Bendrinti naudojant

Picker control in Xamarin.iOS

A UIPickerView makes it possible to pick a value from a list by scrolling individual components of a wheel-like interface.

Pickers are frequently used to select a date and time; Apple provides the UIDatePicker class for this purpose.

The article describes how to implement and use the UIPickerView and UIDatePicker controls.


Implementing a picker

Implement a picker by instantiating a new UIPickerView:

UIPickerView pickerView = new UIPickerView(
    new CGRect(
        UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.X - UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width,
        UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height - 230,

Pickers and storyboards

To create a picker in the iOS Designer, drag a Picker View from the Toolbox to the design surface.

Drag a Picker View to the design surface

Working with a picker control

A picker uses a model to interact with data:

public override void ViewDidLoad()
    var pickerModel = new PeopleModel(personLabel);
    personPicker.Model = pickerModel;

The UIPickerViewModel base class implements two interfaces, IUIPickerDataSource and IUIPickerViewDelegate, which declare various methods that specify a picker's data and how it handles interaction:

public class PeopleModel : UIPickerViewModel
    public string[] names = new string[] {
            "Amy Burns",
            "Kevin Mullins",
            "Craig Dunn",
            "Joel Martinez",
            "Charles Petzold",
            "David Britch",
            "Mark McLemore",
            "Tom Opegenorth",
            "Joseph Hill",
            "Miguel De Icaza"

    private UILabel personLabel;

    public PeopleModel(UILabel personLabel)
        this.personLabel = personLabel;

    public override nint GetComponentCount(UIPickerView pickerView)
        return 2;

    public override nint GetRowsInComponent(UIPickerView pickerView, nint component)
        return names.Length;

    public override string GetTitle(UIPickerView pickerView, nint row, nint component)
        if (component == 0)
            return names[row];
            return row.ToString();

    public override void Selected(UIPickerView pickerView, nint row, nint component)
        personLabel.Text = $"This person is: {names[pickerView.SelectedRowInComponent(0)]},\n they are number {pickerView.SelectedRowInComponent(1)}";

    public override nfloat GetComponentWidth(UIPickerView picker, nint component)
        if (component == 0)
            return 240f;
            return 40f;

    public override nfloat GetRowHeight(UIPickerView picker, nint component)
        return 40f;

A picker can have multiple columns, or components. Components partition a picker into multiple sections, allowing for easier and more specific data selection:

Picker with two components

To specify the number of components in a picker, use the GetComponentCount method.

Customizing a picker's appearance

To customize the appearance of a picker, use the UIPickerView.UIPickerViewAppearance class or override the GetView and GetRowHeight methods in the UIPickerViewModel.


Implementing a date picker

Implement a date picker by instantiating a UIDatePicker:

UIPickerView pickerView = new UIPickerView(
    new CGRect(
        UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.X - UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width,
        UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height - 230,

Date pickers and storyboards

To create a date picker in the iOS Designer, drag a Date Picker from the Toolbox to the design surface.

Drag a Date Picker to the design surface

Date picker properties

Minimum and maximum date

MinimumDate and MaximumDate limit the range of dates available in the date picker. For example, the following code constrains a date picker to the sixty years leading up to the present moment:

var calendar = new NSCalendar(NSCalendarType.Gregorian);
var currentDate = NSDate.Now;
var components = new NSDateComponents();
components.Year = -60;
NSDate minDate = calendar.DateByAddingComponents(components, currentDate, NSCalendarOptions.None);
datePickerView.MinimumDate = minDate;
datePickerView.MaximumDate = currentDate;


It's possible to explicitly cast a DateTime to an NSDate:

DatePicker.MinimumDate = (NSDate)DateTime.Today.AddDays (-7);
DatePicker.MaximumDate = (NSDate)DateTime.Today.AddDays (7);

Minute interval

The MinuteInterval property sets the interval at which the picker will display minutes:

datePickerView.MinuteInterval = 10;


Date pickers support four modes, described below:


UIDatePickerMode.Time displays the time with an hour and minute selector and an optional AM or PM designation:

datePickerView.Mode = UIDatePickerMode.Time;



UIDatePickerMode.Date displays the date with a month, day, and year selector:

datePickerView.Mode = UIDatePickerMode.Date;


The order of the selectors depends on the date picker's locale, which by default uses the system locale. The image above shows the layout of the selectors in the en_US locale, but the following changes the order to Day | Month | Year:

datePickerView.Locale = NSLocale.FromLocaleIdentifier("en_GB");

Day | Month | Year


UIDatePickerMode.DateAndTime displays a shortened view of the date, the time in hours and minutes, and an optional AM or PM designation (depending on whether a 12 or 24 hour clock is used):

datePickerView.Mode = UIDatePickerMode.DateAndTime;


As with UIDatePickerMode.Date, the order of the selectors and the use of a 12 or 24 hour clock depends on the locale of the date picker.


Use the Date property to capture the value of a date picker in mode UIDatePickerMode.Time, UIDatePickerMode.Date, or UIDatePickerMode.DateAndTime. This value is stored as an NSDate.


UIDatePickerMode.CountDownTimer displays hour and minute values:

datePickerView.Mode = UIDatePickerMode.CountDownTimer;


The CountDownDuration property captures the value of a date picker in UIDatePickerMode.CountDownTimer mode. For example, to add the countdown value to the current date:

var currentTime = NSDate.Now;
var countDownTimerTime = datePickerView.CountDownDuration;
var finishCountdown = currentTime.AddSeconds(countDownTimerTime);

dateLabel.Text = "Alarm set for:" + coundownTimeformat.ToString(finishCountdown);


To format an NSDate, use an NSDateFormatter.

To use an NSDateFormatter, call its ToString method. For example:

var date = NSDate.Now;
var formatter = new NSDateFormatter();
formatter.DateStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Full;
formatter.TimeStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Full;
var formattedDate = formatter.ToString(d);
// Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at 11:20:42 PM Mountain Daylight Time

The DateFormat property (a string) of an NSDateFormatter allows for a customizable date format specification:

NSDateFormatter dateFormat = new NSDateFormatter();
dateFormat.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";

The TimeStyle property (an NSDateFormatterStyle of an NSDateFormatter specifies time formatting based on predetermined styles:

NSDateFormatter timeFormat = new NSDateFormatter();
timeFormat.TimeStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Short;

Various NSDateFormatterStyle values display times as follows:

  • NSDateFormatterStyle.Full: 7:46:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
  • NSDateFormatterStyle.Long: 7:47:00 PM EDT
  • NSDateFormatterStyle.Medium: 7:47:00 PM
  • NSDateFormatterSytle.Short: 7:47 PM

The DateStyle property (an NSDateFormatterStyle) of an NSDateFormatter specifies date formatting based on predetermined styles:

NSDateFormatter dateTimeformat = new NSDateFormatter();
dateTimeformat.DateStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.Long;

Various NSDateFormatterStyle values display dates as follows:

  • NSDateFormatterStyle.Full: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at 7:48 PM
  • NSDateFormatterStyle.Long: August 2, 2017 at 7:49 PM
  • NSDateFormatterStyle.Medium: Aug 2, 2017, 7:49 PM
  • NSDateFormatterStyle.Short: 8/2/17, 7:50 PM


DateFormat and DateStyle/TimeStyle provide different ways of specifying date and time formatting. The most recently set properties determine the date formatter's output.