
Bendrinti naudojant

Azure Attestation logging

If you create one or more Azure Attestation resources, you’ll want to monitor how and when your attestation instance is accessed, and by whom. You can do so by enabling logging for Microsoft Azure Attestation, which saves information in an Azure storage account you provide.

Logging information will be available up to 10 minutes after the operation occurred (in most cases, it will be quicker). Since you provide the storage account, you can secure your logs via standard Azure access controls and delete logs you no longer want to keep in your storage account.

Interpret your Azure Attestation logs

When logging is enabled, up to three containers might be automatically created for you in your specified storage account: insights-logs-auditevent, insights-logs-operational, insights-logs-notprocessed. It is recommended to only use insights-logs-operational and insights-logs-notprocessed. insights-logs-auditevent was created to provide early access to logs for customers using VBS. Future enhancements to logging will occur in the insights-logs-operational and insights-logs-notprocessed.

Insights-logs-operational contains generic information across all TEE types.

Insights-logs-notprocessed contains requests that the service was unable to process, typically due to malformed HTTP headers, incomplete message bodies, or similar issues.

Individual blobs are stored as text, formatted as a JSON blob. Let’s look at an example log entry:

 "Time": "2021-11-03T19:33:54.3318081Z", 
 "resourceId": "/subscriptions/<subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/<instance name>",
 "region": "EastUS", 
 "operationName": "AttestSgxEnclave", 
 "category": "Operational", 
 "resultType": "Succeeded", 
 "resultSignature": "400", 
 "durationMs": 636, 
 "callerIpAddress": "::ffff:", 
 "traceContext": "{\"traceId\":\"e4c24ac88f33c53f875e5141a0f4ce13\",\"parentId\":\"0000000000000000\",}", 
 "identity": "{\"callerAadUPN\":\"\",\"callerAadObjectId\":\"6ab02abe-6ca2-44ac-834d-42947dbde2b2\",\"callerId\":\"\"}",
 "uri": "", 
 "level": "Informational", 
 "location": "EastUS", 
    "failureResourceId": "", 
    "failureCategory": "None", 
    "failureDetails": "", 
      "User-Agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.28.4" 
      "HeaderCount": 10,
      "ContentType": "application/json",
      "ContentLength": 6912, 
      "CookieCount": 0, 
      "TraceParent": "" 

Most of these fields are documented in the Top-level common schema. The following table lists the field names and descriptions for the entries not included in the top-level common schema:

Field Name Description
traceContext JSON blob representing the W3C trace-context
uri Request URI

The properties contain additional Azure attestation specific context:

Field Name Description
failureResourceId Resource ID of component that resulted in request failure
failureCategory Broad category indicating category of a request failure. Includes categories such as AzureNetworkingPhysical, AzureAuthorization etc.
failureDetails Detailed information about a request failure, if available
infoDataReceived Information about the request received from the client. Includes some HTTP headers, the number of headers received, the content type and content length

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