
Bendrinti naudojant

top-nested operator

The top-nested operator performs hierarchical aggregation and value selection.

Imagine you have a table with sales information like regions, salespeople, and amounts sold. The top-nested operator can help you answer complex questions, such as "What are the top five regions by sales, and who are the top three salespeople in each of those regions?"

The source data is partitioned based on the criteria set in the first top-nested clause, such as region. Next, the operator picks the top records in each partition using an aggregation, such as adding sales amounts. Each subsequent top-nested clause refines the partitions created by the previous clause, creating a hierarchy of more precise groups.

The result is a table with two columns per clause. One column holds the partitioning values, such as region, while the other column holds the outcomes of the aggregation calculation, like the sum of sales.


T | top-nested [ N ] of Expr [with others = ConstExpr] by Aggregation [asc | desc] [,
  top-nested ... ]

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
T string ✔️ The input tabular expression.
N int The number of top values to be returned for this hierarchy level. If omitted, all distinct values are returned.
Expr string ✔️ An expression over the input record indicating which value to return for this hierarchy level. Typically, it refers to a column from T or involves a calculation like bin() on a column. Optionally, set an output column name as Name = Expr.
ConstExpr string If specified, for each hierarchy level, one record is added with the value that is the aggregation over all records that didn't make it to the top.
Aggregation string The aggregation function applied to records with the same Expr value. The result determines the top records. See Supported aggregation functions. Optionally, set an output column name as Name = Aggregation.

Supported aggregation functions

The following aggregation functions are supported:


Any algebraic combination of the aggregations is also supported.


A table with two columns for each clause. One column contains unique values computed using Expr, and the other column shows the results obtained from the Aggregation calculation.

Include data from other columns

Only columns specified as a top-nested clause Expr are displayed in the output table.

To include all values of a column at a specific level:

  1. Don't specify the value of N.
  2. Use the column name as the value of Expr.
  3. Use Ignore=max(1) as the value of Aggregation.
  4. Remove the unnecessary Ignore column with project-away.

For an example, see Get the most recent events per state with additional data from other columns.

Performance considerations

The number of records may grow exponentially with the number of top-nested clauses, and record growth is even faster if no N limit is specified. This operator may consume a considerable amount of resources.

If the distribution of the aggregation is considerably non-uniform, limit the number of distinct values to return by specifying N. Then, use the with others = ConstExpr specification to get an indication for the weight of all other cases.


Get started with the top-nested operator

The following query partitions the StormEvents table by the State column and calculates the total latitude for each state. The query selects the top two states with the highest latitude sum. Within these top two states, the query groups the data by Source and selects the top three sources with the highest latitude sum. For each of the top three sources in the top two states, the query groups the data by EndLocation and selects the EndLocation with the highest latitude sum.

StormEvents                                        // Data source.
| top-nested 2 of State       by sum(BeginLat),    // Top 2 States by total latitude.
  top-nested 3 of Source      by sum(BeginLat),    // Top 3 Sources by total latitude in each State.
  top-nested 1 of EndLocation by sum(BeginLat)     // Top 1 EndLocation by total latitude in each Source and State.


State aggregated_State Source aggregated_Source EndLocation aggregated_EndLocation
KANSAS 87771.2355000001 Law Enforcement 18744.823 FT SCOTT 264.858
KANSAS 87771.2355000001 Public 22855.6206 BUCKLIN 488.2457
KANSAS 87771.2355000001 Trained Spotter 21279.7083 SHARON SPGS 388.7404
TEXAS 123400.5101 Public 13650.9079 AMARILLO 246.2598
TEXAS 123400.5101 Law Enforcement 37228.5966 PERRYTON 289.3178
TEXAS 123400.5101 Trained Spotter 13997.7124 CLAUDE 421.44

