
Bendrinti naudojant

Transfer data with the Data Movement library


This article includes guidance for working with version 2.0.XX of the Azure Storage Data Movement library. Version 2.0.XX is currently in maintenance mode, and the library is only receiving fixes for data integrity and security issues. No new functionality or features will be added, and new storage service versions will not be supported by the library.

Beta versions of a modern Data Movement library are currently in development. For more information, see Azure Storage Data Movement Common client library for .NET on GitHub.

The Azure Storage Data Movement library is a cross-platform open source library that is designed for high performance uploading, downloading, and copying of blobs and files. The Data Movement library provides convenient methods that aren't available in the Azure Storage client library for .NET. These methods allow you to set the number of parallel operations, track transfer progress, easily resume a canceled transfer, and much more.

This library also uses .NET Core, which means you can use it when building .NET apps for Windows, Linux and macOS. To learn more about .NET Core, refer to the .NET Core documentation. This library also works for traditional .NET Framework apps for Windows.

This document demonstrates how to create a .NET Core console application that runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS and performs the following scenarios:

  • Upload files and directories to Blob Storage.
  • Define the number of parallel operations when transferring data.
  • Track data transfer progress.
  • Resume canceled data transfer.
  • Copy file from URL to Blob Storage.
  • Copy from Blob Storage to Blob Storage.



  1. Visit the .NET Core Installation Guide to install the .NET Core SDK. When selecting your environment, choose the command-line option.
  2. From the command line, create a directory for your project. Navigate into this directory, then type dotnet new console -o <sample-project-name> to create a C# console project.
  3. Open this directory in Visual Studio Code. This step can be quickly done via the command line by typing code . in Windows.
  4. Install the C# extension from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. Restart Visual Studio Code.
  5. At this point, you should see two prompts. One is for adding "required assets to build and debug." Select "yes." Another prompt is for restoring unresolved dependencies. Select "restore."
  6. Modify launch.json under .vscode to use external terminal as a console. This setting should read as "console": "externalTerminal"
  7. Visual Studio Code allows you to debug .NET Core applications. Hit F5 to run your application and verify that your setup is working. You should see "Hello World!" printed to the console.

Add the Data Movement library to your project

  1. Add the latest version of the Data Movement library to the dependencies section of your <project-name>.csproj file. At the time of writing, this version would be "Microsoft.Azure.Storage.DataMovement": "0.6.2"
  2. A prompt should display to restore your project. Select the "restore" button. You can also restore your project from the command line by typing the command dotnet restore in the root of your project directory.

Modify <project-name>.csproj:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
        <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Storage.DataMovement" Version="0.6.2" />

Set up the application framework

The first thing we do is set up the code framework for our application. This code prompts us for a storage account name and account key and uses those credentials to create a CloudStorageAccount object. This object is used to interact with our storage account in all transfer scenarios. The code also prompts us to choose the type of transfer operation we would like to execute.

Modify Program.cs:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Azure.Storage;
using Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob;
using Microsoft.Azure.Storage.DataMovement;

namespace DMLibSample
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Storage account name:");
            string accountName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Storage account key:");
            string accountKey = Console.ReadLine();

            string storageConnectionString = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=" + accountName + ";AccountKey=" + accountKey;
            CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);


        public static void ExecuteChoice(CloudStorageAccount account)
            Console.WriteLine("\nWhat type of transfer would you like to execute?\n1. Local file --> Azure Blob\n2. Local directory --> Azure Blob directory\n3. URL (e.g. Amazon S3 file) --> Azure Blob\n4. Azure Blob --> Azure Blob");
            int choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            if(choice == 1)
            else if(choice == 2)
            else if(choice == 3)
            else if(choice == 4)

        public static async Task TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account)


        public static async Task TransferLocalDirectoryToAzureBlobDirectory(CloudStorageAccount account)


        public static async Task TransferUrlToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account)


        public static async Task TransferAzureBlobToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account)



This code example uses a connection string to authorize access to your storage account. This configuration is for example purposes. Connection strings and account access keys should be used with caution in application code. If your account access key is lost or accidentally placed in an insecure location, your service may become vulnerable. Anyone who has the access key is able to authorize requests against the storage account, and effectively has access to all the data.

Upload a local file to a blob

Add the methods GetSourcePath and GetBlob to Program.cs:

public static string GetSourcePath()
    Console.WriteLine("\nProvide path for source:");
    string sourcePath = Console.ReadLine();

    return sourcePath;

public static CloudBlockBlob GetBlob(CloudStorageAccount account)
    CloudBlobClient blobClient = account.CreateCloudBlobClient();

    Console.WriteLine("\nProvide name of Blob container:");
    string containerName = Console.ReadLine();
    CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName);

    Console.WriteLine("\nProvide name of new Blob:");
    string blobName = Console.ReadLine();
    CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);

    return blob;

Modify the TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob method:

public static async Task TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account)
    string localFilePath = GetSourcePath();
    CloudBlockBlob blob = GetBlob(account);
    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer started...");
    await TransferManager.UploadAsync(localFilePath, blob);
    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer operation complete.");

This code prompts us for the path to a local file, the name of a new or existing container, and the name of a new blob. The TransferManager.UploadAsync method performs the upload using this information.

