Data schemas for loss prevention
This article outlines the data schemas used to generate models and determine risk assessments.
Follow these requirements:
- The files are in CSV UTF-8 (comma, semi-colon, or tab-delimited) format (*.csv or *.tsv).
- The maximum file size is 10 gigabytes (GB).
- The following characters are escaped in all columns: commas/semi-colons, new line characters, and multiline characters.
- 'datetime' columns are in ISO 8601 format. For example, in C# DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o") would have the format "2019-03-14T20:18:11.254Z".
- 'double' (decimal) column precision is two decimal places.
Field name | Data type | Description |
DEFINITIONGROUP | string | Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
EXECUTIONID | string | Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
ISSELECTED | int | Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
TRANSFERSTATUS | int | This field is used to track the status of transfers between warehouses. |
BATCHID | int | The identifier for the batch or shift. |
TERMINAL | string | The identifier for the POS. |
AMOUNTPOSTEDTOACCOUNT | double | The amount that is posted to the account for general ledger (GL) posting. |
CHANNELREFERENCEID | string | An identifier that indicates the channel that is used for purchases in omni-channel scenarios for e-commerce merchants. |
COSTAMOUNT | double | The cost for items. |
CREATEDOFFLINE | int | This field indicates if the transaction was created offline without database connectivity. |
CURRENCY | string | The currency code (for example, USD). |
CUSTOMERACCOUNT | string | The account number. |
CUSTOMERDISCOUNTAMOUNT | double | The discount that is mapped to the customer and automatically applied for that customer. |
DISCOUNTAMOUNT | double | The discount amount, if any discounts are applied. |
DELIVERYMODE | string | The mode of delivery, if the transaction isn't a cash-and-carry transaction. |
TRANSACTIONSTATUS | int | Fields that are added to the synchronization engine (DIXF) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
EXCHANGERATE | double | The exchange rate, if a non-store currency was used for payment. |
GROSSAMOUNT | double | The total amount that is due before discounts are applied. |
INCOMEEXPENSEAMOUNT | double | This field indicates the adjustment amount to reflect drawer-related expenses if any. |
INFOCODEDISCOUNTGROUP | string | This is the information code associated with the discount applied. |
WAREHOUSE | string | The warehouse that is associated with a store. |
SITEID | string | This field is typically used for retail stores. It's used to organize the stores by region (for example, Northwest US stores). |
INVOICEID | string | This field is related to payments on customer accounts. It indicates the invoice that the customer is making a payment against. |
ITEMSPOSTED | int | The count of items that are part of the shipment that is posted. |
LOYALTYCARDID | string | The locality card number associated with the customer. |
NETAMOUNT | double | The price before discounts are applied. |
PAYMENTAMOUNT | double | The payment amount. |
POSTASSHIPMENT | int | This field indicates whether or not an item has an associated shipment. |
RECEIPTID | string | The receipt number. This number differs from the transaction number. |
REFUNDRECEIPTID | string | If the transaction is a refund, the receipt ID for the original transaction. |
SALEISRETURNSALE | int | A value that indicates whether the sale is a return. |
SALESINVOICEAMOUNT | double | The amount of the sales invoice if the customer is picking up just a few items from an order. |
SALESORDERAMOUNT | double | The total amount for customer orders. (These orders differ from cash-and-carry transactions, because they have shipping details.) |
SALESORDERID | string | The order number, for orders that have shipping details. |
SALESPAYMENTDIFFERENCE | double | The difference amount after the customer makes a payment. |
SHIFT | string | The shift. A shift is a set of transactions during the day that cash and sales activity is calculated for. Shifts are useful for determining how much cash should be in the terminal. |
SHIPPINGDATEREQUESTED | datetime | The date when goods on the customer order should be shipped. |
STAFF | string | The ID of the point of sale (POS) user. |
TOACCOUNT | int | The amount that is being charged to the customer's account. |