Enhance top-nested results with data from another column

The following query builds upon the previous example by introducing an extra top-nested clause. In this new clause, the absence of a numeric specification results in the extraction of all distinct values of EventType across the partitions. The max(1) aggregation function is merely a placeholder, rendering its outcome irrelevant, so the project-away operator removes the Ignore column. The result shows all event types associated with the previously aggregated data.

| top-nested 2 of State       by sum(BeginLat),
  top-nested 3 of Source      by sum(BeginLat),
  top-nested 1 of EndLocation by sum(BeginLat),
  top-nested   of EventType   by Ignore = max(1)
| project-away Ignore


State aggregated_State Source aggregated_Source EndLocation aggregated_EndLocation EventType
TEXAS 123400.51009999994 Public 13650.907900000002 AMARILLO 246.25979999999998 Hail
TEXAS 123400.51009999994 Public 13650.907900000002 AMARILLO 246.25979999999998 Thunderstorm Wind
KANSAS 87771.235500000068 Public 22855.6206 BUCKLIN 488.2457 Flood
KANSAS 87771.235500000068 Public 22855.6206 BUCKLIN 488.2457 Thunderstorm Wind
KANSAS 87771.235500000068 Public 22855.6206 BUCKLIN 488.2457 Hail
TEXAS 123400.51009999994 Trained Spotter 13997.712400000009 CLAUDE 421.44 Hail
KANSAS 87771.235500000068 Law Enforcement 18744.823000000004 FT SCOTT 264.858 Flash Flood
KANSAS 87771.235500000068 Law Enforcement 18744.823000000004 FT SCOTT 264.858 Thunderstorm Wind
KANSAS 87771.235500000068 Law Enforcement 18744.823000000004 FT SCOTT 264.858 Flood
TEXAS 123400.51009999994 Law Enforcement 37228.596599999961 PERRYTON 289.3178 Hail
... ... ... ... ... ...

Use with others to explore excluded data

When incorporated within a top-nested clause, the with others specification introduces an extra record that aggregates data excluded from the top results. In the following query, an extra record is created in the State and aggregated_State columns, representing the collective latitude of all states except Kansas and Texas. Moreover, the EndLocation and aggregated_EndLocation column have an extra nine records. These records show the combined latitude of end locations not qualifying as the top location within each state and source.

| top-nested 2 of State with others = "All Other States" by sum(BeginLat),
  top-nested 3 of Source by sum(BeginLat),
  top-nested 1 of EndLocation with others = "All Other End Locations" by sum(BeginLat)


State aggregated_State Source aggregated_Source EndLocation aggregated_EndLocation
KANSAS 87771.2355000001 Law Enforcement 18744.823 FT SCOTT 264.858
KANSAS 87771.2355000001 Public 22855.6206 BUCKLIN 488.2457
KANSAS 87771.2355000001 Trained Spotter 21279.7083 SHARON SPGS 388.7404
TEXAS 123400.5101 Public 13650.9079 AMARILLO 246.2598
TEXAS 123400.5101 Law Enforcement 37228.5966 PERRYTON 289.3178
TEXAS 123400.5101 Trained Spotter 13997.7124 CLAUDE 421.44
KANSAS 87771.2355000001 Law Enforcement 18744.823 All Other End Locations 18479.965
KANSAS 87771.2355000001 Public 22855.6206 All Other End Locations 22367.3749
KANSAS 87771.2355000001 Trained Spotter 21279.7083 All Other End Locations 20890.9679
TEXAS 123400.5101 Public 13650.9079 All Other End Locations 13404.6481
TEXAS 123400.5101 Law Enforcement 37228.5966 All Other End Locations 36939.2788
TEXAS 123400.5101 Trained Spotter 13997.7124 All Other End Locations 13576.2724
KANSAS 87771.2355000001 All Other End Locations 24891.0836
TEXAS 123400.5101 All Other End Locations 58523.2932000001
All Other States 1149279.5923 All Other End Locations 1149279.5923

The following query shows the same results for the first level used in the previous example.

| where State !in ('TEXAS', 'KANSAS')
| summarize sum(BeginLat)



