
Bendrinti naudojant

Behavior changes when comparing strings on .NET 5+

.NET 5 introduces a runtime behavioral change where globalization APIs use ICU by default across all supported platforms. This is a departure from earlier versions of .NET Core and from .NET Framework, which utilize the operating system's national language support (NLS) functionality when running on Windows. For more information on these changes, including compatibility switches that can revert the behavior change, see .NET globalization and ICU.

Reason for change

This change was introduced to unify .NET's globalization behavior across all supported operating systems. It also provides the ability for applications to bundle their own globalization libraries rather than depend on the OS's built-in libraries. For more information, see the breaking change notification.

Behavioral differences

If you use functions like string.IndexOf(string) without calling the overload that takes a StringComparison argument, you might intend to perform an ordinal search, but instead you inadvertently take a dependency on culture-specific behavior. Since NLS and ICU implement different logic in their linguistic comparers, the results of methods like string.IndexOf(string) can return unexpected values.

This can manifest itself even in places where you aren't always expecting globalization facilities to be active. For example, the following code can produce a different answer depending on the current runtime.

const string greeting = "Hel\0lo";

// The snippet prints:
// '3' when running on .NET Core 2.x - 3.x (Windows)
// '0' when running on .NET 5 or later (Windows)
// '0' when running on .NET Core 2.x - 3.x or .NET 5 (non-Windows)
// '3' when running on .NET Core 2.x or .NET 5+ (in invariant mode)

string s = "Hello\r\nworld!";
int idx = s.IndexOf("\n");

// The snippet prints:
// '6' when running on .NET Core 3.1
// '-1' when running on .NET 5 or .NET Core 3.1 (non-Windows OS)
// '-1' when running on .NET 5 (Windows 10 May 2019 Update or later)
// '6' when running on .NET 6+ (all Windows and non-Windows OSs)

For more information, see Globalization APIs use ICU libraries on Windows.

Guard against unexpected behavior

This section provides two options for dealing with unexpected behavior changes in .NET 5.

Enable code analyzers

Code analyzers can detect possibly buggy call sites. To help guard against any surprising behaviors, we recommend enabling .NET compiler platform (Roslyn) analyzers in your project. The analyzers help flag code that might inadvertently be using a linguistic comparer when an ordinal comparer was likely intended. The following rules should help flag these issues:

These specific rules aren't enabled by default. To enable them and show any violations as build errors, set the following properties in your project file:


The following snippet shows examples of code that produces the relevant code analyzer warnings or errors.

// Potentially incorrect code - answer might vary based on locale.
string s = GetString();
// Produces analyzer warning CA1310 for string; CA1307 matches on char ','
int idx = s.IndexOf(",");

// Corrected code - matches the literal substring ",".
string s = GetString();
int idx = s.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.Ordinal);

// Corrected code (alternative) - searches for the literal ',' character.
string s = GetString();
int idx = s.IndexOf(',');

Similarly, when instantiating a sorted collection of strings or sorting an existing string-based collection, specify an explicit comparer.

// Potentially incorrect code - behavior might vary based on locale.
SortedSet<string> mySet = new SortedSet<string>();
List<string> list = GetListOfStrings();

// Corrected code - uses ordinal sorting; doesn't vary by locale.
SortedSet<string> mySet = new SortedSet<string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
List<string> list = GetListOfStrings();

Revert back to NLS behaviors

To revert .NET 5+ applications back to older NLS behaviors when running on Windows, follow the steps in .NET Globalization and ICU. This application-wide compatibility switch must be set at the application level. Individual libraries cannot opt-in or opt-out of this behavior.


We strongly recommend you enable the CA1307, CA1309, and CA1310 code analysis rules to help improve code hygiene and discover any existing latent bugs. For more information, see Enable code analyzers.

Affected APIs

Most .NET applications won't encounter any unexpected behaviors due to the changes in .NET 5. However, due to the number of affected APIs and how foundational these APIs are to the wider .NET ecosystem, you should be aware of the potential for .NET 5 to introduce unwanted behaviors or to expose latent bugs that already exist in your application.

