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Modules (Visual Basic)

Visual Basic provides several modules that enable you to simplify common tasks in your code, including manipulating strings, performing mathematical calculations, getting system information, performing file and directory operations, and so on. The following table lists the modules provided by Visual Basic.

Module Description
Constants Contains miscellaneous constants. These constants can be used anywhere in your code.
ControlChars Contains constant control characters for printing and displaying text.
Conversion Contains members that convert decimal numbers to other bases, numbers to strings, strings to numbers, and one data type to another.
DateAndTime Contains members that get the current date or time, perform date calculations, return a date or time, set the date or time, or time the duration of a process.
ErrObject Contains information about run-time errors and methods to raise or clear an error.
FileSystem Contains members that perform file, directory or folder, and system operations.
Financial Contains procedures that are used to perform financial calculations.
Globals Contains information about the current scripting engine version.
Information Contains the members that return, test for, or verify information such as array size, type names, and so on.
Interaction Contains members interact with objects, applications, and systems.
Strings Contains members that perform string operations such as reformatting strings, searching a string, getting the length of a string, and so on.
VBMath Contains members perform mathematical operations.

See also