
Bendrinti naudojant

Troubleshoot Azure Container Storage preview

Azure Container Storage is a cloud-based volume management, deployment, and orchestration service built natively for containers. Use this article to troubleshoot common issues with Azure Container Storage and find resolutions to problems.

Troubleshoot installation issues

Azure Container Storage fails to install

After running az aks create, you might see the message Azure Container Storage failed to install. AKS cluster is created. Please run az aks update along with --enable-azure-container-storage to enable Azure Container Storage.

This message means that Azure Container Storage wasn't installed, but your AKS cluster was created properly.

To install Azure Container Storage on the cluster and create a storage pool, run the following command. Replace <cluster-name> and <resource-group> with your own values. Replace <storage-pool-type> with azureDisk, ephemeraldisk, or elasticSan.

az aks update -n <cluster-name> -g <resource-group> --enable-azure-container-storage <storage-pool-type>

Can't set storage pool type to NVMe

If you try to install Azure Container Storage with Ephemeral Disk, specifically with local NVMe on a cluster where the virtual machine (VM) SKU doesn't have NVMe drives, you get the following error message: Cannot set --storage-pool-option as NVMe as none of the node pools can support ephemeral NVMe disk.

To remediate, create a node pool with a VM SKU that has NVMe drives and try again. See storage optimized VMs.

Troubleshoot storage pool issues

To check the status of your storage pools, run kubectl describe sp <storage-pool-name> -n acstor. Here are some issues you might encounter.

Elastic SAN creation fails

If you're trying to create an Elastic SAN storage pool, you might see the message Azure Elastic SAN creation failed: Maximum possible number of Elastic SAN for the Subscription created already. This means that you've reached the limit on the number of Elastic SAN resources that can be deployed in a region per subscription. You can check the limit here: Elastic SAN scalability and performance targets. Consider deleting any existing Elastic SAN resources on the subscription that are no longer being used, or try creating the storage pool in a different region.

No block devices found

If you see this message, you're likely trying to create an Ephemeral Disk storage pool on a cluster where the VM SKU doesn't have NVMe drives.

To remediate, create a node pool with a VM SKU that has NVMe drives and try again. See storage optimized VMs.

Storage pool type already enabled

If you try to enable a storage pool type that's already enabled, you get the following message: Invalid --enable-azure-container-storage value. Azure Container Storage is already enabled for storage pool type <storage-pool-type> in the cluster. You can check if you have any existing storage pools created by running kubectl get sp -n acstor.

Disabling a storage pool type

When disabling a storage pool type via az aks update --disable-azure-container-storage <storage-pool-type> or uninstalling Azure Container Storage via az aks update --disable-azure-container-storage all, if there's an existing storage pool of that type, you get the following message:

Disabling Azure Container Storage for storage pool type <storage-pool-type> will forcefully delete all the storage pools of the same type and affect the applications using these storage pools. Forceful deletion of storage pools can also lead to leaking of storage resources which are being consumed. Do you want to validate whether any of the storage pools of type <storage-pool-type> are being used before disabling Azure Container Storage? (Y/n)

If you select Y, an automatic validation runs to ensure that there are no persistent volumes created from the storage pool. Selecting n bypasses this validation and disables the storage pool type, deleting any existing storage pools and potentially affecting your application.

Can't delete resource group containing AKS cluster

If you created an Elastic SAN storage pool, you might not be able to delete the resource group in which your AKS cluster is located.

To resolve this, sign in to the Azure portal and select Resource groups. Locate the resource group that AKS created (the resource group name starts with MC_). Select the SAN resource object within that resource group. Manually remove all volumes and volume groups. Then retry deleting the resource group that includes your AKS cluster.

Troubleshoot persistent volume issues

Can't create persistent volumes from ephemeral disk storage pools

Because ephemeral disks (local NVMe and Temp SSD) are ephemeral and not durable, we enforce the use of Kubernetes Generic Ephemeral Volumes. If you try to create a persistent volume claim using an ephemeral disk pool, you'll see the following error: Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "eph-pvc.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: only generic ephemeral volumes are allowed in unreplicated ephemeralDisk storage pools.

If you need a persistent volume, where the volume has a lifecycle independent of any individual pod that's using the volume, Azure Container Storage supports replication for NVMe. You can create a storage pool with replication and create persistent volumes from there. See Create storage pool with volume replication for guidance. Note that because ephemeral disk storage pools consume all the available NVMe disks, you must delete any existing ephemeral disk storage pools before creating a new storage pool with replication enabled. If you don't need persistence, you can create a generic ephemeral volume.

Pod pending creation due to ephemeral volume size above available capacity

An ephemeral volume is allocated on a single node. When you configure the size of ephemeral volumes for your pods, the size should be less than the available capacity of a single node's ephemeral disk. Otherwise, the pod creation will be in pending status.

Use the following command to check if your pod creation is in pending status.

$ kubectl get pods
fiopod   0/1     Pending   0          17s

In this example, the pod fiopod is in Pending status.

Use the following command to check if the pod has the warning event for persistentvolumeclaim creation.

$ kubectl describe pod fiopod
  Type     Reason            Age   From               Message
  ----     ------            ----  ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  40s   default-scheduler  0/3 nodes are available: waiting for ephemeral volume controller to create the persistentvolumeclaim "fiopod-ephemeralvolume". preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling..

In this example, the pod shows the warning event on creating persistent volume claim fiopod-ephemeralvolume.

Use the following command to check if the persistent volume claim fails to provision due to insufficient capacity.

$ kubectl describe pvc fiopod-ephemeralvolume
  Warning  ProvisioningFailed    107s (x13 over 20m)  failed to provision volume with StorageClass "acstor-ephemeraldisk-temp": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Operation failed: GenericOperation("error in response: status code '507 Insufficient Storage', content: 'RestJsonError { details: \"Operation failed due to insufficient resources: Not enough suitable pools available, 0/1\", message: \"SvcError :: NotEnoughResources\", kind: ResourceExhausted }'")

In this example, Insufficient Storage is shown as the reason for volume provisioning failure.

Run the following command to check the available capacity of a single node's ephemeral disk.

$ kubectl get diskpool -n acstor
NAME                                CAPACITY      AVAILABLE     USED        RESERVED    READY   AGE
ephemeraldisk-temp-diskpool-jaxwb   75660001280   75031990272   628011008   560902144   True    21h
ephemeraldisk-temp-diskpool-wzixx   75660001280   75031990272   628011008   560902144   True    21h
ephemeraldisk-temp-diskpool-xbtlj   75660001280   75031990272   628011008   560902144   True    21h

In this example, the available capacity of temp disk for a single node is 75031990272 bytes or 69 GiB.

Adjust the volume storage size below available capacity and re-deploy your pod. See Deploy a pod with a generic ephemeral volume.

See also