
Bendrinti naudojant

Tracking schemas for monitoring B2B messages in Azure Logic Apps

Applies to: Azure Logic Apps (Consumption + Standard)

Azure Logic Apps includes built-in tracking that you can enable for parts of your workflow. To help you monitor the successful delivery or receipt, errors, and properties for business-to-business (B2B) messages, you can create and use AS2, X12, and custom tracking schemas in your integration account. This reference guide describes the syntax and attributes for these tracking schemas.


AS2 message tracking schema

The following syntax describes the tracking schema for an AS2 message:

   "agreementProperties": {
      "senderPartnerName": "",
      "receiverPartnerName": "",
      "as2To": "",
      "as2From": "",
      "agreementName": ""
   "messageProperties": {
      "direction": "",
      "messageId": "",
      "dispositionType": "",
      "fileName": "",
      "isMessageFailed": "",
      "isMessageSigned": "",
      "isMessageEncrypted": "",
      "isMessageCompressed": "",
      "correlationMessageId": "",
      "incomingHeaders": {},
      "outgoingHeaders": {},
      "isNrrEnabled": "",
      "isMdnExpected": "",
      "mdnType": ""

The following table describes the attributes in a tracking schema for an AS2 message:

Property Required Type Description
senderPartnerName No String AS2 message sender's partner name
receiverPartnerName No String AS2 message receiver's partner name
as2To Yes String AS2 message receiver’s name from the headers of the AS2 message
as2From Yes String AS2 message sender’s name from the headers of the AS2 message
agreementName No String Name of the AS2 agreement to which the messages are resolved
direction Yes String Direction of the message flow, which is either receive or send
messageId No String AS2 message ID from the headers of the AS2 message
dispositionType No String Message Disposition Notification (MDN) disposition type value
fileName No String File name from the header of the AS2 message
isMessageFailed Yes Boolean Whether the AS2 message failed
isMessageSigned Yes Boolean Whether the AS2 message was signed
isMessageEncrypted Yes Boolean Whether the AS2 message was encrypted
isMessageCompressed Yes Boolean Whether the AS2 message was compressed
correlationMessageId No String AS2 message ID, to correlate messages with MDNs
incomingHeaders No Dictionary of JToken Incoming AS2 message header details
outgoingHeaders No Dictionary of JToken Outgoing AS2 message header details
isNrrEnabled Yes Boolean Whether to use default value if the value isn't known
isMdnExpected Yes Boolean Whether to use the default value if the value isn't known
mdnType Yes Enum Allowed values: NotConfigured, Sync, and Async

AS2 MDN tracking schema

The following syntax describes the tracking schema for an AS2 MDN message:

   "agreementProperties": {
      "senderPartnerName": "",
      "receiverPartnerName": "",
      "as2To": "",
      "as2From": "",
      "agreementName": ""
   "messageProperties": {
      "direction": "",
      "messageId": "",
      "originalMessageId": "",
      "dispositionType": "",
      "isMessageFailed": "",
      "isMessageSigned": "",
      "isNrrEnabled": "",
      "statusCode": "",
      "micVerificationStatus": "",
      "correlationMessageId": "",
      "incomingHeaders": {
      "outgoingHeaders": {

The following table describes the attributes in a tracking schema for an AS2 MDN message:

Property Required Type Description
senderPartnerName No String AS2 message sender's partner name
receiverPartnerName No String AS2 message receiver's partner name
as2To Yes String Partner name who receives the AS2 message
as2From Yes String Partner name who sends the AS2 message
agreementName No String Name of the AS2 agreement to which the messages are resolved
direction Yes String Direction of the message flow, which is either receive or send
messageId No String AS2 message ID
originalMessageId No String AS2 original message ID
dispositionType No String MDN disposition type value
isMessageFailed Yes Boolean Whether the AS2 message failed
isMessageSigned Yes Boolean Whether the AS2 message was signed
isNrrEnabled Yes Boolean Whether to use the default value if the value isn't known
statusCode Yes Enum Allowed values: Accepted, Rejected, and AcceptedWithErrors
micVerificationStatus Yes Enum Allowed values:NotApplicable, Succeeded, and Failed
correlationMessageId No String Correlation ID, which is the ID for the original message that has the MDN configured
incomingHeaders No Dictionary of JToken Incoming message header details
outgoingHeaders No Dictionary of JToken Outgoing message header details


X12 transaction set tracking schema

The following syntax describes the tracking schema for an X12 transaction set:

   "agreementProperties": {
      "senderPartnerName": "",
      "receiverPartnerName": "",
      "senderQualifier": "",
      "senderIdentifier": "",
      "receiverQualifier": "",
      "receiverIdentifier": "",
      "agreementName": ""
   "messageProperties": {
      "direction": "",
      "interchangeControlNumber": "",
      "functionalGroupControlNumber": "",
      "transactionSetControlNumber": "",
      "CorrelationMessageId": "",
      "messageType": "",
      "isMessageFailed": "",
      "isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected": "",
      "isFunctionalAcknowledgmentExpected": "",
      "needAk2LoopForValidMessages": "",
      "segmentsCount": ""

The following table describes the attributes in a tracking schema for an X12 transaction set:

Property Required Type Description
senderPartnerName No String X12 message sender's partner name
receiverPartnerName No String X12 message receiver's partner name
senderQualifier Yes String Send partner qualifier
senderIdentifier Yes String Send partner identifier
receiverQualifier Yes String Receive partner qualifier
receiverIdentifier Yes String Receive partner identifier
agreementName No String Name of the X12 agreement to which the messages are resolved
direction Yes Enum Direction of the message flow, which is either receive or send
interchangeControlNumber No String Interchange control number
functionalGroupControlNumber No String Functional control number
transactionSetControlNumber No String Transaction set control number
CorrelationMessageId No String Correlation message ID, which is a combination of {AgreementName}{GroupControlNumber}{TransactionSetControlNumber}
messageType No String Transaction set or document type
isMessageFailed Yes Boolean Whether the X12 message failed
isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected Yes Boolean Whether the technical acknowledgment is configured in the X12 agreement
isFunctionalAcknowledgmentExpected Yes Boolean Whether the functional acknowledgment is configured in the X12 agreement
needAk2LoopForValidMessages Yes Boolean Whether the AK2 loop is required for a valid message
segmentsCount No Integer Number of segments in the X12 transaction set

X12 transaction set acknowledgment tracking schema

The following syntax describes the tracking schema for an X12 transaction set acknowledgment:

   "agreementProperties": {
      "senderPartnerName": "",
      "receiverPartnerName": "",
      "senderQualifier": "",
      "senderIdentifier": "",
      "receiverQualifier": "",
      "receiverIdentifier": "",
      "agreementName": ""
   "messageProperties": {
      "direction": "",
      "interchangeControlNumber": "",
      "functionalGroupControlNumber": "",
      "isaSegment": "",
      "gsSegment": "",
      "respondingfunctionalGroupControlNumber": "",
      "respondingFunctionalGroupId": "",
      "respondingtransactionSetControlNumber": "",
      "respondingTransactionSetId": "",
      "statusCode": "",
      "processingStatus": "",
      "CorrelationMessageId": "",
      "isMessageFailed": "",
      "ak2Segment": "",
      "ak3Segment": "",
      "ak5Segment": ""

The following table describes the attributes in a tracking schema for an X12 transaction set acknowledgment:

Property Required Type Description
senderPartnerName No String X12 message sender's partner name
receiverPartnerName No String X12 message receiver's partner name
senderQualifier Yes String Send partner qualifier
senderIdentifier Yes String Send partner identifier
receiverQualifier Yes String Receive partner qualifier
receiverIdentifier Yes String Receive partner identifier
agreementName No String Name of the X12 agreement to which the messages are resolved
direction Yes Enum Direction of the message flow, which is either receive or send
interchangeControlNumber No String Interchange control number of the functional acknowledgment. The value populates only for the send side where functional acknowledgment is received for the messages sent to partner.
functionalGroupControlNumber No String Functional group control number of the functional acknowledgment. The value populates only for the send side where functional acknowledgment is received for the messages sent to partner
isaSegment No String ISA segment of the message. The value populates only for the send side where functional acknowledgment is received for the messages sent to partner
gsSegment No String GS segment of the message. The value populates only for the send side where functional acknowledgment is received for the messages sent to partner
respondingfunctionalGroupControlNumber No String The responding interchange control number
respondingFunctionalGroupId No String The responding functional group ID, which maps to AK101 in the acknowledgment
respondingtransactionSetControlNumber No String The responding transaction set control number
respondingTransactionSetId No String The responding transaction set ID, which maps to AK201 in the acknowledgment
statusCode Yes Boolean Transaction set acknowledgment status code
segmentsCount Yes Enum Acknowledgment status code with these permitted values: Accepted, Rejected, and AcceptedWithErrors
processingStatus Yes Enum Processing status of the acknowledgment with these permitted values: Received, Generated, and Sent
CorrelationMessageId No String Correlation message ID, which is a combination of {AgreementName}{GroupControlNumber}{TransactionSetControlNumber}
isMessageFailed Yes Boolean Whether the X12 message failed
ak2Segment No String Acknowledgment for a transaction set within the received functional group
ak3Segment No String Reports errors in a data segment
ak5Segment No String Reports whether the transaction set identified in the AK2 segment is accepted or rejected, and why