Hit F5 to run your application. You can verify that the upload occurred by viewing your Storage account with the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer.

Set the number of parallel operations

The Data Movement library offers the ability to set the number of parallel operations to increase the data transfer throughput. By default, the Data Movement library sets the number of parallel operations to 8 * the number of cores on your machine.

Keep in mind that many parallel operations in a low-bandwidth environment might overwhelm the network connection and actually prevent operations from fully completing. You should experiment with this setting to determine what works best based on your available network bandwidth.

In this example, we add code that allows us to set the number of parallel operations. We also add code that times how long it takes for the transfer to complete.

Add a SetNumberOfParallelOperations method to Program.cs:

public static void SetNumberOfParallelOperations()
    Console.WriteLine("\nHow many parallel operations would you like to use?");
    string parallelOperations = Console.ReadLine();
    TransferManager.Configurations.ParallelOperations = int.Parse(parallelOperations);

Modify the ExecuteChoice method to use SetNumberOfParallelOperations:

public static void ExecuteChoice(CloudStorageAccount account)
    Console.WriteLine("\nWhat type of transfer would you like to execute?\n1. Local file --> Azure Blob\n2. Local directory --> Azure Blob directory\n3. URL (e.g. Amazon S3 file) --> Azure Blob\n4. Azure Blob --> Azure Blob");
    int choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());


    if(choice == 1)
    else if(choice == 2)
    else if(choice == 3)
    else if(choice == 4)

Modify the TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob method to use a timer:

public static async Task TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account)
    string localFilePath = GetSourcePath();
    CloudBlockBlob blob = GetBlob(account);
    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer started...");
    Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    await TransferManager.UploadAsync(localFilePath, blob);
    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer operation completed in " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds.");

Track transfer progress

You can track the progress of the transfer during the transfer operation by creating a TransferContext object. The TransferContext object comes in two forms: SingleTransferContext for single file transfers, and DirectoryTransferContext for directory transfers.

Add the methods GetSingleTransferContext and GetDirectoryTransferContext to Program.cs:

public static SingleTransferContext GetSingleTransferContext(TransferCheckpoint checkpoint)
    SingleTransferContext context = new SingleTransferContext(checkpoint);

    context.ProgressHandler = new Progress<TransferStatus>((progress) =>
        Console.Write("\rBytes transferred: {0}", progress.BytesTransferred );

    return context;

public static DirectoryTransferContext GetDirectoryTransferContext(TransferCheckpoint checkpoint)
    DirectoryTransferContext context = new DirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint);

    context.ProgressHandler = new Progress<TransferStatus>((progress) =>
        Console.Write("\rBytes transferred: {0}", progress.BytesTransferred );

    return context;

Modify the TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob method to use GetSingleTransferContext:

public static async Task TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account)
    string localFilePath = GetSourcePath();
    CloudBlockBlob blob = GetBlob(account);
    TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null;
    SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint);
    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer started...\n");
    Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    await TransferManager.UploadAsync(localFilePath, blob, null, context);
    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer operation completed in " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds.");

Resume a canceled transfer

Another feature offered by the Data Movement library is the ability to resume a canceled transfer. Next, we add some code that allows us to temporarily cancel the transfer by typing c, and then resume the transfer 3 seconds later.

Modify the method TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob:

public static async Task TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account)
    string localFilePath = GetSourcePath();
    CloudBlockBlob blob = GetBlob(account);
    TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null;
    SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint);
    CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer started...\nPress 'c' to temporarily cancel your transfer...\n");

    Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    Task task;
    ConsoleKeyInfo keyinfo;
        task = TransferManager.UploadAsync(localFilePath, blob, null, context, cancellationSource.Token);
                keyinfo = Console.ReadKey(true);
                if(keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.C)
        await task;
    catch(Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe transfer is canceled: {0}", e.Message);

        Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer will resume in 3 seconds...");
        checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint;
        context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint);
        Console.WriteLine("\nResuming transfer...\n");
        await TransferManager.UploadAsync(localFilePath, blob, null, context);

    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer operation completed in " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds.");

Up until now, our checkpoint value has been set to null. Now, if we cancel the transfer, we retrieve the last checkpoint of our transfer, then use this new checkpoint in our transfer context.

Transfer a local directory to Blob storage

The Data Movement library allows you to transfer a directory of files and all of its subdirectories, as shown in the following example.

