03-31 23 - 04-02 23
Didžiausias "Fabric", Power BI ir SQL mokymosi įvykis. Kovo 31 d. – balandžio 2 d. Naudokite kodą FABINSIDER, kad įrašytumėte $400.
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Atnaujinkite į „Microsoft Edge“, kad pasinaudotumėte naujausiomis funkcijomis, saugos naujinimais ir techniniu palaikymu.
The command logs table contains the list of commands run on an Eventhouse KQL database, which is part of Real-Time Intelligence. For each command, a log event record is stored in the EventhouseCommandLogs table.
Use the command logs to:
The following table describes the columns stored in the EventhouseCommandLogs table:
Column Name | Type | Description |
CacheColdHitsBytes | long | The amount of cold storage data that was available for the command in cold cache due to data prefetching. |
CacheColdMissesBytes | long | The amount of cold storage data that wasn't available for the command in cold cache. |
CacheHotHitsBytes | long | The amount of data that was available for the command in the hot cache. The amount of data stored in hot cache is defined by the database or table caching policy. |
CacheHotMissesBytes | long | The amount of data that wasn't available for the command in hot cache. |
CapacityId | string | The Fabric capacity identifier. |
CommandText | string | The text of the command. |
ComponentFault | string | In the event of a command error, the component where the fault occurred. Valid values: Server or Client . |
CorrelationId | string | The correlation identifier of the command. |
CpuTimeMs | long | Total CPU in millisecond (ms) used by the command. |
CustomerTenantId | string | The customer tenant identifier. |
DatabaseId | string | The database unique identifier. |
DatabaseName | string | The name of the database. |
DurationMs | long | The duration of the command (ms). |
EventhouseCommandType | string | The type of command that was run. |
ExtentsMaxScannedTime | datetime | The maximum data scan time. |
ExtentsMinScannedTime | datetime | The minimum data scan time. |
FailureReason | string | The reason the command failed. |
Identity | dynamic | The identity of the user or application that ran the command. |
ItemId | string | The identifier of the Fabric Eventhouse item. |
ItemKind | string | The type of Fabric item. Valid values: Eventhouse . |
ItemName | string | The name of the Fabric Eventhouse item. |
Level | string | Not applicable. |
MemoryPeakBytes | long | The peak memory consumption of the command. |
OperationEndTime | datetime | The time (UTC) the operation ended. |
OperationId | string | The unique command log identifier. |
OperationName | string | The name of the operation performed. |
OperationStartTime | datetime | The time (UTC) the operation started. |
Region | string | The region where the Fabric KQL database is located. |
ScannedExtentsCount | long | The number of extents scanned by the command. A high number might indicate the cause of a command latency issue. |
ScannedRowsCount | long | The number of rows scanned by the command. A high number might indicate the cause of a command latency issue. |
SourceApplication | string | The name of the source application that ran the command. |
Status | string | The completion status of the command. |
Timestamp | datetime | The time (UTC) the event was generated. |
TotalExtentsCount | long | The total number of extents in the result set. |
TotalRowsCount | long | The total number of rows in the result set. |
WorkspaceId | string | The identifier of the workspace. |
WorkspaceMonitoringTableName | string | The name of the workspace monitoring table. Valid values: EventhouseCommandyLogs . |
WorkspaceName | string | The name of the workspace. |
You can find sample queries in the fabric-samples GitHub repository.
03-31 23 - 04-02 23
Didžiausias "Fabric", Power BI ir SQL mokymosi įvykis. Kovo 31 d. – balandžio 2 d. Naudokite kodą FABINSIDER, kad įrašytumėte $400.
Registruokitės šiandien