TOTALDISCOUNTAMOUNT | double | The amount of the discount that is applied to the transaction total. |
TOTALMANUALDISCOUNTAMOUNT | double | This field indicates the total discount amount that is manually applied, not automatically calculated. |
TOTALMANUALDISCOUNTPERCENTAGE | double | The percentage of the manually applied total discount. |
TRANSACTIONNUMBER | string | The transaction identifier. |
TRANSACTIONDATE | datetime | The date. |
TRANSACTIONTIME | int | The time of the transaction. |
TRANSACTIONTYPE | int | A value that indicates whether the transaction is a cash-and-carry transaction or an order. |
LOGISTICSLOCATIONID | string | This field identifies the location to which the shipment is getting delivered to. |
LOGISTICSPOSTALCITY | string | The city where the item is delivered to. |
LOGISTICSPOSTALCOUNTY | string | The county where the item is delivered to. |
LOGISTICSPOSTALSTATE | string | The state where the item is delivered to. |
LOGISTICSPOSTALSTREET | string | The street where the item is delivered to. |
LOGISTICSPOSTALZIPCODE | string | The zip code where the item is delivered to. |
LOGISTICSPOSTALADDRESSVALIDFROM | datetime | Delivery address effectivity, based on the date when the address is valid for the delivery of items. |
LOGISTICPOSTALADDRESSVALIDTO | datetime | Delivery address effectivity, based on the date when the address is no longer valid for the delivery of items. |
OPERATINGUNITNUMBER | string | The business unit that the store is mapped to. |
COMMENT | string | A transaction-level comment. |
TAXCALCULATIONTYPE | int | A value that indicates whether tax is based on the store, customer, or destination. |
DISCOUNTAMOUNTWITHOUTTAX | double | The discount amount, excluding tax. |
NETPRICE | double | The number of lines on the transaction. |
RETAILNCREXPORTED | int | At the beginning of the roll-out, this field was used as a flag to push transactions to an NCR BOS system. |
PARTITION | string | The identifier of a data partition in Dynamics 365 Commerce that is specific to Dynamics 365. |
DATAAREAID | string | The identifier of the legal entity in Dynamics 365 Commerce. |
SYNCSTARTDATETIME | datetime | Fields that are added to the synchronization engine (DIXF) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
DEFINITIONGROUP | string | Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
EXECUTIONID | string | Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
ISSELECTED | int | Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
TRANSFERSTATUS | int | This field is used to track the status of transfers between warehouses. |
SALESTAXGROUP | string | The effective sales tax group for the transaction. |
ITEMSALESTAXGROUP | string | The effective sales tax group for the item. |
TERMINAL | string | The identifier for the POS. |
TRANSACTIONNUMBER | string | The transaction number |
BARCODE | string | The bar code that was scanned. |
COSTAMOUNT | double | The product cost. |
CURRENCY | string | The currency that is used for the sale (for example, USD). |
CUSTOMERACCOUNT | string | The customer account number. |
CUSTOMERDISCOUNT | double | The customer discount. |
CUSTOMERINVOICEDISCOUNTAMOUNT | double | The discount that is associated at the invoice level during fulfillment. |
CASHDISCOUNTAMOUNT | double | The amount of the cash discount, if a cash discount is applied. |
PRICEGROUPS | string | The price group that products and customers belong to. |
OFFERNUMBER | string | The unique identifier for the offer number. |
DISCOUNTAMOUNTFORPRINTING | double | The discount amount that is printed on the receipt. |
MODEOFDELIVERY | string | The method of delivery for the customer. |
ELECTRONICDELIVERYEMAIL | string | The email address. |
RETAILEMAILADDRESSCONTENT | string | The email address for the receipt. |
GIFTCARD | int | The gift card number. |
REASONCODEDISCOUNT | double | If a discount was applied, reason codes can be configured to prompt the cashier to select a reason. |
WAREHOUSE | string | Reference data for the store. This field indicates the physical location of the goods. |
SERIALNUMBER | string | The serial number for the product. |
SITEID | string | The category that the store belongs to (for example, PACNW). |
INVENTORYSTATUS | int | The status of the inventory levels. |
LOTID | string | This field isn't required. |
ITEMID | string | The product ID. |