First, add the method GetBlobDirectory to Program.cs:

public static CloudBlobDirectory GetBlobDirectory(CloudStorageAccount account)
    CloudBlobClient blobClient = account.CreateCloudBlobClient();

    Console.WriteLine("\nProvide name of Blob container. This can be a new or existing Blob container:");
    string containerName = Console.ReadLine();
    CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName);

    CloudBlobDirectory blobDirectory = container.GetDirectoryReference("");

    return blobDirectory;

Then, modify TransferLocalDirectoryToAzureBlobDirectory:

public static async Task TransferLocalDirectoryToAzureBlobDirectory(CloudStorageAccount account)
    string localDirectoryPath = GetSourcePath();
    CloudBlobDirectory blobDirectory = GetBlobDirectory(account);
    TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null;
    DirectoryTransferContext context = GetDirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint);
    CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer started...\nPress 'c' to temporarily cancel your transfer...\n");

    Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    Task task;
    ConsoleKeyInfo keyinfo;
    UploadDirectoryOptions options = new UploadDirectoryOptions()
        Recursive = true

        task = TransferManager.UploadDirectoryAsync(localDirectoryPath, blobDirectory, options, context, cancellationSource.Token);
                keyinfo = Console.ReadKey(true);
                if(keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.C)
        await task;
    catch(Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe transfer is canceled: {0}", e.Message);

        Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer will resume in 3 seconds...");
        checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint;
        context = GetDirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint);
        Console.WriteLine("\nResuming transfer...\n");
        await TransferManager.UploadDirectoryAsync(localDirectoryPath, blobDirectory, options, context);

    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer operation completed in " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds.");

There are a few differences between this method and the method for uploading a single file. We're now using TransferManager.UploadDirectoryAsync and the getDirectoryTransferContext method we created earlier. In addition, we now provide an options value to our upload operation, which allows us to indicate that we want to include subdirectories in our upload.

Copy a file from URL to a blob

Now, let's add code that allows us to copy a file from a URL to an Azure Blob.

Modify TransferUrlToAzureBlob:

public static async Task TransferUrlToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account)
    Uri uri = new Uri(GetSourcePath());
    CloudBlockBlob blob = GetBlob(account);
    TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null;
    SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint);
    CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer started...\nPress 'c' to temporarily cancel your transfer...\n");

    Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    Task task;
    ConsoleKeyInfo keyinfo;
        task = TransferManager.CopyAsync(uri, blob, CopyMethod.ServiceSideAsyncCopy, null, context, cancellationSource.Token);
                keyinfo = Console.ReadKey(true);
                if(keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.C)
        await task;
    catch(Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe transfer is canceled: {0}", e.Message);

        Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer will resume in 3 seconds...");
        checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint;
        context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint);
        Console.WriteLine("\nResuming transfer...\n");
        await TransferManager.CopyAsync(uri, blob, CopyMethod.ServiceSideAsyncCopy, null, context, cancellationSource.Token);

    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer operation completed in " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds.");

One important use case for this feature is when you need to move data from another cloud service to Azure. If you have a URL that gives you access to the resource, you can easily move that resource into Azure Blobs by using the TransferManager.CopyAsync method. This method also introduces a CopyMethod parameter. The following table shows the available options for this parameter:

Member name Value Description
SyncCopy 0 Download data from source to memory, and upload the data from memory to destination. Currently only available for copying from one Azure Storage resource to another.
ServiceSideAsyncCopy 1 Send a start copy request to Azure Storage to let it do the copying; monitor the copy operation progress until the copy is completed.
ServiceSideSyncCopy 2 Copy content of each chunk with with Put Block From URL, Append Block From URL, or Put Page From URL.

Copy a blob

Another feature provided by the Data Movement library is the ability to copy from one Azure Storage resource to another.

Modify the method TransferAzureBlobToAzureBlob:

public static async Task TransferAzureBlobToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account)
    CloudBlockBlob sourceBlob = GetBlob(account);
    CloudBlockBlob destinationBlob = GetBlob(account);
    TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null;
    SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint);
    CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer started...\nPress 'c' to temporarily cancel your transfer...\n");

    Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    Task task;
    ConsoleKeyInfo keyinfo;
        task = TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, CopyMethod.SyncCopy, null, context, cancellationSource.Token);
                keyinfo = Console.ReadKey(true);
                if(keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.C)
        await task;
    catch(Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe transfer is canceled: {0}", e.Message);

        Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer will resume in 3 seconds...");
        checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint;
        context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint);
        Console.WriteLine("\nResuming transfer...\n");
        await TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, CopyMethod.SyncCopy, null, context, cancellationSource.Token);

    Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer operation completed in " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds.");

In this example, we set the boolean parameter in TransferManager.CopyAsync to CopyMethod.SyncCopy to indicate that we want to do a synchronous copy. This configuration means that the resource is downloaded to our local machine first, then uploaded to Azure Blob. The synchronous copy option is a great way to ensure that your copy operation has a consistent speed. In contrast, the speed of an asynchronous server-side copy is dependent on the available network bandwidth on the server, which can fluctuate. However, synchronous copy might generate additional egress cost compared to asynchronous copy. The recommended approach is to use synchronous copy in an Azure Virtual Machine that is in the same region as your source storage account to avoid egress cost.

The data movement application is now complete. The full code sample is available on GitHub.

Next steps

Azure Storage Data Movement library reference documentation.


Manage Azure Blob storage resources with Azure Storage Explorer. Azure Storage Explorer is a free, standalone app from Microsoft that enables you to manage Azure Blob storage resources. Using Azure Storage Explorer, you can visually create, read, update, and delete blob containers and blobs, as well as manage access to your blobs containers and blobs.