Kopīgot, izmantojot

Monitoring Azure Sphere data reference

The metrics and logs created by Azure Sphere are listed in the following sections.


Metric Exportable via Diagnostic settings Metric display name Unit Aggregation type Description Dimensions
DeviceRequestsCount Yes Device Requests Count Count Count of all the requests sent by an Azure Sphere device. DeviceId, OperationName, ResultType
DeviceEventsCount Yes Device Events Count Count Count of all the events generated by an Azure Sphere device. DeviceId, EventCategory, EventClass, EventType

Resource logs

Audit logs

Field name Data type Description
Time DateTime The date and time that this event occurred, in UTC.
ResourceId String The Azure Resource Manager Resource ID for the Azure Sphere catalog where the event took place.
Category String The type of log/event being emitted.
Location String The region where the event took place.
OperationName String The type of action being performed during the event. For example, CatalogUpdate, ProductDelete.
ResultType String The outcome of the event - Success or Failure.
ResultDescription String A more detailed description of the log or event.
Identity Dynamic Identity of the user or application responsible for the log or event.
Property Dynamic Additional properties related to the log or event.
CorrelationId Guid A unique id for the event.
DurationMs Int Duration of the event in milliseconds.
        "time": "2023-02-16T23:57:03.3108100Z",
        "category": "AuditLogs",
        "location": "eastus2",
        "operationName": "ProductCreate",
        "resultType": "Success",
        "resultDescription": "ProductCreate succeeded",
        "identity": "{\"Other\":[{\"Identity\":\"user@contoso.com\",\"Description\":\"ArmUserPrincipalName\"}]}",
        "properties": {
            "ResourceId": "/subscriptions/0c9fbd24-f20b-4437-804b-bd7e0531e78f/resourceGroups/test-rg-001/providers/microsoft.azuresphere/catalogs/CAT001",
            "TargetResources": {
                "CatalogName": [
                        "Name": "CAT001"
                "ProductName": [
                        "Name": "TestProduct001"
            "Identity": {
                "Other": [
                        "Identity": "user@contoso.com",
                        "Description": "ArmUserPrincipalName"
        "correlationId": "b1a285ca17dda3abeacbd313111af19e",
        "durationMs": "100"

Device events

Field name Data type Description
Time DateTime The date and time that this event occurred, in UTC.
ResourceId String The Azure Resource Manager Resource ID for the resource where the event took place.
Category String The type of log/event being emitted.
Location String The region where the event was processed.
OperationName String The type of the device event. For example, DeviceUpdateEvent, DeviceCertificateEvent.
ResultType String The outcome of the event - Success or Failure.
ResultDescription String A more detailed description of the device event.
Property Dynamic Additional properties related to the device event.
CorrelationId Guid A unique id to track the device event.
DurationMs Int Duration of the event in milliseconds.
        "time": "2023-01-30T21:00:00.3984000Z",
        "category": "DeviceEvents",
        "location": "westeurope",
        "operationName": "DeviceTelemetryEvent",
        "properties": {
            "CatalogId": "33333333-0000-3333-1111-333333333333",
            "DeviceId": "448EB27EDE8A7543A467B641D1A44A59BKC08RRR2B8F9B49B080EAB797DA3D875007EB942307B947951A70947F0E3EEEEEC466CF1280884EB7B124A0654E188D",
            "deviceTelemetryStartTimestampValue": "2020-01-17T16:33:45.0000000Z",
            "deviceTelemetryEndTimestampValue": "2020-01-18T16:33:45.0000000Z",
            "DeviceTelemetryEventType": "Unplanned",
            "DeviceTelemetryEventCount": "3",
            "DeviceTelemetryEventClass": "Application",
            "DeviceTelemetryEventCategory": "AppCrash",
            "DeviceTelemetryEventDescription": "AppCrash(pc=C5300000; lr=C5200CC; sp=81234567; signo=11; errno=12; code=13; component_id=cccccccc-dddd-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc; pc_modulename+offset=libc.so.real+80000; lr_modulename+offset=app+100CC;)",
            "chipSku": "MT3620AN"
        "resultType": "Failure",
        "resultDescription": "AppCrash(pc=C5300000; lr=C5200CC; sp=81234567; signo=11; errno=12; code=13; component_id=cccccccc-cccc-cccc-eeee-cccccccccccc; pc_modulename+offset=libc.so.real+80000; lr_modulename+offset=app+100CC;)",
        "correlationId": "9b97d73184716e4880280afa12821983",
        "durationMs": "180"