X12 interchange tracking schema

The following syntax describes the tracking schema for an X12 interchange:

   "agreementProperties": {
      "senderPartnerName": "",
      "receiverPartnerName": "",
      "senderQualifier": "",
      "senderIdentifier": "",
      "receiverQualifier": "",
      "receiverIdentifier": "",
      "agreementName": ""
   "messageProperties": {
      "direction": "",
      "interchangeControlNumber": "",
      "isaSegment": "",
      "isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected": "",
      "isMessageFailed": "",
      "isa09": "",
      "isa10": "",
      "isa11": "",
      "isa12": "",
      "isa14": "",
      "isa15": "",
      "isa16": ""

The following table describes the attributes in a tracking schema for an X12 interchange:

Property Required Type Description
senderPartnerName No String X12 message sender's partner name
receiverPartnerName No String X12 message receiver's partner name
senderQualifier Yes String Send partner qualifier
senderIdentifier Yes String Send partner identifier
receiverQualifier Yes String Receive partner qualifier
receiverIdentifier Yes String Receive partner identifier
agreementName No String Name of the X12 agreement to which the messages are resolved
direction Yes Enum Direction of the message flow, which is either receive or send
interchangeControlNumber No String Interchange control number
isaSegment No String Message ISA segment
isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected Boolean Whether the technical acknowledgment is configured in the X12 agreement
isMessageFailed Yes Boolean Whether the X12 message failed
isa09 No String X12 document interchange date
isa10 No String X12 document interchange time
isa11 No String X12 interchange control standards identifier
isa12 No String X12 interchange control version number
isa14 No String X12 acknowledgment is requested
isa15 No String Indicator for test or production
isa16 No String Element separator

X12 interchange acknowledgment tracking schema

The following syntax describes the tracking schema for an X12 interchange acknowledgment:

   "agreementProperties": {
      "senderPartnerName": "",
      "receiverPartnerName": "",
      "senderQualifier": "",
      "senderIdentifier": "",
      "receiverQualifier": "",
      "receiverIdentifier": "",
      "agreementName": ""
   "messageProperties": {
      "direction": "",
      "interchangeControlNumber": "",
      "isaSegment": "",
      "respondingInterchangeControlNumber": "",
      "isMessageFailed": "",
      "statusCode": "",
      "processingStatus": "",
      "ta102": "",
      "ta103": "",
      "ta105": ""

The following table describes the attributes in a tracking schema for an X12 interchange acknowledgment:

Property Required Type Description
senderPartnerName No String X12 message sender's partner name
receiverPartnerName No String X12 message receiver's partner name
senderQualifier Yes String Send partner qualifier
senderIdentifier Yes String Send partner identifier
receiverQualifier Yes String Receive partner qualifier
receiverIdentifier Yes String Receive partner identifier
agreementName No String Name of the X12 agreement to which the messages are resolved
direction Yes Enum Direction of the message flow, which is either receive or send
interchangeControlNumber No String Interchange control number of the technical acknowledgment that's received from partners
isaSegment No String ISA segment for the technical acknowledgment that's received from partners
respondingInterchangeControlNumber No String Interchange control number for the technical acknowledgment that's received from partners
isMessageFailed Yes Boolean Whether the X12 message failed
statusCode Yes Enum Interchange acknowledgment status code with these permitted values: Accepted, Rejected, and AcceptedWithErrors
processingStatus Yes Enum Acknowledgment status with these permitted values: Received, Generated, and Sent
ta102 No String Interchange date
ta103 No String Interchange time
ta105 No String Interchange note code

X12 functional group tracking schema

The following syntax describes the tracking schema for an X12 functional group:

   "agreementProperties": {
      "senderPartnerName": "",
      "receiverPartnerName": "",
      "senderQualifier": "",
      "senderIdentifier": "",
      "receiverQualifier": "",
      "receiverIdentifier": "",
      "agreementName": ""
   "messageProperties": {
      "direction": "",
      "interchangeControlNumber": "",
      "functionalGroupControlNumber": "",
      "gsSegment": "",
      "isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected": "",
      "isFunctionalAcknowledgmentExpected": "",
      "isMessageFailed": "",
      "gs01": "",
      "gs02": "",
      "gs03": "",
      "gs04": "",
      "gs05": "",
      "gs07": "",
      "gs08": ""

The following table describes the attributes in a tracking schema for an X12 functional group:

