/15/2023
Contract.IsPropertySellerOwnerOfPublicRecord selectionGroup Indicates whether the seller is the owner of public record :selected: Yes:unselected: No
Neighborhood object
Neighborhood.LocationType selectionGroup Describes the location of the neighborhood (Urban, Suburban, Rural) :selected: Urban:unselected: Suburban:unselected: Rural
Neighborhood.BuiltUpType selectionGroup Describes the level of development within the neighborhood (Over 75%, 25%-75%, Under 25%) :selected: Over 75%:unselected: 25%-75%:unselected: Under 25%
Neighborhood.GrowthType selectionGroup Describes the growth trend of the neighborhood (Rapid, Stable, Slow) :unselected: Rapid:selected: Stable:unselected: Slow
Neighborhood.PropertyValuesTrend selectionGroup Describes the trend in property values within the neighborhood (Increasing, Stable, Declining) :unselected: Increasing:selected: Stable:unselected: Declining
Neighborhood.DemandAndSupplyTrend selectionGroup Describes the balance of demand and supply for properties in the neighborhood (Shortage, In Balance, Over Supply) :unselected: Shortage:selected: In Balance:unselected: Over Supply
Neighborhood.MarketingTimeTrend selectionGroup Describes the trend in the time it takes to market properties in the neighborhood (Under 3 months, 3-6 months, Over 6 months) :selected: Under three months:unselected: 3-6 months:unselected: Over six months
Site object
Site.Utilities object
Site.Utilities.ElectricityType selectionGroup Describes the type of electricity service available to the property (Public, Other) :selected: Public:unselected: Other
Site.Utilities.OtherElectricity string Description of other types of electricity service, if it isn't public Solar Panels
Site.Utilities.GasType selectionGroup Describes the type of gas service available to the property (Public, Other) :selected: Public:unselected: Other
Site.Utilities.OtherGas string Description of other types of gas service, if it isn't public Biogas
Site.Utilities.WaterType selectionGroup Describes the type of water service available to the property (Public, Other) :selected: Public:unselected: Other
Site.Utilities.OtherWater string Description of other types of water service, if it isn't public Private well
Site.Utilities.SanitarySewerType selectionGroup Describes the type of sanitary sewer service available to the property (Public, Other) :selected: Public:unselected: Other
Site.Utilities.OtherSanitarySewer string Description of other types of sanitary sewer service, if it isn't public Composting Toilet
Site.IsFemaSpecialFloodArea selectionGroup Indicates whether the property is located in a FEMA-designated special flood hazard area :unselected: Yes:selected: No
Site.FemaFloodZone string Specific FEMA flood zone in which the property is located, if applicable Zone X
Site.FemaMapNumber string Number of the FEMA flood map that includes the property 12345C1234J
Site.FemaMapDate date Date of the FEMA flood map that includes the property 08/01/2020
Improvements object
Improvements.UnitsType selectionGroup Describes the type of units present on the property (One, One with Accessory Unit) :selected: One:unselected: One with Accessory Unit
Improvements.Type selectionGroup Describes the type of unit within the building (Det., Att., S-Det./End Unit) :selected: Det.:unselected: Att.:unselected: S-Det./End Unit
Improvements.Status selectionGroup Describes the construction status of the property (Existing, Proposed, Under Const.) :selected: Existing:unselected: Proposed:unselected: Under Const.
Improvements.DesignStyle string Describes the architectural design style of the property Cape Cod
Improvements.YearBuilt integer Year in which the property was originally constructed 1985
Improvements.EffectiveAgeInYears number Effective age of the improvements. 20
Improvements.FoundationType selectionGroup Describes the type of foundation the property has (Concrete Slab, Crawl Space, Full Basement, Partial Basement) :unselected: Concrete Slab:unselected: Crawl Space
:selected: Full Basement:unselected: Partial Basement
Improvements.BasementArea number Total area of the basement in square feet, if applicable 800
Improvements.BasementFinish number Percentage of the basement area that is finished 75
