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Azure Germany IoT services


Since August 2018, we have not been accepting new customers or deploying any new features and services into the original Microsoft Cloud Germany locations.

Based on the evolution in customers’ needs, we recently launched two new datacenter regions in Germany, offering customer data residency, full connectivity to Microsoft’s global cloud network, as well as market competitive pricing.

Additionally, on Sept 30th, 2020, we announced that the Microsoft Cloud Germany would be closing on October 29th, 2021. More details are available here:

Take advantage of the breadth of functionality, enterprise-grade security, and comprehensive features available in our new German datacenter regions by migrating today.

IoT solution accelerators

All the required services for Azure IoT Suite are available in Azure Germany.


The home page for Azure IoT Suite in Azure Germany is different from the page in global Azure.

Solution accelerators

You might want to start with one of the following solution accelerators.

Remote Monitoring

The Remote Monitoring solution accelerator is an implementation of an end-to-end monitoring solution for multiple machines running in remote locations. The solution combines key Azure services to provide a generic implementation of the business scenario. You can use the solution as a starting point for your own implementation and customize it to meet your specific business requirements.

Predictive Maintenance

The Predictive Maintenance solution accelerator is an end-to-end solution for a business scenario that predicts the point at which a failure is likely to occur. You can use this solution proactively for activities such as optimizing maintenance. The solution combines key Azure IoT Suite services, such as Azure IoT Hub, Stream Analytics, and a Machine Learning workspace. This workspace contains a model, based on a public sample data set, to predict the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of an aircraft engine. The solution fully implements the IoT business scenario as a starting point for you to plan and implement a solution that meets your specific business requirements.

Deploying the solution accelerator

Both solutions can be deployed in two ways, via website or via PowerShell.

Deploy via website

Follow the instructions in the tutorial for the preconfigured solutions by using the home page mentioned earlier.

Deploy via PowerShell

There's a full version (using Azure Resource Manager templates and Visual Studio) for the remote monitoring solution. Download from the Azure-IoT-Remote-Monitoring repository on GitHub. The PowerShell deployment is ready for other environments like Azure Germany. Provide the Environment parameter "AzureGermanCloud," so it looks similar to this:

build.cmd cloud debug AzureGermanCloud

Bing Maps is currently not available in Azure Germany and therefore cannot be subscribed to automatically. You can solve this problem by subscribing to the service in global Azure and using the service there.


When you use Bing Maps the way it's described here, you leave the Azure Germany environment.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Create a Bing Maps API in the global Azure portal by clicking + New, searching for Bing Maps API for Enterprise, and following the prompts.
  2. Get your Bing Maps API for Enterprise key from the global Azure portal:
    1. Browse to the resource group where your Bing Maps API for Enterprise is in the global Azure portal.
    2. Click All Settings > Key Management.
    3. You see two keys: MasterKey and QueryKey. Copy the value for QueryKey.
  3. Pull down the latest code from the Azure-IoT-Remote-Monitoring repository on GitHub.
  4. Run a cloud deployment in your environment by following the command-line deployment guidance in the /docs/ repository folder.
  5. After you've run the deployment, look in your root folder for the .user.config file created during deployment. Open this file in a text editor.
  6. Change the following line to include the value that you copied for QueryKey: <setting name="MapApiQueryKey" value="" />
  7. Redeploy the solution by repeating step 4.

Next steps

For supplemental information and updates, subscribe to the Azure Germany blog.