The affected APIs include:


This is not an exhaustive list of affected APIs.

All of the above APIs use linguistic string searching and comparison using the thread's current culture, by default. The differences between linguistic and ordinal search and comparison are called out in the Ordinal vs. linguistic search and comparison.

Because ICU implements linguistic string comparisons differently from NLS, Windows-based applications that upgrade to .NET 5 from an earlier version of .NET Core or .NET Framework and that call one of the affected APIs may notice that the APIs begin exhibiting different behaviors.


  • If an API accepts an explicit StringComparison or CultureInfo parameter, that parameter overrides the API's default behavior.
  • System.String members where the first parameter is of type char (for example, String.IndexOf(Char)) use ordinal searching, unless the caller passes an explicit StringComparison argument that specifies CurrentCulture[IgnoreCase] or InvariantCulture[IgnoreCase].

For a more detailed analysis of the default behavior of each String API, see the Default search and comparison types section.

Ordinal vs. linguistic search and comparison

Ordinal (also known as non-linguistic) search and comparison decomposes a string into its individual char elements and performs a char-by-char search or comparison. For example, the strings "dog" and "dog" compare as equal under an Ordinal comparer, since the two strings consist of the exact same sequence of chars. However, "dog" and "Dog" compare as not equal under an Ordinal comparer, because they don't consist of the exact same sequence of chars. That is, uppercase 'D''s code point U+0044 occurs before lowercase 'd''s code point U+0064, resulting in "Dog" sorting before "dog".

An OrdinalIgnoreCase comparer still operates on a char-by-char basis, but it eliminates case differences while performing the operation. Under an OrdinalIgnoreCase comparer, the char pairs 'd' and 'D' compare as equal, as do the char pairs 'á' and 'Á'. But the unaccented char 'a' compares as not equal to the accented char 'á'.

Some examples of this are provided in the following table:

String 1 String 2 Ordinal comparison OrdinalIgnoreCase comparison
"dog" "dog" equal equal
"dog" "Dog" not equal equal
"resume" "résumé" not equal not equal

Unicode also allows strings to have several different in-memory representations. For example, an e-acute (é) can be represented in two possible ways:

  • A single literal 'é' character (also written as '\u00E9').
  • A literal unaccented 'e' character followed by a combining accent modifier character '\u0301'.

This means that the following four strings all display as "résumé", even though their constituent pieces are different. The strings use a combination of literal 'é' characters or literal unaccented 'e' characters plus the combining accent modifier '\u0301'.

  • "r\u00E9sum\u00E9"
  • "r\u00E9sume\u0301"
  • "re\u0301sum\u00E9"
  • "re\u0301sume\u0301"

Under an ordinal comparer, none of these strings compare as equal to each other. This is because they all contain different underlying char sequences, even though when they're rendered to the screen, they all look the same.

When performing a string.IndexOf(..., StringComparison.Ordinal) operation, the runtime looks for an exact substring match. The results are as follows.

Console.WriteLine("resume".IndexOf("e", StringComparison.Ordinal)); // prints '1'
Console.WriteLine("r\u00E9sum\u00E9".IndexOf("e", StringComparison.Ordinal)); // prints '-1'
Console.WriteLine("r\u00E9sume\u0301".IndexOf("e", StringComparison.Ordinal)); // prints '5'
Console.WriteLine("re\u0301sum\u00E9".IndexOf("e", StringComparison.Ordinal)); // prints '1'
Console.WriteLine("re\u0301sume\u0301".IndexOf("e", StringComparison.Ordinal)); // prints '1'
Console.WriteLine("resume".IndexOf("E", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); // prints '1'
Console.WriteLine("r\u00E9sum\u00E9".IndexOf("E", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); // prints '-1'
Console.WriteLine("r\u00E9sume\u0301".IndexOf("E", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); // prints '5'
Console.WriteLine("re\u0301sum\u00E9".IndexOf("E", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); // prints '1'
Console.WriteLine("re\u0301sume\u0301".IndexOf("E", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); // prints '1'

Ordinal search and comparison routines are never affected by the current thread's culture setting.