Improvements.DamageEvidenceType selectionGroup Any evidence of damage, issues, or conditions affecting the property (Infestation, Dampness, Settlement) :unselected: Infestation
:unselected: Dampness:unselected: Settlement
Improvements.HasDeficiencies selectionGroup Indicates whether there are any physical deficiencies or adverse conditions affecting the property's livability, soundness, or structural integrity of the property :unselected: Yes:selected: No
Improvements.Deficiencies string Description of the physical deficiencies or adverse conditions, if any Cracked foundation wall
SalesComparisonApproach object
SalesComparisonApproach.ComparableSalePrice1 number Sale price of the first comparable property used in the sales comparison approach 240000.00
SalesComparisonApproach.ComparableSalePrice2 number Sale price of the second comparable property used in the sales comparison approach 245000.00
SalesComparisonApproach.ComparableSalePrice3 number Sale price of the third comparable property used in the sales comparison approach 250000.00
SalesComparisonApproach.IndicatedValue number Value of the subject property as indicated by the sales comparison approach 248000.00
Reconciliation object
Reconciliation.IndicatedValueBySalesComparisonApproach number Value of the subject property as indicated by the sales comparison approach 248000.00
Reconciliation.IndicatedValueByCostApproach number Value of the subject property as indicated by the cost approach 250000.00
Reconciliation.IndicatedValueByIncomeApproach number Value of the subject property as indicated by the income approach, if applicable 245000.00
Reconciliation.AppraisalType selectionGroup Type of appraisal made. :selected: as is:unselected: subject to completion per plans and specifications based hypothetical condition that the improvements are complete
completed:unselected: subject to the following repairs or alterations based on a hypothetical condition that the repairs or alterations are completed, or:unselected: subject to the
following required inspection based on the extraordinary assumption that the condition or deficiency doesn't require alteration or repair:
Reconciliation.AppraisedMarketValue number Final appraised market value of the subject property 248000.00
Reconciliation.AppraisalEffectiveDate date Date on which the appraisal value is considered effective 04/20/2023
PudInfo object
PudInfo.IsBuilderInControlOfHoa selectionGroup Indicates whether the developer/builder is in control of the Homeowner's Association (HOA) :selected: Yes:unselected: No
PudInfo.UnitType selectionGroup Describes the type of unit within the PUD (Detached, Attached) :selected: Detached:unselected: Attached
PudInfo.HasMultiDwellingUnits selectionGroup Indicates whether the project contains any multi-dwelling units :unselected: Yes:selected: No
Appraiser object
Appraiser.AppraiserName string Name of the licensed appraiser who conducted the appraisal Alice Johnson
Appraiser.CompanyName string Name of the appraisal company for which the appraiser works Valuation Experts LLC
Appraiser.CompanyAddress address Physical address of the appraisal company 789 Valuation Blvd, Valuetown, MA 34567
Appraiser.TelephoneNumber phoneNumber Telephone number where the appraiser or the appraisal company can be reached (123) 456-7890
Appraiser.EmailAddress string Email address where the appraiser or the appraisal company can be reached
Appraiser.SignatureAndReportDate date Date on which the appraiser signed the appraisal report 04/20/2023
Appraiser.EffectiveDate date Date on which the appraisal is considered effective 04/20/2023
Appraiser.PropertyAppraisedAddress address Address of the property that was appraised 123 Main St., Anytown, MA 12345
Appraiser.AppraisedValueOfSubjectProperty number Final appraised value of the subject property 248000.00
Appraiser.SubjectPropertyStatus selectionGroup Inspection status of the subject property at the time of appraisal :unselected: Didn't inspect subject property
:unselected: Did inspect exterior of subject property from street
:unselected: Did inspect interior and exterior of subject property
Appraiser.ComparableSalesStatus selectionGroup Inspection status of the comparable sales used in the appraisal :unselected: Didn't inspect exterior of comparable sales from street
:unselected: Did inspect exterior of comparable sales from street

