Sign in to your Azure DevOps organization, and then navigate to your project.
Select Artifacts, and then select your feed from the dropdown menu.
Select Connect to feed, and then select NuGet.exe from the left navigation pane.
Add a nuget.config file to your project, in the same folder as your .csproj or .sln file. Paste the provided XML snippet into your file. The snippet should look like the following:
nuget push MyPackage.5.0.2.nupkg -src -ApiKey AZ
The api-key is required, but you can provide any string as its value when publishing to an Azure Artifacts feed.
Publish packages to a feed in another organization
To publish your NuGet packages to a feed in a different Azure DevOps organization, you must first create a personal access token (PAT) in the target organization.
Navigate to the organization hosting the target feed and create a personal access token (PAT) with Packaging > Read & write scope.
Run the following command to add your package source to your nuget.config file. This will add your PAT to your nuget.config file. Store this file in a safe location, and make sure that you don't check it into source control.
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