Linguistic search and comparison routines decompose a string into collation elements and perform searches or comparisons on these elements. There's not necessarily a 1:1 mapping between a string's characters and its constituent collation elements. For example, a string of length 2 may consist of only a single collation element. When two strings are compared in a linguistic-aware fashion, the comparer checks whether the two strings' collation elements have the same semantic meaning, even if the string's literal characters are different.

Consider again the string "résumé" and its four different representations. The following table shows each representation broken down into its collation elements.

String As collation elements
"r\u00E9sum\u00E9" "r" + "\u00E9" + "s" + "u" + "m" + "\u00E9"
"r\u00E9sume\u0301" "r" + "\u00E9" + "s" + "u" + "m" + "e\u0301"
"re\u0301sum\u00E9" "r" + "e\u0301" + "s" + "u" + "m" + "\u00E9"
"re\u0301sume\u0301" "r" + "e\u0301" + "s" + "u" + "m" + "e\u0301"

A collation element corresponds loosely to what readers would think of as a single character or cluster of characters. It's conceptually similar to a grapheme cluster but encompasses a somewhat larger umbrella.

Under a linguistic comparer, exact matches aren't necessary. Collation elements are instead compared based on their semantic meaning. For example, a linguistic comparer treats the substrings "\u00E9" and "e\u0301" as equal since they both semantically mean "a lowercase e with an acute accent modifier." This allows the IndexOf method to match the substring "e\u0301" within a larger string that contains the semantically equivalent substring "\u00E9", as shown in the following code sample.

Console.WriteLine("r\u00E9sum\u00E9".IndexOf("e")); // prints '-1' (not found)
Console.WriteLine("r\u00E9sum\u00E9".IndexOf("\u00E9")); // prints '1'
Console.WriteLine("\u00E9".IndexOf("e\u0301")); // prints '0'

As a consequence of this, two strings of different lengths may compare as equal if a linguistic comparison is used. Callers should take care not to special-case logic that deals with string length in such scenarios.

Culture-aware search and comparison routines are a special form of linguistic search and comparison routines. Under a culture-aware comparer, the concept of a collation element is extended to include information specific to the specified culture.

For example, in the Hungarian alphabet, when the two characters <dz> appear back-to-back, they are considered their own unique letter distinct from either <d> or <z>. This means that when <dz> is seen in a string, a Hungarian culture-aware comparer treats it as a single collation element.

String As collation elements Remarks
"endz" "e" + "n" + "d" + "z" (using a standard linguistic comparer)
"endz" "e" + "n" + "dz" (using a Hungarian culture-aware comparer)

When using a Hungarian culture-aware comparer, this means that the string "endz" does not end with the substring "z", as <dz> and <z> are considered collation elements with different semantic meaning.

// Set thread culture to Hungarian
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("hu-HU");
Console.WriteLine("endz".EndsWith("z")); // Prints 'False'

// Set thread culture to invariant culture
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
Console.WriteLine("endz".EndsWith("z")); // Prints 'True'


  • Behavior: Linguistic and culture-aware comparers can undergo behavioral adjustments from time to time. Both ICU and the older Windows NLS facility are updated to account for how world languages change. For more information, see the blog post Locale (culture) data churn. The Ordinal comparer's behavior will never change since it performs exact bitwise searching and comparison. However, the OrdinalIgnoreCase comparer's behavior may change as Unicode grows to encompass more character sets and corrects omissions in existing casing data.
  • Usage: The comparers StringComparison.InvariantCulture and StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase are linguistic comparers that are not culture-aware. That is, these comparers understand concepts such as the accented character é having multiple possible underlying representations, and that all such representations should be treated equal. But non-culture-aware linguistic comparers won't contain special handling for <dz> as distinct from <d> or <z>, as shown above. They also won't special-case characters like the German Eszett (ß).