Field extraction 1005 Verification of employment form

The following are the fields extracted from a 1005 form in the JSON output response.

Field Type Description Example
EmployerNameAndAddress string Contact information of the company or organization where the individual is currently or previously employed, including name and address. CONTOSO CORPORATION
LenderNameAndAddress string Contact information of the financial institution or individual providing a loan, including name and address. CONTOSO BANK
ApplicantNameAndAddress string Contact information of the individual applying for a loan, including name and address. JOHN DOE
PresentEmployment object
PresentEmployment.EmploymentDate date Date when the individual's current employment began 03/01/2021
PresentEmployment.PresentPosition string Title or role the individual currently holds at their place of employment ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE
PresentEmployment.CurrentGrossBasePay number Amount of money the individual earns before taxes and other deductions 85000
PresentEmployment.CurrentGrossBasePayPeriod selectionGroup Frequency with which the individual receives their gross base pay (Annual, Monthly, Weekly, Hourly, Other) :unselected: Annual
:selected: Monthly
:unselected: Weekly
:unselected: Hourly
:unselected: Other (Specify)
PresentEmployment.OtherCurrentGrossBasePayPeriod string Description of the other current gross base pay period, if not covered by standard periods Bi-Weekly
PreviousEmployment object
PreviousEmployment.DateHired date Date when the applicant was hired for their previous job 01/01/2018
PreviousEmployment.DateTerminated date Date when the applicant's employment was terminated or when they left their previous job 10/30/2020
PreviousEmployment.PositionHeld string Title or role the applicant held in their previous job SUPERVISOR

Field extraction 1008 Uniform Underwriting and Transmittal Summary

The following are the fields extracted from a 1008 form in the JSON output response.

Field Type Description Example
Borrower object
Borrower.Name string Borrower's full name as written on the form Valentin Grant
Borrower.NumberOfBorrowers integer Total number of borrowers 1
Property object
Property.Address address Property address 339 U.S. 82, Gulfport, MO 395503, United States
Property.OccupancyStatus selectionGroup Property occupancy status :selected: Primary Residence
:unselected: Second Home
:unselected: Investment Property
Property.SalesPrice number Property sales price 200,000.00
Property.AppraisedValue number Property appraised value 200,000.00
Property.PropertyType selectionGroup Property type :selected: one unit
:unselected: two units
:unselected: three units
:unselected: four units
:unselected: Condominium
:unselected: PUD:unselected: Co-op
:unselected: Manufactured Housing
:unselected: Single Wide:unselected: Multiwide
Property.FreddieMacProjectClassificationType selectionGroup Freddie Mac project classification :selected: Streamlined Review
:unselected: Established Project
:unselected: New Project
:unselected: Detached Project
:unselected: two- to four-unit Project
:unselected: Exempt from Review
:unselected: Reciprocal Review
Property.FannieMaeProjectClassificationType selectionGroup Fannie Mae project classification :unselected: E Established PUD Project
:unselected: F New PUD Project
:unselected: P Limited Review - New Condo Project
:unselected: Q Limited Review - Established Condo Project
:unselected: R Full Review - New Condo Project
:unselected: S Full Review - Established Condo Project
:unselected: T Fannie Mae Review through PERS - Condo Project
:unselected: U FHA-approved Condo Project
:unselected: V Condo Project Review Waived
:unselected: one Full Review - Co-op Project
:unselected: two Fannie Mae Review through PERS - Co-op Project
Property.PropertyRightsType selectionGroup Property rights :selected: Fee Simple
:unselected: Leasehold
Mortgage object
Mortgage.LoanType selectionGroup Mortgage loan type :unselected: Conventional
:selected: FHA
:unselected: VA
:unselected: USDA/RD
Mortgage.AmortizationType selectionGroup Mortgage amortizationType type :selected: Fixed-Rate--Monthly Payments
:unselected: Fixed-Rate--Biweekly Payments
:unselected: Ballon
:unselected: ARM (type)
:unselected: Other (specify)
Mortgage.LoanPurposeType selectionGroup Mortgage loan purpose type :selected: Purchase
:unselected: Cash-Out Refinance
:unselected: Limited Cash-Out Refinance (Fannie)
:unselected: No Cash-Out Refinance (Freddie)
:unselected: Home Improvement
:unselected: Construction Conversion/Construction to Permanent
Mortgage.LienPositionType selectionGroup Mortgage Lien position type :selected: First Mortgage
:unselected: Second Mortgage
Mortgage.SubordinateFinancingAmount number Amount of subordinate financing 50,000
Mortgage.LoanAmount number The loan amount stated on the mortgage note 193,000.00
Mortgage.NoteRatePercentage number The note rate stated on the mortgage note 6.7500
Mortgage.LoanTermInMonths number The loan term in months stated on the mortgage note 360
Mortgage.MortgageOriginatorType selectionGroup Mortgage originator type :unselected: Seller
: selected:Broker:unselected:Correspondent
Mortgage.BrokerOrCorrespondentNameAndCompanyName string Broker/Correspondent name and company name Reichardt Stewart United Community Bank
Mortgage.TemporaryBuydownStatus selectionGroup Mortgage temporary buydown status :unselected: Yes
:selected: No
Mortgage.TemporaryBuydownTerms string Mortgage temporary buydown terms 36
Underwriting object
Underwriting.UnderwriterName string Underwriter name Milo Zemlak
Underwriting.AppraiserNameAndLicenseNumber string Appraiser name and license number Twill Rath V/120100
Underwriting.AppraisalCompanyName string Appraisal company name Key Property Solutions
Underwriting.TotalBorrowerIncome number Total borrower income 2,000.00
Underwriting.QualifyingRateType selectionGroup Underwriting qualifying rate type :selected: Rate Used for Qualifying
:unselected: Initial Bought-Down Rate
:unselected: Other
Underwriting.RateUsedForQualifying number Underwriting qualifying rate percentage 6.75
Underwriting.InitialBoughtDownRate number Underwriting initial bought-down rate 6.75
Underwriting.OtherQualifyingRate number Underwriting other qualifying rate 6.75
Underwriting.ProposedMonthlyPaymentTotal number Proposed monthly payment total 1,251.79
Underwriting.FundsRequiredToClose number Required borrower funds to close 7,000.00
Underwriting.VerifiedAssetsAmount number Verified borrower assets 5,000.00
Seller object
Seller.Name string Seller name Renner, Hamill, and Harber
Seller.Address address Seller address 9180 Landen Curve Apt. 137
Gulfport, MO 39503, United States
Seller.Number string Seller number 1487FHIUJH579836827
Seller.LoanNumber string Seller loan number 84521F5135432x468rd15375fs
Seller.ContactName string Contact name Francisco Donnelly
Seller.ContactPhoneNumber phoneNumber Contact phone number 407-930-3985
Seller.InvestorLoanNumber string Investor loan number 987654