Sort hierarchical results

To achieve a comprehensive sort order, the following query uses index-based sorting for each value within the current hierarchy level, per group. This sorting is geared towards arranging the result according to the ultimate nested level, in this case the EndLocation.

| top-nested 2 of State by sum(BeginLat),
  top-nested 2 of Source by sum(BeginLat),
  top-nested 4 of EndLocation by sum(BeginLat)
| sort by State, Source, aggregated_EndLocation
| summarize
    EndLocations = make_list(EndLocation, 10000),
    endLocationSums = make_list(aggregated_EndLocation, 10000)
    by State, Source
| extend indicies = range(0, array_length(EndLocations) - 1, 1)
| mv-expand EndLocations, endLocationSums, indicies


State Source EndLocations endLocationSums indices
TEXAS Trained Spotter CLAUDE 421.44 0
TEXAS Trained Spotter AMARILLO 316.8892 1
TEXAS Trained Spotter DALHART 252.6186 2
TEXAS Trained Spotter PERRYTON 216.7826 3
TEXAS Law Enforcement PERRYTON 289.3178 0
TEXAS Law Enforcement LEAKEY 267.9825 1
TEXAS Law Enforcement BRACKETTVILLE 264.3483 2
TEXAS Law Enforcement GILMER 261.9068 3
KANSAS Trained Spotter SHARON SPGS 388.7404 0
KANSAS Trained Spotter ATWOOD 358.6136 1
KANSAS Trained Spotter LENORA 317.0718 2
KANSAS Trained Spotter SCOTT CITY 307.84 3
KANSAS Public BUCKLIN 488.2457 0
KANSAS Public ASHLAND 446.4218 1

Get the most recent events per state with additional data from other columns

The following query demonstrates how to retrieve the two most recent events for each US state along with relevant event details. Notice the use of max(1) within certain columns, identified by Ignore*, which aids in propagating data through the query without imposing any selection logic.

| top-nested of State by Ignore0=max(1),                  // Partition the data by each unique value of state.
  top-nested 2 of StartTime by Ignore1=max(StartTime),    // Get the 2 most recent events in each state.
  top-nested of EndTime by Ignore2=max(1),                // Append the EndTime for each event.
  top-nested of EpisodeId by Ignore3=max(1)               // Append the EpisodeId for each event.
| project-away Ignore*                                    // Remove the unnecessary aggregation columns.
| order by State asc, StartTime desc                      // Sort results alphabetically and chronologically.

Get the latest records per identity with additional data from other columns

The following query showcases how to extract the latest records per identity and builds on the concepts introduced in the previous example. The first top-nested clause partitions the data by distinct values of id. The subsequent clause identifies the two most recent records based on the timestamp for each id. Other information is appended using a top-nested operator alongside an unspecified count and the arbitrary max(1) aggregation. Finally, unnecessary aggregation columns are removed using the project-away operator.

datatable(id: string, timestamp: datetime, otherInformation: string) // Create a source datatable.
    "Barak", datetime(2015-01-01), "1",
    "Barak", datetime(2016-01-01), "2",
    "Barak", datetime(2017-01-20), "3",
    "Donald", datetime(2017-01-20), "4",
    "Donald", datetime(2017-01-18), "5",
    "Donald", datetime(2017-01-19), "6"
| top-nested of id by Ignore0=max(1),                     // Partition the data by each unique value of id.
  top-nested 2 of timestamp by Ignore1=max(timestamp),    // Get the 2 most recent events for each state.
  top-nested of otherInformation by Ignore2=max(1)        // Append otherInformation for each event.
| project-away Ignore0, Ignore1, Ignore2                  // Remove the unnecessary aggregation columns.


id timestamp otherInformation
Barak 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z 2
Donald 2017-01-19T00:00:00Z 6
Barak 2017-01-20T00:00:00Z 3
Donald 2017-01-20T00:00:00Z 4