PRODUCTSCANNED | int | This field indicates if the bar code in the product was scanned as part of the transaction. |
ITEMRELATION | string | A grouping of related items in a specific product group. |
KEYBOARDPRODUCTENTRY | int | This field indicates if the product ID was entered by the cashier manually on the keyboard at the POS. |
LINEDISCOUNT | double | The discount amount that is applied for the line item. |
LINEMANUALDISCOUNTAMOUNT | double | If the discount was manually entered, the discount amount. |
LINEMANUALDISCOUNTPERCENTAGE | double | If a manual percentage discount was applied, the discount percentage. |
LINENUMBER | double | The line number on the transaction. |
ISLINEDISCOUNTED | int | A value that indicates whether the transaction line is discounted. |
ISLINKEDPRODUCTNOTORIGINAL | int | This field indicates if there were any linked item within the same product group that were changed. |
CHANNELLISTINGID | string | This field applies only to e-commerce. It isn't required for retail stores. |
NETAMOUNT | double | The net amount for the transaction. |
NETAMOUNTINCLUSIVETAX | double | The net amount, including tax. |
NETPRICE | double | The net price for the line before discounts are applied. |
ISORIGINALOFLINKEDPRODUCTLIST | int | The default linked products. |
ORIGINALPRICE | double | The product price when sale pricing isn't applied. |
ORIGINALSALESTAXGROUP | string | The original sales tax group for the transaction. |
ORIGINALITEMSALESTAXGROUP | string | If tax is overridden, this field tracks the original tax amount. |
PERIODICDISCOUNTAMOUNT | double | The discount amount for the periodic discount. |
PERIODICDISCOUNTGROUP | string | The periodic discount group. |
PERIODICDISCOUNTPERCENTAGE | double | The periodic discount percentage. |
PRICE | double | The price of the item. |
ISPRICECHANGE | int | This field indicates if there were any prices changes made manually to the list of products in the transaction. |
PRICEINBARCODE | int | This field indicates if a price-embedded bar code was scanned for a specific product within the transaction. |
QUANTITY | double | The quantity. |
REQUESTEDRECEIPTDATE | datetime | For customer orders, the date when the customer has requested arrival/pickup. |
RECEIPTNUMBER | string | The receipt number. |
RETURNLINENUMBER | double | The line number from the original transaction when the return is done from the journal. |
ISRETURNNOSALE | int | A value that indicates whether this transaction is a return or void. |
RETURNQUANTITY | double | The quantity that is being returned. |
RETURNTERMINAL | string | The terminal where the return transaction is being processed. |
RETURNTRANSACTIONNUMBER | string | Original transaction number when the return is done from the receipt or journal. |
RFIDTAGID | string | The identifier for radio frequency identification (RFID). |
ISSCALEPRODUCT | int | A value that indicates whether the connected scale is used to get the quantity. |
SECTIONNUMBER | string | The physical location of the product in the store. This field isn't used. |
SHELFNUMBER | string | The shelf number where the product is kept. |
REQUESTEDSHIPDATE | datetime | The requested shipping date for the order. |
STANDARDNETPRICE | double | The price, excluding discounts and trade agreements. |
SALESTAXAMOUNT | double | The amount of sales tax that is applied to the transaction. |
TOTALDISCOUNT | double | The amount of the discount that is applied to the order total. |
TOTALDISCOUNTINFOCODELINENUM | double | If the user is prompted for an info code when a total discount is applied, the reason code is saved in this field. |
TOTALDISCOUNTPERCENTAGE | double | The discount percentage that is applied to the transaction total, if a total discount by percentage is used. |
TRANSACTIONCODE | int | An indicator of the transaction type. |
TRANSACTIONSTATUS | int | A value of Posted indicates that the statement has been completed (that is, amounts have reached the GL in the back office). |
UNIT | string | The unit of measure for the item. Examples include gallons and ounces (oz.). |
UNITPRICE | double | The price per unit. |
UNITQUANTITY | double | The quantity of units that was sold. |
VARIANTNUMBER | string | The ID for the unit combination of color, size, and style. |
ISWEIGHTPRODUCT | int | A value that indicates whether the connected scale is used to get the quantity. |
ISWEIGHTMANUALLYENTERED | int | If a scale isn't connected, the cashier can manually enter the weight. |