.NET also offers the invariant globalization mode. This opt-in mode disables code paths that deal with linguistic search and comparison routines. In this mode, all operations use Ordinal or OrdinalIgnoreCase behaviors, regardless of what CultureInfo or StringComparison argument the caller provides. For more information, see Runtime configuration options for globalization and .NET Core Globalization Invariant Mode.

For more information, see Best practices for comparing strings in .NET.

Security implications

If your app uses an affected API for filtering, we recommend enabling the CA1307 and CA1309 code analysis rules to help locate places where a linguistic search may have inadvertently been used instead of an ordinal search. Code patterns like the following may be susceptible to security exploits.

public bool ContainsHtmlSensitiveCharacters(string input)
    if (input.IndexOf("<") >= 0) { return true; }
    if (input.IndexOf("&") >= 0) { return true; }
    return false;

Because the string.IndexOf(string) method uses a linguistic search by default, it's possible for a string to contain a literal '<' or '&' character and for the string.IndexOf(string) routine to return -1, indicating that the search substring was not found. Code analysis rules CA1307 and CA1309 flag such call sites and alert the developer that there's a potential problem.

Default search and comparison types

The following table lists the default search and comparison types for various string and string-like APIs. If the caller provides an explicit CultureInfo or StringComparison parameter, that parameter will be honored over any default.

API Default behavior Remarks
string.Compare CurrentCulture
string.CompareTo CurrentCulture
string.Contains Ordinal
string.EndsWith Ordinal (when the first parameter is a char)
string.EndsWith CurrentCulture (when the first parameter is a string)
string.Equals Ordinal
string.GetHashCode Ordinal
string.IndexOf Ordinal (when the first parameter is a char)
string.IndexOf CurrentCulture (when the first parameter is a string)
string.IndexOfAny Ordinal
string.LastIndexOf Ordinal (when the first parameter is a char)
string.LastIndexOf CurrentCulture (when the first parameter is a string)
string.LastIndexOfAny Ordinal
string.Replace Ordinal
string.Split Ordinal
string.StartsWith Ordinal (when the first parameter is a char)
string.StartsWith CurrentCulture (when the first parameter is a string)
string.ToLower CurrentCulture
string.ToLowerInvariant InvariantCulture
string.ToUpper CurrentCulture
string.ToUpperInvariant InvariantCulture
string.Trim Ordinal
string.TrimEnd Ordinal
string.TrimStart Ordinal
string == string Ordinal
string != string Ordinal

Unlike string APIs, all MemoryExtensions APIs perform Ordinal searches and comparisons by default, with the following exceptions.

API Default behavior Remarks
MemoryExtensions.ToLower CurrentCulture (when passed a null CultureInfo argument)
MemoryExtensions.ToLowerInvariant InvariantCulture
MemoryExtensions.ToUpper CurrentCulture (when passed a null CultureInfo argument)
MemoryExtensions.ToUpperInvariant InvariantCulture

A consequence is that when converting code from consuming string to consuming ReadOnlySpan<char>, behavioral changes may be introduced inadvertently. An example of this follows.

string str = GetString();
if (str.StartsWith("Hello")) { /* do something */ } // this is a CULTURE-AWARE (linguistic) comparison

ReadOnlySpan<char> span = s.AsSpan();
if (span.StartsWith("Hello")) { /* do something */ } // this is an ORDINAL (non-linguistic) comparison

The recommended way to address this is to pass an explicit StringComparison parameter to these APIs. The code analysis rules CA1307 and CA1309 can assist with this.

string str = GetString();
if (str.StartsWith("Hello", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { /* do something */ } // ordinal comparison

ReadOnlySpan<char> span = s.AsSpan();
if (span.StartsWith("Hello", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { /* do something */ } // ordinal comparison

See also