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Applibs networking.h

Header: #include <applibs/networking.h>

The Applibs networking header contains functions and types that interact with the networking subsystem to query the network state, and to get and set the network service configuration.

Concepts and samples


Function Description
Networking_DhcpServer_Start Registers, configures, and starts the DHCP server for a network interface.
Networking_DhcpServerConfig_Destroy Destroys a Networking_DhcpServerConfig struct.
Networking_DhcpServerConfig_Init Initializes a Networking_DhcpServerConfig struct with the default DHCP Server configuration.
Networking_DhcpServerConfig_SetLease Applies lease information to a Networking_DhcpServerConfig struct.
Networking_DhcpServerConfig_SetNtpServerAddresses Applies a set of NTP server IP addresses to a Networking_DhcpServerConfig struct.
Networking_GetHardwareAddress Retrieves the hardware address of the given network interface.
Networking_GetInterfaceConnectionStatus Gets the network connection status for a network interface.
Networking_GetInterfaceCount Gets the number of network interfaces in an Azure Sphere device.
Networking_GetInterfaces Gets the list of network interfaces in an Azure Sphere device.
Networking_IpConfig_Apply Applies an IP configuration to a network interface.
Networking_IpConfig_Destroy Destroys a Networking_IpConfig struct.
Networking_IpConfig_EnableAutomaticDns Automatically obtain DNS server addresses for a Networking_IpConfig struct.
Networking_IpConfig_EnableCustomDns Uses custom DNS server addresses for a Networking_IpConfig struct.
Networking_IpConfig_EnableDynamicIp Enables dynamic IP and disables static IP for a Networking_IpConfig struct.
Networking_IpConfig_EnableStaticIp Enables static IP and disables dynamic IP for a Networking_IpConfig struct.
Networking_IpConfig_Init Initializes a Networking_IpConfig struct with the default IP configuration.
Networking_IpConfig_ReleaseIp Releases the device dynamic IP address.
Networking_IpConfig_RenewIp Renews the device dynamic IP address lease.
Networking_IsNetworkingReady Verifies whether internet connectivity is available and time is synced.
Networking_Proxy_Create Creates a Networking_ProxyConfig struct with the default proxy configuration.
Networking_Proxy_Destroy Destroys a Networking_ProxyConfig struct previously created by Networking_Proxy_Create
Networking_Proxy_Apply Applies a proxy configuration to the device.
Networking_Proxy_Get Gets a proxy configuration from the device.
Networking_Proxy_SetProxyOptions Sets proxy options for a Networking_ProxyConfig struct.
Networking_Proxy_SetProxyAddress Sets the proxy address for a Networking_ProxyConfig struct.
Networking_Proxy_SetAnonymousAuthentication Sets the proxy authentication in Networking_ProxyConfig struct to anonymous.
Networking_Proxy_SetBasicAuthentication Sets the proxy authentication in Networking_ProxyConfig struct to basic.
Networking_Proxy_SetProxyNoProxyAddresses Sets the list of host addresses in a Networking_ProxyConfig struct for which proxy should not be used.
Networking_Proxy_GetProxyOptions Gets proxy options set on the proxy.
Networking_Proxy_GetProxyAddress Gets the network address used by the proxy.
Networking_Proxy_GetProxyPort Gets the network address and port used by the proxy.
Networking_Proxy_GetProxyType Gets the proxy type.
Networking_Proxy_GetProxyUsername Gets the username for proxy authentication.
Networking_Proxy_GetProxyPassword Gets the password for proxy authentication.
Networking_Proxy_GetAuthType Gets the proxy authentication type.
Networking_Proxy_GetNoProxyAddresses Gets the comma-separated list of hosts for which proxy should not be used.
Networking_Proxy_GetProxyStatus Gets the proxy status.
Networking_SetHardwareAddress Sets the hardware address for a network interface.
Networking_SetInterfaceState Enables or disables a network interface.
Networking_SntpServer_Start Registers and starts an SNTP server for a network interface.
Networking_SntpServerConfig_Destroy Destroys a Networking_SntpServerConfig struct.
Networking_SntpServerConfig_Init Initializes a Networking_SntpServerConfig struct with the default SNTP Server configuration.
Networking_TimeSync_GetEnabled Indicates whether the time-sync service is enabled.
Networking_TimeSync_SetEnabled Enables or disables the time-sync service.


Struct Description
Networking_DhcpServerConfiguration The DHCP server configuration for a network interface.
Networking_DhcpServerConfig An opaque buffer that represents the DHCP server configuration for a network interface.
Networking_NetworkInterface The properties of a network interface.
Networking_ProxyConfig A forward declaration representing an opaque buffer for the proxy configuration.
Networking_SntpServerConfig An opaque buffer that represents the SNTP server configuration for a network interface.
Networking_IpConfig An opaque buffer that represents the IP configuration for a network interface.
Networking_StaticIpConfiguration The static IP address configuration for a network interface.


Enum Description
Networking_InterfaceConnectionStatus The connection status of a network interface.
Networking_InterfaceMedium The valid network technologies used by the network interface.
Networking_IpType The IP configuration options for a network interface.
Networking_ProxyAuthType Proxy authentication method.
Networking_ProxyOptions A bitmap that specifies the proxy configuration status.
Networking_ProxyStatus A bit mask that specifies the proxy status options.
Networking_ProxyType The proxy type.


Typedef Description
Networking_InterfaceMedium_Type Specifies the type for Networking_InterfaceMedium enum values.
Networking_IpType_Type Specifies the type for Networking_IpType enum values.
Networking_ProxyAuthType Specifies the type for Networking_ProxyAuthType enum values.
Networking_ProxyOptions Specifies the type for Networking_ProxyOptions enum values.
Networking_ProxyStatus Specifies the type for Networking_ProxyStatus enum values.
Networking_ProxyType Specifies the type for Networking_ProxyType enum values.