
Bendrinti naudojant

Use sqlcmd

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW)

sqlcmd is a command-line utility for ad hoc, interactive execution of Transact-SQL (T-SQL) statements and scripts and for automating T-SQL scripting tasks. To use sqlcmd interactively, or to build script files for sqlcmd, you should understand T-SQL. You can use sqlcmd in various ways. For example:

  • Enter T-SQL statements from the command prompt. The console returns the results. To open a Command Prompt window, enter cmd in the Windows search box and select Command Prompt to open. At the command prompt, type sqlcmd followed by a list of options that you want. For a complete list of the options that are supported by sqlcmd, see sqlcmd utility.

  • Submit a sqlcmd job either by specifying a single T-SQL statement to execute, or by pointing the utility to a text file that contains T-SQL statements to execute. The output is directed to a text file, but can also be displayed at the command prompt.

  • SQLCMD mode in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Query Editor.

  • SQL Server Management Objects (SMO).

  • SQL Server Agent CmdExec jobs.

Common sqlcmd options

  • Server option (-S) identifies the instance of SQL Server to which sqlcmd connects.

  • Authentication options (-E, -U, and -P) specify the credentials that sqlcmd uses to connect to the instance of SQL Server.


    The option -E is the default and does not need to be specified.

  • Input options (-Q, -q, and -i) identify the location of the input to sqlcmd.

  • The output option (-o) specifies the file in which sqlcmd is to put its output.

Connect to the sqlcmd utility

  • Connect to a default instance by using Windows Authentication to interactively run T-SQL statements:

    sqlcmd -S <ComputerName>


    In the previous example, -E is not specified because it is the default and sqlcmd connects to the default instance by using Windows Authentication.

  • Connect to a named instance by using Windows Authentication to interactively run T-SQL statements:

    sqlcmd -S <ComputerName>\<InstanceName>


    sqlcmd -S .\<InstanceName>
  • Connect to a named instance by using Windows Authentication and specifying input and output files:

    sqlcmd -S <ComputerName>\<InstanceName> -i <MyScript.sql> -o <MyOutput.rpt>
  • Connect to the default instance on the local computer with Windows Authentication, execute a query, and keep sqlcmd running after the query finishes:

    sqlcmd -q "SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks2022.Person.Person"
  • Connect to the default instance on the local computer with Windows Authentication, execute a query, direct the output to a file, and exit sqlcmd after the query finishes:

    sqlcmd -Q "SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks2022.Person.Person" -o MyOutput.txt
  • Connect to a named instance using SQL Server Authentication to interactively run T-SQL statements, with sqlcmd prompting for a password:

    sqlcmd -U MyLogin -S <ComputerName>\<InstanceName>


    To see a list of the options that are supported by the sqlcmd utility run: sqlcmd -?.

Run Transact-SQL statements interactively by using sqlcmd

You can use the sqlcmd utility interactively to execute T-SQL statements in a Command Prompt window. To interactively execute T-SQL statements by using sqlcmd, run the utility without using the -Q, -q, -Z, or -i options to specify any input files or queries. For example:

sqlcmd -S <ComputerName>\<InstanceName>

When the command is executed without input files or queries, sqlcmd connects to the specified instance of SQL Server, and then displays a new line with a 1> followed by a blinking underscore that is named the sqlcmd prompt. The 1 signifies that this is the first line of a T-SQL statement, and the sqlcmd prompt is the point at which the T-SQL statement starts when you type it in.

At the sqlcmd prompt, you can type both T-SQL statements and sqlcmd commands, such as GO and EXIT. Each T-SQL statement is put in a buffer called the statement cache. These statements are sent to SQL Server after you type the GO command and press Enter. To exit sqlcmd, type EXIT or QUIT at the start of a new line.

To clear the statement cache, type :RESET. Typing Ctrl+C causes sqlcmd to exit. Ctrl+C can also be used to stop the execution of the statement cache after a GO command has been issued.

T-SQL statements that are entered in an interactive session can be edited by entering the :ED command and the sqlcmd prompt. The editor will open and, after editing the T-SQL statement and closing the editor, the revised T-SQL statement will appear in the command window. Enter GO to run the revised T-SQL statement.

Quoted strings

Characters that are enclosed in quotation marks are used without any additional preprocessing, except that quotations marks can be inserted into a string by entering two consecutive quotation marks. SQL Server treats this character sequence as one quotation mark. (However, the translation occurs in the server.) Scripting variables aren't expanded when they appear within a string.

For example:

PRINT "Length: 5"" 7'";

Here's the result set.

Length: 5" 7'

Strings that span multiple lines

sqlcmd supports strings that span multiple lines. For example, the following SELECT statement spans multiple lines but executes as a single string after you type GO and then press Enter.

SELECT <First line>
FROM <Second line>
WHERE <Third line>;

Interactive sqlcmd example

This is an example of what you see when you run sqlcmd interactively.

When you open a Command Prompt window, there's one line similar to:


This means the folder C:\Temp\ is the current folder, and if you specify a file name, Windows looks for the file in that folder.

