
Bendrinti naudojant

The Updated .NET Core Event Pattern


The previous article discussed the most common event patterns. .NET Core has a more relaxed pattern. In this version, the EventHandler<TEventArgs> definition no longer has the constraint that TEventArgs must be a class derived from System.EventArgs.

This increases flexibility for you, and is backwards compatible. Let's start with the flexibility. The class System.EventArgs introduces one method: MemberwiseClone(), which creates a shallow copy of the object. That method must use reflection in order to implement its functionality for any class derived from EventArgs. That functionality is easier to create in a specific derived class. That effectively means that deriving from System.EventArgs is a constraint that limits your designs, but does not provide any additional benefit. In fact, you can change the definitions of FileFoundArgs and SearchDirectoryArgs so that they do not derive from EventArgs. The program will work exactly the same.

You could also change the SearchDirectoryArgs to a struct, if you make one more change:

internal struct SearchDirectoryArgs
    internal string CurrentSearchDirectory { get; }
    internal int TotalDirs { get; }
    internal int CompletedDirs { get; }

    internal SearchDirectoryArgs(string dir, int totalDirs, int completedDirs) : this()
        CurrentSearchDirectory = dir;
        TotalDirs = totalDirs;
        CompletedDirs = completedDirs;

The additional change is to call the parameterless constructor before entering the constructor that initializes all the fields. Without that addition, the rules of C# would report that the properties are being accessed before they have been assigned.

You should not change the FileFoundArgs from a class (reference type) to a struct (value type). That's because the protocol for handling cancel requires that the event arguments are passed by reference. If you made the same change, the file search class could never observe any changes made by any of the event subscribers. A new copy of the structure would be used for each subscriber, and that copy would be a different copy than the one seen by the file search object.

Next, let's consider how this change can be backwards compatible. The removal of the constraint does not affect any existing code. Any existing event argument types do still derive from System.EventArgs. Backwards compatibility is one major reason why they will continue to derive from System.EventArgs. Any existing event subscribers will be subscribers to an event that followed the classic pattern.

Following similar logic, any event argument type created now would not have any subscribers in any existing codebases. New event types that do not derive from System.EventArgs will not break those codebases.

Events with Async subscribers

You have one final pattern to learn: How to correctly write event subscribers that call async code. The challenge is described in the article on async and await. Async methods can have a void return type, but that is strongly discouraged. When your event subscriber code calls an async method, you have no choice but to create an async void method. The event handler signature requires it.

You need to reconcile this opposing guidance. Somehow, you must create a safe async void method. The basics of the pattern you need to implement are below:

worker.StartWorking += async (sender, eventArgs) =>
        await DoWorkAsync();
    catch (Exception e)
        //Some form of logging.
        Console.WriteLine($"Async task failure: {e.ToString()}");
        // Consider gracefully, and quickly exiting.

First, notice that the handler is marked as an async handler. Because it is being assigned to an event handler delegate type, it will have a void return type. That means you must follow the pattern shown in the handler, and not allow any exceptions to be thrown out of the context of the async handler. Because it does not return a task, there is no task that can report the error by entering the faulted state. Because the method is async, the method can't simply throw the exception. (The calling method has continued execution because it is async.) The actual runtime behavior will be defined differently for different environments. It may terminate the thread or the process that owns the thread, or leave the process in an indeterminate state. All of these potential outcomes are highly undesirable.

That's why you should wrap the await statement for the async Task in your own try block. If it does cause a faulted task, you can log the error. If it is an error from which your application cannot recover, you can exit the program quickly and gracefully

Those are the major updates to the .NET event pattern. You will see many examples of the earlier versions in the libraries you work with. However, you should understand what the latest patterns are as well.

The next article in this series helps you distinguish between using delegates and events in your designs. They are similar concepts, and that article will help you make the best decision for your programs.
