Specifies the path to a custom user-provided template.
customTemplateParameters - Template parameters string. Optional. Use when templateType = custom. Default value: {}.
Specifies parameters which will be passed to Packer for building a custom template. This should map to the variables section in your custom template. For example, if the template has a variable named drop-location, then add a parameter here with the name drop-location and a value which you want to use. You can link the value to a release variable as well. To view/edit the additional parameters in a grid, click on … next to the text box.
ConnectedServiceName - Azure subscription string. Required when templateType = builtin.
Specifies the Azure Resource Manager subscription for baking and storing the machine image.
location - Storage location string. Required when templateType = builtin.
Specifies the location for storing the built machine image. This location will also be used to create a temporary VM for the purpose of building an image.
storageAccountName - Storage account string. Required when templateType = builtin.
Specifies the storage account for storing the built machine image. This storage account must be pre-existing in the location selected.
azureResourceGroup - Resource group string. Required when templateType = builtin.
Specifies the Azure Resource group that contains the selected storage account.
baseImageSource - Base image source string. Required when templateType = builtin. Allowed values: default (Gallery), customVhd (Custom). Default value: default.
Specifies the source of a base image. You can either choose from a curated gallery of OS images or provide a URL of your custom image.
Chooses from a curated list of OS images. This is used for installing pre-requisite(s) and application(s) before capturing a machine image.
customImageUrl - Base image URL string. Required when baseImageSource = customVhd && templateType = builtin.
Specifies the URL of a base image. This is used for installing pre-requisite(s) and application(s) before capturing a machine image.
customImageOSType - Base image OS string. Required when baseImageSource = customVhd && templateType = builtin. Allowed values: windows, linux. Default value: windows.
packagePath - Deployment Package string. Required when templateType = builtin.
Specifies the path for the deployment package directory relative to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Supports a minimatch pattern. Example path: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp.
deployScriptPath - Deployment script string. Required when templateType = builtin.
Specifies the relative path to a powershell script (for Windows) or a shell script (for Linux) which deploys the package. This script should be contained in the package path selected above. Supports a minimatch pattern. Example path: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1.
deployScriptArguments - Deployment script arguments string. Optional. Use when templateType = builtin.
Specifies the arguments to be passed to the deployment script.
additionalBuilderParameters - Additional Builder parameters string. Optional. Use when templateType = builtin. Default value: {}.
In an auto-generated Packer template mode, the task creates a Packer template with an Azure builder. This builder is used to generate a machine image. You can add keys to the Azure builder to customize the generated Packer template. For example, setting ssh_tty=true in case you are using a CentOS base image, and you need to have a tty to run sudo.
To view or edit the additional parameters in a grid, click on … next to text box.
skipTempFileCleanupDuringVMDeprovision - Skip temporary file cleanup during deprovision boolean. Optional. Use when templateType = builtin. Default value: true.
During the deprovisioning of a VM, skips the cleanup of temporary files uploaded to the VM. For more information, refer to Azure Virtual Machine Image Builders.
imageUri - Image URL string.
Specifies a name for the output variable which stores the generated machine image URL.
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