03-17 23 - 03-21 23
Prisijunkite prie meetup serijos, kad sukurtumėte keičiamo dydžio DI sprendimus, pagrįstus realaus pasaulio naudojimo atvejais, su kolegomis kūrėjais ir ekspertais.
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Atnaujinkite į „Microsoft Edge“, kad pasinaudotumėte naujausiomis funkcijomis, saugos naujinimais ir techniniu palaikymu.
Walkthroughs give step-by-step instructions for common scenarios, which makes them a good place to start learning about the product or a particular feature area.
Writing an Async Program
Shows how to create an asynchronous solution by using Async and Await.
Declaring and Raising Events
Illustrates how events are declared and raised in Visual Basic.
Handling Events
Shows how to handle events using either the standard WithEvents
keyword or the new AddHandler
Creating and Implementing Interfaces
Shows how interfaces are declared and implemented in Visual Basic.
Defining Classes
Describes how to declare a class and its fields, properties, methods, and events.
Writing Queries in Visual Basic
Demonstrates how you can use Visual Basic language features to write Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) query expressions.
Implementing IEnumerable(Of T) in Visual Basic
Demonstrates how to create a class that implements the IEnumerable(Of String)
interface and a class that implements the IEnumerator(Of String)
interface to read a text file one line at a time.
Calling Windows APIs
Explains how to use Declare
statements and call Windows APIs. Includes information about using attributes to control marshalling for the API call and how to expose an API call as a method of a class.
Creating COM Objects with Visual Basic
Demonstrates how to create COM objects in Visual Basic, both with and without the COM class template.
Implementing Inheritance with COM Objects
Demonstrates how to use Visual Basic 6.0 to create a COM object containing a class, and then use it as a base class in Visual Basic.
Determining Where My.Application.Log Writes Information
Describes the default My.Application.Log
settings and how to determine the settings for your application.
Changing Where My.Application.Log Writes Information
Shows how to override the default My.Application.Log
and My.Log
settings for logging event information and cause the Log
object to write to other log listeners.
Filtering My.Application.Log Output
Demonstrates how to change the default log filtering for the My.Application.Log
Creating Custom Log Listeners
Demonstrates how to create a custom log listener and configure it to listen to the output of the My.Application.Log
Embedding Types from Managed Assemblies
Describes how to create an assembly and a client program that embeds types from it.
Validating That Passwords Are Complex (Visual Basic)
Demonstrates how to check for strong-password characteristics and update a string parameter with information about which checks a password fails.
Encrypting and Decrypting Strings in Visual Basic
Shows how to use the DESCryptoServiceProvider class to encrypt and decrypt strings.
Manipulating Files and Folders in Visual Basic
Demonstrates how to use Visual Basic functions to determine information about a file, search for a string in a file, and write to a file.
Manipulating Files Using .NET Framework Methods
Demonstrates how to use .NET Framework methods to determine information about a file, search for a string in a file, and write to a file.
Walkthrough: Test-First Support with the Generate From Usage Feature
Demonstrates how to do test-first development, in which you first write unit tests and then write the source code to make the tests succeed.
.NET atsiliepimas
.NET yra atvirojo kodo projektas. Pasirinkite saitą, kad pateiktumėte atsiliepimą:
03-17 23 - 03-21 23
Prisijunkite prie meetup serijos, kad sukurtumėte keičiamo dydžio DI sprendimus, pagrįstus realaus pasaulio naudojimo atvejais, su kolegomis kūrėjais ir ekspertais.
Registruotis dabarMokymas
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Visual Basic docs - get started, tutorials, reference.
Learn Visual Basic programming in .NET - for beginning developers, developers new to Visual Basic, and experienced Visual Basic developers
Programming concepts - Visual Basic
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Visual Basic language strategy - Visual Basic
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