Type sqlcmd to connect to the default instance of SQL Server on the local computer, and the contents of the Command Prompt window are as follows:


This means you've connected to the instance of SQL Server and sqlcmd is now ready to accept T-SQL statements and sqlcmd commands. The flashing underscore after the 1> is the sqlcmd prompt that marks the location at which the statements and commands you type are displayed. Now, type USE AdventureWorks2022 and press Enter, and then type GO and press Enter. The contents of the Command Prompt window are as follows:

USE AdventureWorks2022;

Here's the result set.

Changed database context to 'AdventureWorks2022'.

When you press Enter, it signals sqlcmd to start a new line. Pressing Enter after you type GO, signals sqlcmd to send the USE AdventureWorks2022 statement to the instance of SQL Server. sqlcmd then returns a message to indicate that the USE statement completed successfully, and displays a new 1> prompt as a signal to enter a new statement or command.

The following example shows what the Command Prompt window contains if you type a SELECT statement, a GO to execute the SELECT, and an EXIT to exit sqlcmd:

USE AdventureWorks2022;
SELECT TOP (3) BusinessEntityID, FirstName, LastName
FROM Person.Person;

Here's the result set.

BusinessEntityID  FirstName  LastName
----------------- ---------- ------------
1                 Syed       Abbas
2                 Catherine  Abel
3                 Kim        Abercrombie

After you generate output, sqlcmd resets the sqlcmd prompt and displays 1>. Type EXIT at the 1> prompt, to exit the session. You can now close the Command Prompt window by typing another EXIT command.

Create and query a SQL Server container

You can use sqlcmd (Go) to create a new instance of SQL Server in a container. sqlcmd (Go) exposes a create statement that allows you to specify a container image and SQL Server backup, to quickly create a SQL Server instance for development, debugging, and analysis purposes.


You need a container runtime installed, such as Docker, or Podman.

The following command shows how to see all available options to create a new SQL Server container:

sqlcmd create mssql --help

The following command creates a new SQL Server instance using the latest version of SQL Server 2022 (16.x), then restores the Wide World Importers sample database:

sqlcmd create mssql --accept-eula --tag 2022-latest --using

Once the SQL Server instance is created, you can use sqlcmd (Go) to manage and query it.

The following command confirms the version of the instance that was created:

sqlcmd query "SELECT @@version"

The following command starts an interactive session with the instance that was created:

sqlcmd query

The following command opens Azure Data Studio, and connects automatically to the database that was restored during the create process:

sqlcmd open ads

The following command lists connection strings to be used to connect to the instance that was created:

sqlcmd config connection-strings

The following command is used to remove the container when it is no longer needed:

sqlcmd delete

Run Transact-SQL script files using sqlcmd

You can use sqlcmd to execute database script files. Script files are text files that contain a mix of T-SQL statements, sqlcmd commands, and scripting variables. For more information about how to script variables, see Use sqlcmd with Scripting Variables. sqlcmd works with the statements, commands, and scripting variables in a script file in a manner similar to how it works with statements and commands that are entered interactively. The main difference is that sqlcmd reads through the input file without pause instead of waiting for a user to enter the statements, commands, and scripting variables.

There are different ways to create database script files:

  • You can interactively build and debug a set of T-SQL statements in SQL Server Management Studio, and then save the contents of the Query window as a script file.

  • You can create a text file that contains T-SQL statements by using a text editor, such as Notepad.


A. Run a script by using sqlcmd

Start Notepad, and type the following T-SQL statements:

USE AdventureWorks2022;
SELECT TOP (3) BusinessEntityID, FirstName, LastName
FROM Person.Person;

Create a folder named MyFolder and then save the script as the file MyScript.sql in the folder C:\MyFolder. Enter the following command at the command prompt to run the script and put the output in MyOutput.txt in MyFolder:

sqlcmd -i C:\MyFolder\MyScript.sql -o C:\MyFolder\MyOutput.txt

Here's the result set.

Changed database context to 'AdventureWorks2022'.
BusinessEntityID  FirstName  LastName
----------------- ---------- ------------
1                 Syed       Abbas
2                 Catherine  Abel
3                 Kim        Abercrombie
(3 rows affected)

B. Use sqlcmd with a dedicated administrative connection

In the following example, sqlcmd is used to connect to a server that has a blocking problem by using the dedicated administrator connection (DAC).

C:\Temp\>sqlcmd -S ServerName -A
1> SELECT session_id, blocking_session_id FROM `sys.dm_exec_requests` WHERE blocking_session_id <> 0;
2> GO

Here's the result set.

session_id   blocking_session_id
-----------  --------------------`
62           64
(1 rows affected)

Use sqlcmd to end the blocking process.

1> KILL 64;
2> GO

C. Use sqlcmd to execute a stored procedure

The following example shows how to execute a stored procedure by using sqlcmd. Create the following stored procedure.