The form 1008's key-value pairs and line items extracted are in the documentResults section of the JSON output.

Field extraction mortgage closing disclosure

The following are the fields extracted from a mortgage closing disclosure form in the JSON output response.

Field Type Description Example
Closing object
Closing.IssueDate date Issue date 4/15/2013
Closing.ClosingDate date Closing date 4/15/2013
Closing.DisbursementDate date Disbursement date 4/15/2013
Closing.SettlementAgent string Settlement agent Epsilon Title Co.
Closing.FileNumber string File number 12-3456
Closing.PropertyAddress address Property address 123 Main St., Redmond WA 98052
Closing.SalePrice number Sale price $180,000
Transaction object
Transaction.BorrowerName string Borrower's name Michael Jones and Mary Stone
Transaction.BorrowerAddress address Borrower's address 123 Microsoft Way, Redmond WA 98052
Transaction.SellerName string Seller's name Renner, Hamill, and Harber
Transaction.SellerAddress address Seller's address 9180 Landen Curve Apt. 137
Gulfport, MO 39503, United States
Transaction.LenderName string Lender's name Ficus Bank
Transaction.BorrowerClosingCosts number Borrower's closing costs $9,712.10
Transaction.BorrowerCashToCloseType selectionGroup Borrower's cash to close type :selected: From:unselected: To
Transaction.BorrowerCashToCloseAmount number Borrower's cash to close amount $9,712.10
Transaction.SellerCashToCloseType selectionGroup Seller's cash to close type :unselected: From:selected: To
Transaction.SellerCashToCloseAmount number Seller's cash to close amount $64,414.96
Loan object
Loan.Term string Loan term 30 years
Loan.Purpose string Loan purpose Purchase
Loan.Product string Loan product Fixed Rate
Loan.Type selectionGroup Loan type :selected: Conventional:unselected: FHA:unselected: VA:unselected:
Loan.OtherType string Other loan type RHS
Loan.IdentificationNumber string Loan identification number 123456789
Loan.MortgageInsuranceCaseNumber string Mortgage insurance case number 000654321
Loan.Amount number Loan amount $162,000
Loan.InterestRate number Interest rate 3.875
Loan.MonthlyPrincipalAndInterest number Monthly principal and interest $761.78
Loan.EstimatedTaxInsuranceAndAssessmentsPerMonth number Estimated taxes, insurance, and assessments per month $356.13

The mortgage closing disclosure key-value pairs and line items extracted are in the documentResults section of the JSON output.

Next steps