CATEGORYNAME | string | The name of the product category. |
CATEGORYHIERARCHYNAME | string | The category hierarchy that is used to organize products. |
LOGISTICSPOSTALADDRESSVALIDFROM | datetime | The effective date of the address ID. |
LOGISTICLOCATIONID | string | The address ID in the global address book. |
OPERATINGUNITNUMBER | string | The part of the reference data that comprises a store. |
RETURNOPERATINGUNITNUMBER | string | The store where the return is being processed. |
ITEMCOLOR | string | The color. |
ITEMSIZE | string | The size. |
ITEMSTYLE | string | The style. Like color and size, style is a product dimension. |
ITEMCONFIGID | string | The configuration ID for kits. |
SKIPREPORTS | int | If this field is set, the record is skipped in reports. |
LINEPERCENTAGEDISCOUNT | double | The amount of the automatic percentage discount. |
DISCOUNTAMOUNTWITHOUTTAX | double | The discount amount, excluding tax. |
PARTITION | string | The identifier of a data partition in Dynamics 365 Commerce that is specific to Dynamics 365. |
DATAAREAID | string | The company identifier (for example, MSFT). |
SYNCSTARTDATETIME | datetime | Fields that are added to the synchronization engine (DIXF) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
DEFINITIONGROUP | string | Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
EXECUTIONID | string | Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
ISSELECTED | int | Fields that are added by the synchronization engine (DIFX) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
TRANSFERSTATUS | int | This field is used to track the status of transfers between warehouses. |
AMOUNTINTENDEREDCURRENCY | double | The amount that was tendered in local currency as it applies to the country/region where the store is located. |
AMOUNTINACCOUNTINGCURRENCY | double | The amount that is due for the line. |
AMOUNTTENDERED | double | The amount in the store currency. |
MERCHANTPAYMENTINSTRUMENTTYPEID | string | The name of the payment instrument (for example, AMEX or VISA). |
ISCHANGELINE | int | This field indicates if payment amount that is due back to the customer. |
CREDITVOUCHERID | string | If a voucher is used for payment, the voucher number. |
CURRENCYCODE | string | The currency that was paid. |
EXCHANGERATEINTENDEREDCURRENCY | double | The exchange rate in relation to USD. |
EXCHANGERATEINACCOUNTINGCURRENCY | double | The exchange rate in relation to US dollars (USD). |
GIFTCARDID | string | The gift card number. |
ISPREPAYMENT | int | A value that indicates whether the payment is a deposit. |
LINENUMBER | double | The payment line number. |
LOYALTYCARDID | string | If loyalty points are used for payment, the card number that was provided. |
QUANTITY | double | The number of units that were sold. |
RECEIPTID | string | The receipt ID. This ID differs from the transaction ID. |
TENDERTYPE | string | The type of tender that was paid. |
TERMINAL | string | The identifier of the register or Point of Sale (POS). |
TRANSACTIONNUMBER | string | The transaction number. |
TRANSACTIONSTATUS | int | The status of the payment line. |
OPERATINGUNITNUMBER | string | The operating unit that is unique to the store. |
MERCHANTPAYMENTINSTRUMENTID | string | The identifier of the payment instrument. This information is provided by the merchant. |
ACCOUNTNUMBER | string | The customer account number, if a named customer appears on the transaction. |
VOIDSTATUS | int | A value that indicates whether a tender line was voided before the transaction was tendered. |
AMOUNTTENDEREDADJUSTMENT | double | A new feature in the product allows for changes to the transactions and provides a full audit trail. |
STAFF | string | The user ID. |
PARTITION | string | The identifier of a data partition in Dynamics 365 Commerce that is specific to Dynamics 365. |
DATAAREAID | string | The company identifier (for example, MSFT). |
SYNCSTARTDATETIME | datetime | Fields that are added to the synchronization engine (DIXF) in Dynamics 365 Commerce. They define the export sequence. |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
PAYMENTMETHODNUMBER | string | The identifier for the payment method. |
DEFAULTFUNCTION | string | A description of the type of payment method, such as Cash, Check, Credit Memo/Voucher, or Currency. |
NAME | string | The descriptive name for the payment method. |