Specify the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.
WebAppName - App Service name string. Required.
Specify the name of an existing Azure App Service.
DeployToSlotFlag - Deploy to slot boolean. Default value: false.
Use this option to deploy to an existing slot other than the Production slot.
ResourceGroupName - Resource group string. Required when DeployToSlotFlag = true.
Specify the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.
SlotName - Slot string. Required when DeployToSlotFlag = true.
Specify an existing slot other than the Production slot.
VirtualApplication - Virtual Application string.
Specify the name of the Virtual Application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.
Package - Package or Folder string. Required. Default value: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.zip.
The folder or file path to the App Service package or folder. Variables include Build and Release. Wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\*\*/\*.zip.
WebAppUri - App Service URL string.
Specify a name for the output variable that is generated for the URL of the App Service. The variable can be used in subsequent tasks.
UseWebDeploy - Publish using Web Deploy boolean. Default value: true.
Publish using web deploy options are supported only when using a Windows agent. On other platforms, the task relies on Kudu REST APIs to deploy the App Service, and the following options are not supported.
SetParametersFile - SetParameters File string. Optional. Use when UseWebDeploy == true.
Specify the location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.
RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag - Remove Additional Files at Destination boolean. Optional. Use when UseWebDeploy == true. Default value: false.
Use this option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag - Exclude Files from the App_Data Folder boolean. Optional. Use when UseWebDeploy == true. Default value: false.
Exclude files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to the Azure App Service.
AdditionalArguments - Additional Arguments string. Optional. Use when UseWebDeploy == true.
Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value.
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension-disableLink:ContentExtension.
TakeAppOfflineFlag - Take App Offline boolean. Default value: false.
Use this option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.
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