Property Required Type Description
senderPartnerName No String X12 message sender's partner name
receiverPartnerName No String X12 message receiver's partner name
senderQualifier Yes String Send partner qualifier
senderIdentifier Yes String Send partner identifier
receiverQualifier Yes String Receive partner qualifier
receiverIdentifier Yes String Receive partner identifier
agreementName No String The name of the X12 agreement to which the messages are resolved
direction Yes Enum Direction of the message flow, either receive or send
interchangeControlNumber No String Interchange control number
functionalGroupControlNumber No String Functional control number
gsSegment No String Message GS segment
isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected Yes Boolean Whether the technical acknowledgment is configured in the X12 agreement
isFunctionalAcknowledgmentExpected Yes Boolean Whether the functional acknowledgment is configured in the X12 agreement
isMessageFailed Yes Boolean Whether the X12 message failed
gs01 No String Functional identifier code
gs02 No String Application sender's code
gs03 No String Application receiver's code
gs04 No String Functional group date
gs05 No String Functional group time
gs07 No String Responsible agency code
gs08 No String Identifier code for the version, release, or industry

X12 functional group acknowledgment tracking schema

The following syntax describes the tracking schema for an X12 functional group acknowledgment:

   "agreementProperties": {
      "senderPartnerName": "",
      "receiverPartnerName": "",
      "senderQualifier": "",
      "senderIdentifier": "",
      "receiverQualifier": "",
      "receiverIdentifier": "",
      "agreementName": ""
   "messageProperties": {
      "direction": "",
      "interchangeControlNumber": "",
      "functionalGroupControlNumber": "",
      "isaSegment": "",
      "gsSegment": "",
      "respondingfunctionalGroupControlNumber": "",
      "respondingFunctionalGroupId": "",
      "isMessageFailed": "",
      "statusCode": "",
      "processingStatus": "",
      "ak903": "",
      "ak904": "",
      "ak9Segment": ""

The following table describes the attributes in a tracking schema for an X12 functional group acknowledgment:

Property Required Type Description
senderPartnerName No String X12 message sender's partner name
receiverPartnerName No String X12 message receiver's partner name
senderQualifier Yes String Send partner qualifier
senderIdentifier Yes String Send partner identifier
receiverQualifier Yes String Receive partner qualifier
receiverIdentifier Yes String Receive partner identifier
agreementName No String Name of the X12 agreement to which the messages are resolved
direction Yes Enum Direction of the message flow, which is either receive or send
interchangeControlNumber No String Interchange control number, which populates for the send side when a technical acknowledgment is received from partners
functionalGroupControlNumber No String Functional group control number of the technical acknowledgment, which populates for the send side when a technical acknowledgment is received from partners
isaSegment No String Same as interchange control number, but populated only in specific cases
gsSegment No String Same as functional group control number, but populated only in specific cases
respondingfunctionalGroupControlNumber No String Control number of the original functional group
respondingFunctionalGroupId No String Maps to AK101 in the acknowledgment functional group ID
isMessageFailed Boolean Whether the X12 message failed
statusCode Yes Enum Acknowledgment status code with these permitted values: Accepted, Rejected, and AcceptedWithErrors
processingStatus Yes Enum Processing status of the acknowledgment with these permitted values: Received, Generated, and Sent
ak903 No String Number of transaction sets received
ak904 No String Number of transaction sets accepted in the identified functional group
ak9Segment No String Whether the functional group identified in the AK1 segment is accepted or rejected, and why


You can set up custom tracking that logs events from the start to the end of your logic app workflow. For example, you can log events from layers that include your workflow, SQL Server, BizTalk Server, or any other layer. The following section provides custom tracking schema code that you can use in the layers outside your workflow.

   "sourceType": "",
   "source": {
      "workflow": {
         "systemId": ""
      "runInstance": {
         "runId": ""
      "operation": {
         "operationName": "",
         "repeatItemScopeName": "",
         "repeatItemIndex": ,
         "trackingId": "",
         "correlationId": "",
         "clientRequestId": ""
   "events": [
         "eventLevel": "",
         "eventTime": "",
         "recordType": "",
         "record": {}

The following table describes the attributes in a custom tracking schema:

Property Required Type Description
sourceType Yes String Type of the run source with these permitted values: Microsoft.Logic/workflows, custom
source Yes String or JToken If the source type is Microsoft.Logic/workflows, the source information needs to follow this schema. If the source type is custom, the schema is a JToken.
systemId Yes String Logic app system ID
runId Yes String Logic app run ID
operationName Yes String Name of the operation, for example, action or trigger
repeatItemScopeName Yes String Repeat item name if the action is inside a foreachor until loop
repeatItemIndex Yes Integer Indicates that the action is inside a foreach or until loop and is the repeated item index number.
trackingId No String Tracking ID to correlate the messages
correlationId No String Correlation ID to correlate the messages
clientRequestId No String Client can populate this property to correlate messages
eventLevel Yes String Level of the event
eventTime Yes DateTime Time of the event in UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.00000Z
recordType Yes String Type of the track record with this permitted value only: custom
record Yes JToken Custom record type with JToken format only

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