
Bendrinti naudojant

Query tags

Query tags help correlate LINQ queries in code with generated SQL queries captured in logs. You annotate a LINQ query using the new TagWith() method:


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var myLocation = new Point(1, 2);
var nearestPeople = (from f in context.People.TagWith("This is my spatial query!")
                     orderby f.Location.Distance(myLocation) descending
                     select f).Take(5).ToList();

This LINQ query is translated to the following SQL statement:

-- This is my spatial query!

SELECT TOP(@__p_1) [p].[Id], [p].[Location]
FROM [People] AS [p]
ORDER BY [p].[Location].STDistance(@__myLocation_0) DESC

It's possible to call TagWith() many times on the same query. Query tags are cumulative. For example, given the following methods:

private static IQueryable<Person> GetNearestPeople(SpatialContext context, Point myLocation)
    => from f in context.People.TagWith("GetNearestPeople")
       orderby f.Location.Distance(myLocation) descending
       select f;

private static IQueryable<T> Limit<T>(IQueryable<T> source, int limit) => source.TagWith("Limit").Take(limit);

The following query:

var results = Limit(GetNearestPeople(context, new Point(1, 2)), 25).ToList();

Translates to:

-- GetNearestPeople

-- Limit

SELECT TOP(@__p_1) [p].[Id], [p].[Location]
FROM [People] AS [p]
ORDER BY [p].[Location].STDistance(@__myLocation_0) DESC

It's also possible to use multi-line strings as query tags. For example:

            var results = Limit(GetNearestPeople(context, new Point(1, 2)), 25).TagWith(
                @"This is a multi-line

Produces the following SQL:

-- GetNearestPeople

-- Limit

-- This is a multi-line
-- string

SELECT TOP(@__p_1) [p].[Id], [p].[Location]
FROM [People] AS [p]
ORDER BY [p].[Location].STDistance(@__myLocation_0) DESC

Known limitations

Query tags aren't parameterizable: EF Core always treats query tags in the LINQ query as string literals that are included in the generated SQL. Compiled queries that take query tags as parameters aren't allowed.