Manage columns in a work item list in Azure Boards
Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019
Visual Studio 2019 | Visual Studio 2022
Each column corresponds to a work item field. You can add and remove columns within work item lists to show the fields of interest to you. Or, you can drag a column to a new position. Your settings persist for each page you customize and are only valid for your views.
Specifically, you can do the following actions from the following list views:
Unlike a query result, you can't sort a backlog by a column. However, you can use the Create Query link on each backlog to create a query that you can sort on any field column you choose from the Sorting tab of the Column options dialog. While you may be able to add a field to sort on, not all fields are supported. For example, selection of the Parent, History, Description, or other rich-text field results in the display of an error message as you can't sort on these fields.
You can add most fields listed in the Work item field index. All fields defined within the project collection or organization are available for selection, even those fields that aren't used for your particular project. You can view the list of fields defined for your collection from Organization Settings>Process>Fields
You can add most fields listed in the Work item field index. All fields defined within the project collection or organization are available for selection, even those fields that aren't used for your particular project. If your project uses the Inherited process model, you can view the list of fields defined for your collection from Organization Settings>Process>Fields
About persistence of column options
Once you set the column options for a specific view, your settings persist until you change them. The following notes apply to specific views.
Column options you set for a backlog apply only to the active team and backlog. Options you set for the product backlog differ from the options you set for a portfolio backlog.
Column options you set for a Sprint backlog persist for all sprints you select until you change them.
Column options you set for a query persist when you save the query.
Column options you set for one of the supported Work items views persists for a specific view only, such as Assigned to me, Following, Mentioned, and so on.
You can't set column options for other members of your team, nor can you set default column options.
You can't set column options for other members of your team. Also, for projects that use the Inheritance process model, you can't set default column options. For projects that use the On-premises XML process model, you can set the default column options for product, portfolio, and sprint backlogs. For more informaion, see Process configuration XML element reference.
- Member of the Contributors or Project Administrators security group. - To view or modify work items: View work items in this node and Edit work items in this node permissions set to Allow. By default, the Contributors group has this permission set to Allow. For more information, see Set work tracking permissions.
Access levels
To add or modify work items: At least Basic access. Users with Stakeholder access for public projects have full access to backlog and board features, like users with Basic access. For more information, see Stakeholder access quick reference.
- Member of the Contributors or Project Administrators security group. - To view or modify work items: View work items in this node and Edit work items in this node permissions set to Allow. By default, the Contributors group has this permission set to Allow. For more information, see Set work tracking permissions.
Access levels
To add or modify work items: At least Basic access.
In the Column options dialog, choose Add a column to add a field that isn't shown. To change the order of the fields, drag-and-drop the field where you want it within the set of selected fields. And, to remove a field, choose the .
We strongly recommend that everyone use the default view instead of this legacy view. It is designed for you to quickly access a list of work items based on your assignment, following, mentioned, or recent updates. The legacy view is no longer being enhanced and we expect to remove it in a future release of Visual Studio.
You can only change column options for queries in Visual Studio. To open, choose Column Options.
Add or remove fields to add or remove columns
In the Column Options dialog, to add a field, choose the field from Available columns and choose the > Add selected columns. To add multiple fields, use SHIFT+click to select the fields. Fields are added to the bottom of the Selected columns area.
To change the field order, choose the field and choose the up or down arrows.
Change the column's sort order
To change the fields use to sort the query results, choose the Sorting tab. Add or remove a column field same as before. Use the up and down arrows to specify the order of fields to use to sort. Choose the up or down arrows to choose whether it sorts in ascending or descending order. To reverse the sort order for a field, select it and then choose Sort ascending or Sort descending.
Add or remove rollup columns
Rollup columns can display progress bars or the sum of numeric fields of child items. You can add them to any product or portfolio backlog. For more information, see Display rollup progress or totals.
Sort on a column
You can sort query results and Work items views. From the Column options dialog, choose Sorting. Add or remove a column field and drag and drop it into the order you want. Choose the up or down arrows to choose whether it sorts in ascending or descending order.
Use keyboard shortcuts to change the column order, column width, or sort options
You can change the column order, column size, or sort options by using the following keyboard commands:
To change the column order, choose the field and drag it to a new location
To resize a column, choose the column divider to the right of the field and drag to a new location
For query results:
Add the field as a column to sort by that field
To sort by a column, hold down the SHIFT key and select on the field
To reverse the sort order, SHIFT+click on the field
To sort by multiple columns, SHIFT+click on each column in the order you want to sort
For other keyboard shortcuts, enter ? to display available shortcuts based on the page you're on.
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