USE AdventureWorks2022;

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ContactEmailAddress', 'P') IS NOT NULL
    DROP PROCEDURE dbo.ContactEmailAddress;

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ContactEmailAddress (
    @FirstName NVARCHAR(50),
    @LastName NVARCHAR(50)

SELECT EmailAddress
FROM Person.Person
WHERE FirstName = @FirstName
    AND LastName = @LastName;


At the sqlcmd prompt, enter the following:

1> :Setvar FirstName Gustavo
1> :Setvar LastName Achong
1> EXEC dbo.ContactEmailAddress $(FirstName),$(LastName)
2> GO

D. Use sqlcmd for database maintenance

The following example shows how to use sqlcmd for a database maintenance task. Create C:\Temp\BackupTemplate.sql with the following code.

USE master;
BACKUP DATABASE [$(db)] TO DISK='$(bakfile)';

At the sqlcmd prompt, enter the following code:

1> :connect <server>
Sqlcmd: Successfully connected to server <server>.
1> :setvar db msdb
1> :setvar bakfile C:\Temp\msdb.bak
1> :r C:\Temp\BackupTemplate.sql
2> GO
Changed database context to 'master'.
Processed 688 pages for database 'msdb', file 'MSDBData' on file 2.
Processed 5 pages for database 'msdb', file 'MSDBLog' on file 2.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 693 pages in 0.725 seconds (7.830 MB/sec)

E. Use sqlcmd to execute code on multiple instances

The following code in a file shows a script that connects to two instances. Notice the GO before the connection to the second instance.

:CONNECT <server>\,<instance1>
EXEC dbo.SomeProcedure
:CONNECT <server>\,<instance2>
EXEC dbo.SomeProcedure

E. Return XML output

The following example shows how XML output is returned unformatted, in a continuous stream.

C:\Temp\>sqlcmd -d AdventureWorks2022
1> :XML ON
1> SELECT TOP 3 FirstName + ' ' + LastName + ', '
2> FROM Person.Person
3> GO
Syed Abbas, Catherine Abel, Kim Abercrombie,

F. Use sqlcmd in a Windows script file

A sqlcmd command such as sqlcmd -i C:\Temp\InputFile.txt -o C:\Temp\OutputFile.txt, can be executed in a .bat file together with VBScript. In this case, don't use interactive options. sqlcmd must be installed on the computer that is executing the .bat file.

First, create the following four files in C:\Temp:

  • C:\Temp\badscript.sql

    SELECT batch_1_this_is_an_error
    SELECT 'batch #2'
  • C:\Temp\goodscript.sql

    SELECT 'batch #1';
    SELECT 'batch #2';
  • C:\Temp\returnvalue.sql

    :exit(select 100)
  • C:\Temp\windowsscript.bat

    @echo off
    echo Running badscript.sql
    sqlcmd -i badscript.sql -b -o out.log
    if not errorlevel 1 goto next1
    echo == An error occurred
    echo Running goodscript.sql
    sqlcmd -i goodscript.sql -b -o out.log
    if not errorlevel 1 goto next2
    echo == An error occurred
    echo Running returnvalue.sql
    sqlcmd -i returnvalue.sql -o out.log
    echo SQLCMD returned %errorlevel% to the command shell

Then, at the command prompt, run C:\Temp\windowsscript.bat:

Running badscript.sql
== An error occurred
Running goodscript.sql
Running returnvalue.sql

SQLCMD returned 100 to the command shell

G. Use sqlcmd to set encryption on Azure SQL Database

sqlcmd can be executed on a connection to SQL Database data on to specify encryption and certificate trust. Two sqlcmd options are available:

  • The -N switch is used by the client to request an encrypted connection. This option is equivalent to the option ENCRYPT = true.

  • The -C switch is used by the client to configure it to implicitly the trust server certificate and not validate it. This option is equivalent to the option TRUSTSERVERCERTIFICATE = true.

The SQL Database service doesn't support all the SET options available on a SQL Server instance. The following options throw an error when the corresponding SET option is set to ON or OFF:


The following SET options don't throw exceptions but can't be used. They're deprecated:



The following examples refer to cases where SQL Server Native Client Provider settings include:

  • ForceProtocolEncryption = False
  • Trust Server Certificate = No

Connect using Windows credentials and encrypt communication:

sqlcmd -E -N

Connect using Windows credentials and trust server certificate:

sqlcmd -E -C

Connect using Windows credentials, encrypt communication and trust server certificate:

sqlcmd -E -N -C

The following examples refer to cases where SQL Server Native Client Provider settings include:

  • ForceProtocolEncryption = True
  • TrustServerCertificate = Yes

Connect using Windows credentials, encrypt communication and trust server certificate:

sqlcmd -E

Connect using Windows credentials, encrypt communication and trust server certificate:

sqlcmd -E -N

Connect using Windows credentials, encrypt communication and trust server certificate:

sqlcmd -E -C

Connect using Windows credentials, encrypt communication and trust server certificate:

sqlcmd -E -N -C

If the provider specifies ForceProtocolEncryption = True, then encryption is enabled even if Encrypt=No in the connection string.