Bendrinti naudojant

Send emails quickly without building a journey


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Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 1, 2023 - Apr 1, 2023

Business value

Send emails, such as newsletters, without creating a journey. This workflow allows you to select from a new template library, make changes easily with simplifications to the email editor, and send emails to the segment members you need to reach within minutes.

Feature details

This workflow is optimized for any role or skill level, allowing senders to use Dynamics 365 Marketing to send emails that take advantage of email templates, personalization, email analytics, and connected CRM.

  • Choose from email templates to craft your email quickly.
  • Pick from an existing segment, preview the segment, and then send.

Send now email visual

Saved segments

Final send email visual

See also

Send emails without building a journey (docs)