Specifies a list of comma-separated tags. These tags are used in build, push and buildAndPush commands.
arguments - Arguments string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout && command != buildAndPush.
Specifies additional arguments to pass to the Docker client. If using the value buildAndPush for the command parameter, the arguments property is ignored.
Example: Using the build command, --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet.
By default, pipeline data like source branch name, or build ID are added and help with traceability. For example, you can inspect an image to find out which pipeline built the image. You can opt out of this default behavior.
addBaseImageData - Add base image metadata to image(s) boolean. Default value: true.
By default, base image data like base image name, or digest are added and help with traceability. You can opt out of this default behavior.
container - Container string. Optional. Use when command = start || command = stop.
Specifies the name of the container resource to start or stop. Use this command with start and stop commands.
This task defines the following output variables, which you can consume in downstream steps, jobs, and stages.
Specifies the path to the files that contain the command output. You can list two file paths on separate lines for the buildAndPush command, and one file path for any other command.
The following are the key benefits of using the Docker task instead of directly using Docker client binary in a script.
Integration with Docker registry service connection - The task makes it easy to use a Docker registry service connection for connecting to any container registry. Once signed in, you can add follow up tasks that execute other tasks or scripts by leveraging the sign on used by the Docker task. For example, use the Docker task to sign in to any Azure Container Registry, and then use another task or script to build and push an image to the registry.
Metadata added as labels - The task adds traceability-related metadata to the image in the following labels -
Why does the Docker task ignore arguments passed to the buildAndPush command?
A Docker task configured using the buildAndPush command ignores the arguments passed because they become ambiguous to the internal build and push commands. You can split your command into separate build and push steps and pass the suitable arguments. For example, see this stackoverflow post.
DockerV2 only supports Docker registry service connection and not support ARM service connection. How can I use an existing Azure service principal (SPN) for authentication in Docker task?
You can create a Docker registry service connection using your Azure SPN credentials. Choose the others from Registry type and provide the details as follows:
Docker Registry: Your container registry URL (eg. https://myacr.azurecr.io)
Docker ID: Service principal client ID
Password: Service principal key
In the above snippet, the images contosoRepository:tag1 and contosoRepository:tag2 are built and pushed to the container registries corresponding to dockerRegistryServiceConnection1 and dockerRegistryServiceConnection2.
If you want to build and push to a specific authenticated container registry instead of building and pushing to all authenticated container registries at once, explicitly specify the containerRegistry input with command: buildAndPush as shown:
Use the buildAndPush command to build and push images to a container registry in a single command. See the example for building and pushing multiple tags of an image with authentication to DockerHub.
You can build and push without authentication. In the buildAndPush tasks, the images for tag1 and tag2 are built and pushed to the container registries corresponding to service connections set up in the previous two log on tasks.
Log out from your Docker registry service connection with the Docker task.
Use this task to control job and service containers. This usage is uncommon, but occasionally used in unique circumstances.
resources: containers: - container:builder image:ubuntu:18.04steps:- script:echo"I can run inside the container (it starts by default)" target: container:builder- task:Docker@2 inputs: command:stop container:builder# any task beyond this point would not be able to target the builder container# because it's been stopped
Other commands and arguments
The command and argument inputs are used to pass additional arguments for build or push commands using Docker client binary as shown in the example.
The arguments input is evaluated for all commands except buildAndPush. buildAndPush is a convenience command (build followed by push), arguments input is ignored when it is used.
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