Using the WMI API to Manage Devices (POS for .NET v1.14 SDK Documentation)
The WMI provider serves a WMI namespace called /root/MicrosoftPointOfService. This namespace defines four classes:
ServiceObject represents a POS for .NET Service Object from a management perspective. PosDevice represents the physical device serviced by the Service Object. LogicalDevice represents a logical name assigned to a PosDevice, providing third-party applications with the ability to access a Service Object without conflicting with other applications that may also be accessing the same Service Object. DeviceProperty instances are name/value pairs that can be associated with a PosDevice to store optional configuration data for Service Objects.
In This Section
ServiceObject Class Lists the properties and methods of the ServiceObject Class.
PosDevice Class Lists the properties and methods of the PosDevice Class.
LogicalDevice Class Lists the properties and methods of the LogicalDevice Class.
DeviceProperty Class Lists the properties and methods of the DeviceProperty Class.
Using VBScript to Manage Devices Demonstrates how to programmatically manage devices using the WMI API.